From: (stillpt-digest) To: Subject: stillpt-digest V5 #51 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk stillpt-digest Monday, March 17 2003 Volume 05 : Number 051 Today's Subjects: ----------------- a/release (this time for sure) ["Donald G. Keller" ] Re: a/release (this time for sure) [Todd Huff ] Angel alert [Todd Huff ] Re: Angel alert ["marty" ] Re: Angel alert ["marty" ] Re: Angel alert [Todd Huff ] Re: Angel alert ["marty" ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2003 12:23:04 -0500 (EST) From: "Donald G. Keller" Subject: a/release (this time for sure) It's been a crazy week, and it wasn't until last night that I re-watched the second Faith episode. (I'm not going to bother with spoiler space at this late date.) I have to admit I was a little disappointed in the episode, though I wasn't sure why while first watching it. Deirdre professed herself bored: "Why couldn't it all have been about Faith?" I guess that's the first reason. Shortly after the episode was over, a second suggested itself: Faith was so depressed and beaten down the whole episode that she didn't have her usual verve (as she did the previous episode). She was more like she was in "Sanctuary" (though there the presence of Buffy heated things up)--in fact, the opening with Wesley bringing her into his apartment is very similar to the opening of "Sanctuary," Angel bringing Faith into his apartment after the fight in the alley in "Five by Five." And the depressed Faith was much like the depressed Buffy through most of Season 6 (for which the season has been much- criticized). Slightly later, another disappointment suggested itself: unlike the previous episode, Faith didn't interact with any other characters except Wesley (and Angelus towards the end). More Faith and Conner, I say. What there was of Faith in the episode was really good, however: the shower scene was powerful and disturbing (not quite =Psycho=, but what is?), and the scene where Wesley goads Faith into slamming him into the wall was tremendous. Again parallels suggest themselves: Buffy goading Spike in "Get It Done" to unleash his violent side (both Spike and Faith have been uncharacteristically squeamish, note), after which he goes and kills the "exchange student" demon; and Faith goading Buffy into hitting her in the dock scene near the end of "Consequences." Nicely presented, that however much Faith represents to Wesley the solution to the Angelus problem, he hasn't forgotten for a minute what she did to him; and however much Faith would like to think she's changed while in jail (was Wesley serious when he said she'd "found God"?), she's still the Faith we've known. Rather unorthodox Watcher technique, but then Wesley is not strictly speaking playing Watcher here (note Faith's not-entirely-ironic "boss," which is what she called the Mayor, it now occurs to me; also what Angelus has called the power he doesn't know is Cordelia). (See, it gets more interesting as I think about it.) The other disturbing aspect, I think, was that we've never seen Faith take even =one= such brutal beating, much less two in as many episodes. (Her fights with Buffy have been more or less even.) Clearly, she didn't give herself time to recover (sleep, say?) after the first one: a shower wasn't enough. (Again, this is like Buffy resisting sleeping earlier this season.) Then towards the end we get Angelus verbally (as well as physically) brutalizing Faith, saying she was "just like me" (which is true in a number of ways, despite her Buffy-like denial). Interesting that Faith's death-wish does seem to have abated. As for the ending, a highly dramatic situation...but it seemed to me almost predictable, and it's even more predictable, unfortunately, that we know Faith will survive (I doubt she'll even be vamped). So next week, Willow. Who, I'm sure, will have the soul-restoring spell Jenny Calendar recovered to hand. Will she need an Orb of Thesulah? Deirdre doesn't think so; seems to her Willow is powerful enough to simply call the soul back without tools necessary. I'm convinced that however she does it, it won't matter where Cordelia has the soul; Willow will be able to "mojo it from the beyond" (to borrow a Spike phrase). I'm expecting the reacquaintance of Willow and Faith to be no big deal: "Yeah, you're a murderer, I'm a murderer, too, let's move on." Anyway, looking forward to Wednesday; and then a new =Buffy= the following Tuesday (the 25th). ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2003 10:40:13 -0800 (PST) From: Todd Huff Subject: Re: a/release (this time for sure) > The other disturbing aspect, I think, was that we've > never seen Faith take > even =one= such brutal beating, much less two in as > many episodes. (Her > fights with Buffy have been more or less even.) > Clearly, she didn't give > herself time to recover (sleep, say?) after the > first one: a shower wasn't > enough. (Again, this is like Buffy resisting > sleeping earlier this > season.) > I couldn't help but flash back to season four's "Who Are You" in which Faith as Buffy viciously beats Buffy as Faith's face. "Shut up. Do you think I'm afraid of you? You're nothing! Disgusting! Murderous bitch! You're nothing! You're disgusting!" Is her self-loathing leading her to accept these beatings as her due? I hadn't realized how much I missed her until she came back. . Yahoo! Web Hosting - establish your business online ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2003 17:36:37 -0800 (PST) From: Todd Huff Subject: Angel alert Just found this out. Tonight at 9 eastern the WB is showing an outtakes show that will include clips from Angel. . Yahoo! Web Hosting - establish your business online ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2003 18:41:46 -0800 From: "marty" Subject: Re: Angel alert Swell, I am in the middle of recording six feet under. (and it is 6:45 here... 9:45 in the east) Subject: Angel alert > Just found this out. Tonight at 9 eastern the WB is > showing an outtakes show that will include clips from > Angel. > > . > Yahoo! Web Hosting - establish your business online > ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2003 19:05:28 -0800 From: "marty" Subject: Re: Angel alert Just found out, it is on at 9 here too!! Off to set Tivo > Just found this out. Tonight at 9 eastern the WB is > showing an outtakes show that will include clips from > Angel. > > . > Yahoo! Web Hosting - establish your business online > ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2003 20:30:20 -0800 (PST) From: Todd Huff Subject: Re: Angel alert Well, it turned out to be a disappointment anyhow. About 2 minutes of Boreanaz towards the very end of the show. Not worth sitting through. If you've taped or Tivoed, just FF. - --- marty wrote: > Swell, I am in the middle of recording six feet > under. (and it is 6:45 > here... 9:45 in the east) > > Subject: Angel alert > > > > Just found this out. Tonight at 9 eastern the WB > is > > showing an outtakes show that will include clips > from > > Angel. > > > > . > > Yahoo! Web Hosting - establish your business > online > > Yahoo! Web Hosting - establish your business online ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2003 21:56:29 -0800 From: "marty" Subject: Re: Angel alert . > > If you've taped or Tivoed, just FF. > I am taping. Should be almost there if it is only 2 minutes worth. The Tivo is getting part one of Children of Dune. Not sure about it yet. Great hats tho. ------------------------------ End of stillpt-digest V5 #51 ****************************