From: (stillpt-digest) To: Subject: stillpt-digest V4 #51 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk stillpt-digest Thursday, April 18 2002 Volume 04 : Number 051 Today's Subjects: ----------------- Genie is really dead now... [] Re: Genie is really dead now... [Joseph Zitt ] Re: Genie is really dead now... [meredith ] Re: Genie is really dead now... [meredith ] Re: Genie is really dead now... [Joseph Zitt ] Re: Genie is really dead now... ["Marta Grabien" ] Re: Genie is really dead now... ["Marta Grabien" ] Re: Genie is really dead now... [] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 21:15:28 EDT From: Subject: Genie is really dead now... I just saw an obituary for Damon Knight in the newspaper. I imagine that those on DM or the SFRT boards already knew about it, but to me it is like a sign of the real passing of Genie. Gayle ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 22:37:25 -0500 From: Joseph Zitt Subject: Re: Genie is really dead now... On Wed, Apr 17, 2002 at 09:15:28PM -0400, wrote: > I just saw an obituary for Damon Knight in the newspaper. I imagine that > those on DM or the SFRT boards already knew about it, but to me it is like a > sign of the real passing of Genie. Pardon my coming in in mid-jargonfest :-) but... DM? SFRT? Genie? - -- | | | | | == New book: Surprise Me with Beauty: the Music of Human Systems == | | Comma / Gray Code Silence: the John Cage Discussion List | ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 22:56:21 -0400 From: meredith Subject: Re: Genie is really dead now... Hi, Joe inquired: >Pardon my coming in in mid-jargonfest :-) but... DM? SFRT? Genie? Sorry, Joe! I'll try to explain... This list is the continuation of Don Keller's topic on the GEnie Network, which flourished in the early- to mid-nineties, and finally met its end as a casualty of Y2K. The SFRT was GEnie's Science Fiction Round Table, which is where Don's topic lived. It became one of the most interesting communities of the early online world, in part because members of the Science Fiction Writers of America (SFWA) were given free accounts for a good period of time. (The SFRT eventually became, which still exists as its own site.) And finally, DM stands for Damon Knight, writer, editor, teacher, founder of SFWA and co-founder of the Clarion workshops and longtime GEnie denizen, as well as many, many other things, who died on Monday. I remember him from GEnie ... he was a prickly one, but at the same time very nice, and his posts were always fun to read. I just about drove off the road earlier this evening when I heard a piece on him on NPR's All Things Considered, complete with interview with Patrick Nielsen-Hayden (or, to toss in yet another acronym for Joe's benefit, PNH :). I wonder who at NPR has been hanging out on ======================================= Meredith Tarr New Haven, CT USA ======================================= Live At The House O'Muzak House Concert Series ======Next Up: N&K Nields 4/21/02====== ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 22:56:21 -0400 From: meredith Subject: Re: Genie is really dead now... Hi, Joe inquired: >Pardon my coming in in mid-jargonfest :-) but... DM? SFRT? Genie? Sorry, Joe! I'll try to explain... This list is the continuation of Don Keller's topic on the GEnie Network, which flourished in the early- to mid-nineties, and finally met its end as a casualty of Y2K. The SFRT was GEnie's Science Fiction Round Table, which is where Don's topic lived. It became one of the most interesting communities of the early online world, in part because members of the Science Fiction Writers of America (SFWA) were given free accounts for a good period of time. (The SFRT eventually became, which still exists as its own site.) And finally, DM stands for Damon Knight, writer, editor, teacher, founder of SFWA and co-founder of the Clarion workshops and longtime GEnie denizen, as well as many, many other things, who died on Monday. I remember him from GEnie ... he was a prickly one, but at the same time very nice, and his posts were always fun to read. I just about drove off the road earlier this evening when I heard a piece on him on NPR's All Things Considered, complete with interview with Patrick Nielsen-Hayden (or, to toss in yet another acronym for Joe's benefit, PNH :). I wonder who at NPR has been hanging out on ======================================= Meredith Tarr New Haven, CT USA ======================================= Live At The House O'Muzak House Concert Series ======Next Up: N&K Nields 4/21/02====== ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 23:00:28 -0500 From: Joseph Zitt Subject: Re: Genie is really dead now... On Wed, Apr 17, 2002 at 10:56:21PM -0400, meredith wrote: > The SFRT was GEnie's Science Fiction Round Table, which is where Don's > topic lived. It became one of the most interesting communities of the > early online world, in part because members of the Science Fiction Writers > of America (SFWA) were given free accounts for a good period of time. (The > SFRT eventually became, which still exists as its own site.) Ah, I remember GEnie, though I never was on there, jumping directly from BBSes to the Net. > And finally, DM stands for Damon Knight, writer, editor, teacher, founder > of SFWA and co-founder of the Clarion workshops and longtime GEnie denizen, > as well as many, many other things, who died on Monday. And I remember Damon Knight, from my long-ago days in fandom -- I gafiated in about 1980, after having been on the WorldCon committee in 1977 -- and from his many writings. I wanted to go to Clarion for years, but never quite made it, and haven't even read much fiction (much less written it) in a long time (though editing my father's novel recently has caused some old ideas to bubble up...) - -- | | | | | == New book: Surprise Me with Beauty: the Music of Human Systems == | | Comma / Gray Code Silence: the John Cage Discussion List | ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 20:21:33 -0700 From: "Marta Grabien" Subject: Re: Genie is really dead now... > I just saw an obituary for Damon Knight in the newspaper. I imagine that > those on DM or the SFRT boards already knew about it, but to me it is like a > sign of the real passing of Genie. Gayle, go to for Mitch Wagner's web log collection of stuff about Damon. You should mark that blog anyway, he always has good stuff there. Marty ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 20:35:06 -0700 From: "Marta Grabien" Subject: Re: Genie is really dead now... Um, err, sort of. DM stands for Dueling Modems, a topic that originated on the SFRT. The SFRT is a copyrighted 'word' belonging to Not was started by Nic and Jim before Genie died. There was a schism and was started by Nic. is (I believe) free and open to anyone. offers a months free membership, then it is (as I recall) 6.50 a month. SFWA members are given a free pass. I have a group on All sorts of people hang out there. Since it is subscription it is much less subjected to spam and people who just drop by. SF-Name was the signature of the sysops on Genie's SFRT. > And finally, DM stands for Damon Knight, writer, editor, teacher, founder > of SFWA and co-founder of the Clarion workshops and longtime GEnie denizen, > as well as many, many other things, who died on Monday. > > I remember him from GEnie ... he was a prickly one, but at the same time > very nice, and his posts were always fun to read. PNH is quoted in Mitch Wagner's web log It is a very good weblog and well worth bookmarking. Mitch did quite a long collection of pieces about Damon. Damon sent me (at my request) a copy of his wife's latest book, signed to a friend of mine. It was a Christmas gift to her. He was always generous with his time and considerable expertice. Sorry to go on so long. I really miss knowing that Damon might drop by. Marty ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 01:15:53 EDT From: Subject: Re: Genie is really dead now... I thought everyone on this list was a GEnie refugee! Where did the other folks come from? Oh, Don's friends, I guess. Gayle ------------------------------ End of stillpt-digest V4 #51 ****************************