From: (stillpt-digest) To: Subject: stillpt-digest V3 #3 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk stillpt-digest Friday, January 5 2001 Volume 03 : Number 003 Today's Subjects: ----------------- b/the "goopy" awards [meredith ] new eps? [] Re: new eps? [meredith ] Re: new eps? [allenw ] Re: b/the "goopy" awards ["David S. Bratman" ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 23:19:13 -0500 From: meredith Subject: b/the "goopy" awards Hi! (From Buffy Bonus The Slayer gets her own awards show. January 3, 2001 A happy New Year to y'all, Buffy Buffs. As you've probably heard by now, Ms. Sarah Michelle Gellar has gone and gotten herself nominated for a Golden Globe (Best Actress in a Television Series -- Drama, to be precise), and can I just say that it's about freakin' time? Go on, girl. Anyway, this bit of news reminded me that everyone's pretty awards happy right now, what with it being a new year and a new day and all that. Our own little IGN Sci-Fi hosted the recent Bemmie Awards, and what a glamorous affair that was. Goop Buddy rented a tux, reviewer extraordinaire Rob Trevino wore his famed "Kevin Sorbo circa Hercules" get-up, and I think Ivan was actually sober for the first hour or so. Since the Bemmies were such a success, and since Buffy and Angel shared "Best Series" honors this year, I thought it might be nice to give the Slayer and Co. their own little awards corner right here in Buffy Bonus Land. It is my honor to proudly present...The First Annual Goopies (yes, you-know-who made me name 'em after him). Most Dynamic Duo: Despite the Buffy/Spike sparkage and the sheer adorableness of Willow and Tara, this one has to go to Anya and Xander (Emma Caulfield and Nicholas Brendon). This season, Regular Guy and Demon Girl started things off with a few hilarious babysitting-for-Dawn bits in Real Me and got some actual emotional development when Xand was split in two in The Replacement. But it was their teary, touching finale in the recent Into the Woods that truly brought things home -- at last, these two have gone from being a flingy punchline (remember, we used to call her "Cordy Lite") to the most mature, sexy coupling on the show. No mean feat, that. Most Character Developed: Again, we could go with Spike, since he's got all of the flashbacks and that new Slayer crush-thang goin' on, but I'm quite partial to the gorgeous gut-wrencher that was Family, and Tara's (Amber Benson) evolution therein. Finally, we know here "secret," and it's no big. We know what makes her tick, we have a peek at who she really is, and her overwhelming shyness gives her an extra endearing edge, rather than merely making her a wallflower. And have you all noticed that she fits into the Scooby Gang quite nicely now? Most Improved Character: (aka the OK, OK, We Like Him!! award) As with the Little Sister thing, we moaned and groaned up the wall and back when Wesley Wyndham-Pryce (Alexis Denisof) joined up with Angel. A year later, and Giles Jr. has outgrown that pesky moniker -- he's his own deal now, a guy with the best of intentions who is constantly being overshadowed by his too-cool boss. 'Twas a rare treat when we finally got to see Wes stretch his stuffy wings, wear cool clothes and get the girl in the tasty Guise Will Be Guise. Best Twist That Shouldn't Have Worked But Did: The Little Sister thing. Oh, how we bitched, how we moaned... Buffy doesn't have a sister! Where did she come from? Why is she here?? Stupid Cousin OIiver Gimmick!! We should have known better. Not only has Dawn (Michelle Trachtenberg) become an essential part of Buffy's family life, but her origins - -- the fact that she's "not real," yet believes herself to be a normal precocious chickie -- make her heartbreaking and potentially tragic. Her bickery, exasperating relationship with Buffy is an instant classic. Most in Need of a Spin-Off: This has to go to Angel's dastardly duo of divas, Darla (Julie Benz) and Drusilla (Juliet Landau). Beautifully dressed and deliciously evil, these two serve in perfect, villainous contrast to one another -- Dru's insane, cackling glamour plays off of Darla's hard-edged sexiness, and vice versa. My dream scenario is a series of Harley-and-Ivy-esque episodes wherein they go on a colorful rampage in the name of vampy girl power. Maybe add Faith to the mix while you're at it. Most Worthy of Joss (aka God) Status: Marti Noxon. The slaying second-in-command and co-exec producer resurrected Dracula and somehow made it funny, goth and cool, then proceeded to bring tears to our eyes by breaking up Buff and Backstreet in "Into the Woods." And as you can see, she's damn cool. Best New Accessory: Love, love, love Buffy's hoop earrings. 'Nuff said. +==========================================================================+ | Meredith Tarr | | New Haven, CT USA | +==========================================================================+ | "things are more beautiful when they're obscure" -- veda hille | | *** TRAJECTORY, the Veda Hille mailing list: *** | | *** *** | +==========================================================================+ ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 23:37:28 EST From: Subject: new eps? Are there reruns or new eps on 1/16 and 1/22? I'm going to Ecuador for a few weeks and I'm going to be missing.... hm, I recall a mention that the "birthday" ep is 1/16. Darn. But hey, I'll be in the upper Amazon, home of vampire bats! Gayle ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 23:44:11 -0500 From: meredith Subject: Re: new eps? Hi! Gayle inquired: > Are there reruns or new eps on 1/16 and 1/22? I'm going to Ecuador for a >few weeks and I'm going to be missing.... hm, I recall a mention that the >"birthday" ep is 1/16. Darn. 1/16 is a rerun of "No Place Like Home". No info on 1/22 up on ClickTV yet. There is an interview with Marti Noxon at (if you follow the link to the thing I just posted there's a link to it there). Apparently the 100th episode is going to be a doozy... +==========================================================================+ | Meredith Tarr | | New Haven, CT USA | +==========================================================================+ | "things are more beautiful when they're obscure" -- veda hille | | *** TRAJECTORY, the Veda Hille mailing list: *** | | *** *** | +==========================================================================+ ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 22:56:39 -0600 (CST) From: allenw Subject: Re: new eps? On Thu, 4 Jan 2001, meredith wrote: > Hi! > > Gayle inquired: > > > Are there reruns or new eps on 1/16 and 1/22? I'm going to Ecuador for a > >few weeks and I'm going to be missing.... hm, I recall a mention that the > >"birthday" ep is 1/16. Darn. > > 1/16 is a rerun of "No Place Like Home". No info on 1/22 up on ClickTV yet. > However, the 1/16 "Angel" will be new, if it matters. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 02:21:26 -0500 (EST) From: "David S. Bratman" Subject: Re: b/the "goopy" awards On Thu, 4 Jan 2001, wrote: > Most Dynamic Duo: Despite the > Buffy/Spike sparkage and the sheer > adorableness of Willow and Tara, this one > has to go to Anya and Xander I'll go along with that. > Most Character Developed: Again, we > could go with Spike, since he's got all of the > flashbacks and that new Slayer crush-thang goin' on, but I'm quite partial to > the gorgeous gut-wrencher that was Family, and Tara's (Amber Benson) > evolution therein. Not so sure about this one. > Most Improved Character: (aka the OK, > OK, We Like Him!! award) As with the > Little Sister thing, we moaned and groaned > up the wall and back when Wesley > Wyndham-Pryce (Alexis Denisof) joined up > with Angel. A year later, and Giles Jr. has > outgrown that pesky moniker Absolutely. > Best Twist That Shouldn't Have Worked But Did: The Little Sister > thing. Oh, how we bitched, how we moaned... Buffy doesn't have a sister! > Where did she come from? Why is she here?? Stupid Cousin OIiver > Gimmick!! We should have known better. Double, nay triple, absolutely. > Most in Need of a Spin-Off: This has to go to Angel's dastardly duo of > divas, Darla (Julie Benz) and Drusilla (Juliet Landau). Yes, then I wouldn't have to watch them. > Most Worthy of Joss (aka God) Status: > Marti Noxon. The slaying > second-in-command and co-exec producer > resurrected Dracula and somehow made it > funny, goth and cool, then proceeded to > bring tears to our eyes by breaking up Buff > and Backstreet in "Into the Woods." And as > you can see, she's damn cool. After those two examples - worst of the season to date - she deserves more the booby prize. ------------------------------ End of stillpt-digest V3 #3 ***************************