From: (stillpt-digest) To: Subject: stillpt-digest V5 #91 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk stillpt-digest Tuesday, May 20 2003 Volume 05 : Number 091 Today's Subjects: ----------------- Re: TV Guide: Whedon Says No Decision on Spike [Joseph Zitt ] Re: b/write your own ending [Robert Stacy ] Re: b/write your own ending [meredith ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 19 May 2003 14:57:00 -0700 From: Joseph Zitt Subject: Re: TV Guide: Whedon Says No Decision on Spike meredith wrote: > My guess is that Joss is lying not because of any holdout on Marsters' > part, but because they filmed multiple endings for the finale and he > doesn't want to give any hints whatsoever as to which one will be > aired. Marsters himself was apparently quite convincing when he told > Chicago con-goers last weekend that he has no idea which one is going > to be the one shown, so he doesn't know what's going on with _Angel_ > either. > > This makes it quite possible that in at least one of the endings, > Spike dies. If that's the one that gets shown, then obviously that > will give us our answer right there. Well, in the Buffyverse, a character's dying doesn't seem to have a predictable effect on whether he or she (or at least what appears to the character) will continue. Buffy's died twice, all the vamp characters have died at least once (and Darla got to make a post-staking comeback a few Angel episodes ago), and they do an incredible amount with dream sequences, flashbacks, apparitions, impersonations, and the like. I wonder if any character. or its impersonation, has appeared *more* often on the show post-mortem than when alive... ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 May 2003 15:08:23 -0700 From: Joseph Zitt Subject: Re: b/write your own ending Berni Phillips wrote: >So, how do you think the series should end? > Well, I suspect that the Hellmouth gets permanently shut down. And if they need to shut down such an interdimensional gateway, they have a Key that's known to be able to it.... if they can figure out how to do it, convince or force her to do so, and have her be lucky enough to drive back to Sunnyvale without crashing the car. >I was thinking about this. I've decided I don't like Kennedy -- she's just >too pushy and I don't think she'll be good for Willow in the long run. Kill >off Kennedy. > My hunch: for nonplotular(?) reasons, they're not going to kill off Kennedy -- I don't like her much either, but after the flap of killing Tara and the audience reaction, they'd have to be a bit nuts to dive right back in and kill Willow's *next* lover. >Kill off Faith, but have her be happy as she's dying for >having redeemed herself (let her make a really good kill as she dies). >David was saying he'd like to see Amanda as the next slayer. Thinking about >that, I like the idea. I like the character. She's so earnest and goofy >and willing to work hard. She'd be a fun occasional guest on Angel. > I like both of these. >I'd like to see the show end with the original cast surviving. I want to >see Buffy, Willow, and Xander walk away from the hellmouth and Sunnydale. I >want to see Giles walk away with Amanda as her watcher. Let the Scoobies >walk into the sunset and get a well-deserved rest. Let Amanda save the >world from now on. > Yeah, this seems good. We still have a bit of an issue hanging over what's been up with Giles.. His story of survivng the Bringer attack still doesn't quite wash, and his behaviour's been off-kilter since then. And the Crone Ex Machina dropped this bit last episode: "We forged it in secrecy, kept it hidden from the Shadow Men, who [...] became the Watchers. And the Watchers watched the Slayers. But we were watching them." It puts the Watchers in a somewhat creepier light than before. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 May 2003 19:31:54 -0400 From: Robert Stacy Subject: Re: b/write your own ending Ever since Emma Caulfield announced that this was her last season of Buffy, regardless of the ramifications of SMG's (then) forthcoming decision, I've had a strong feeling Anya isn't going to make it. After her conversation with Andrew last episode, I'm convinced she's going to go out saving/protecting him. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 19 May 2003 19:50:37 -0400 From: meredith Subject: Re: b/write your own ending Hi, Joe responded: >Well, I suspect that the Hellmouth gets permanently shut down. And if they >need to shut down such an interdimensional gateway, they have a Key that's >known to be able to it.... if they can figure out how to do it, convince >or force her to do so, and have her be lucky enough to drive back to >Sunnyvale without crashing the car. You mean SunnyDale, right? :) This seems like a plausible scenario. At the very least, it makes Dawn useful. The Slayer line has to continue, if for no other reason than _Fray_ would suddenly be quite confusing otherwise ... >My hunch: for nonplotular(?) reasons, they're not going to kill off >Kennedy -- I don't like her much either, but after the flap of killing >Tara and the audience reaction, they'd have to be a bit nuts to dive right >back in and kill Willow's *next* lover. This is probably exactly right -- but I don't know why everyone hates Kennedy. I like her quite a lot ... and as much as I loved the Willow/Tara relationship as a concept, the truth is that Alyson Hannigan and Iyari Limon have infinitely more chemistry than Alyson and Amber Benson ever did. I can buy that Willow and Kennedy are lovers, whereas I always had to employ some Xenite disbelief-suspension techniques in order to buy that Willow and Tara had any sort of physical relationship. >We still have a bit of an issue hanging over what's been up with Giles.. >His story of survivng the Bringer attack still doesn't quite wash, and >his behaviour's been off-kilter since then. And the Crone Ex Machina >dropped this bit last episode: "We forged it in secrecy, kept it hidden >from the Shadow Men, who [...] became the Watchers. And the Watchers >watched the Slayers. But we were watching them." It puts the Watchers in a >somewhat creepier light than before. This is an excellent point. Though I can't imagine how that could possibly get addressed in any sort of satisfying fashion in the hour they have left. This is what worries me -- there are *so* many loose ends at this point, and only 43 minutes of screen time left in which to tie it all up. I keep reminding myself that if anyone can pull this off it's Joss, but I'm still going into tomorrow night with a certain sense of trepidation. (Talk about conflicts ... we're supposed to go to a play tomorrow night, which I just remembered I forgot to switch to Wednesday, and not only is _Buffy_ ending tomorrow night but _24_'s season finale immediately follows it, on top of which the Yankees and the Red Sox are playing at the same time as all of it. Oy!!!) =============================================== Meredith Tarr New Haven, CT USA =============================================== Live At The House O'Muzak House Concert Series =============================================== ------------------------------ End of stillpt-digest V5 #91 ****************************