From: (stillpt-digest) To: Subject: stillpt-digest V2 #198 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk stillpt-digest Friday, October 6 2000 Volume 02 : Number 198 Today's Subjects: ----------------- Re: b/Dawn [Todd Huff ] Re: b/Dawn [] Re: b/Dawn [] Re: b/Dawn [Dawn S Friedman ] b/dawn ["Donald G. Keller" ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 07:56:45 -0700 (PDT) From: Todd Huff Subject: Re: b/Dawn - --- meredith wrote: > > So who else thinks Giles' Beemer is hysterically > funny? (But *where* does > he get his money? Wise investment in the TIAA-CREF > Librarians Fund??) > I've been wondering for a while just where Anya gets her money myself. We've never seen her talk about work, and never seen wherever she lives either. Prediction: When the gang finds out about Dawn not belonging, it will be because of a crossover with Angel in which either Angel Cordelia or Wesley have never heard of her. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Photos - 35mm Quality Prints, Now Get 15 Free! ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 11:05:12 EDT From: Subject: Re: b/Dawn In a message dated 10/4/00 8:44:39 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes: << (I got a frantic voice mail from a client this afternoon: "You *have* to call me back as soon as you can. It's urgent. I missed the season premiere, so I have no clue where this little sister thing came from! Help!!" ;) >> Exactly what happened with my sister and her teenaged son, except that they called me during a commercial break. They did not think my "explanation" was very satisfying. Gayle ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 12:30:18 EDT From: Subject: Re: b/Dawn Just briefly wanted to point out the parallel between ep 2 of this season and ep 2 of last season, which was about Buffy's annoying roommate -- who pointed out "The trouble with you is that you're an only child so you've never had to share." Gayle ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 13:27:28 -0400 (EDT) From: Dawn S Friedman Subject: Re: b/Dawn Re: crossover with =Angel=: I wonder if Faith is aware that Dawn is here. By dream-logic, depending on whose dream it was (I believe that one was shared, me) Faith should be in the same position as Buffy. Hmmm. Worst Supporting Argument Ever: On the way home from work the other day, I actually caught myself thinking, "Hey, Dawn can't be too evil, she has a crush on Xander!" Yeah, right. Dawn Dawn Sharon Friedman ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 02:47:49 -0400 (EDT) From: "Donald G. Keller" Subject: b/dawn "Harmony has minions?" Let's contemplate the beauty (and hilarity) of that line. (And now we're done.) Have we =ever= seen Buffy laugh that hard? Have we ever seen Buffy laugh at all? (There was the little laugh in "Restless," but beyond that...) I was envisioning Joss Whedon rubbing his hands with glee, itching to get Michelle Trachtenberg back into her =Harriet the Spy= persona. (And having an excuse to drop in a Harry Potter joke.) =Buffy= doesn't do voiceover that often, but when they do they tend to do it effectively (remembering in particular "Passion"). In this particular case it harks back to =Buffy='s distinguished predecessors =Heathers= ("My teenage angst has a body count!") and =Clueless=. I'd be perfectly happy to see more of it. (I haven't mentioned here that I took the =Harriet the Spy= movie out of the library a couple months ago. Good enough movie, although it was excessively upbeat in the first half and excessively downbeat in the second half--with a happy ending of course. Michelle Trachtenberg proved to me there at what? age 9 or 10? that she had the acting talent to carry out her current role.) The episode did a good job of fitting Dawn seamlessly into the mix, as though she actually had been there all along. It made especial sense who she liked/got along with and who she didn't among the continuing characters. And I think MT and SMG have excellent (mostly negative!) chemistry; one can believe they've known each other for a long time. I had noticed at some point when I saw photos of MT that she does resemble Amber Benson more than she resembles SMG. Pure accident, I'm sure: they didn't cast her for her specific appearance, but for her talent and "nepotism" (SMG recommended her). But this may prove a useful resemblance; they made a point of making parallels several times between Dawn and Tara, as well as dropping hints that there's Something Going On with each of them. (I about fell out of my chair at the "curds and whey" line! Also...the guy thought he was a cat?? Remember the kitten in "Restless" and its subtle parallels to Tara???) Nicely done moment where that expression goes over Tara's face when Willow says she's one of the "good guys." The first time through the episode I thought it was odd that the last line of Dawn's about people being in for a surprise about her; I hadn't gotten any sense that she knew there was anything special about herself. But second time through there's something in her =first= voiceover lines about people not knowing or caring about who she is, and also the bit about what she'd do if =she= had superpowers... As for her line about Willow and Tara...the first time I wasn't paying attention to the actual wording, and what I called to mind was Joyce's attitude towards witchcraft in "Gingerbread" took my daughter Deirdre to point out the other obvious refernce there, and sure enough what Dawn actually says is "what Willow and Tara do together," which calls up again the now-constant double entendre of spells and sex. (But it =isn't= clear how much Joyce the Clueless knows about Tara and Willow.) On the whole the episode was a lark, a typical =Buffy= comedy-with-peril-and-death; they're impressive at that particular genre. Harmony and her "scary gang" were extremely funny, and I thought it was clever how Dawn (defending Xander!) "accidentally" invited Harmony in the house. Two funny scenes for Spike, but they have to think of something more for him to do. And a very smooth transition whereby Giles takes over the magic shop; such a good idea, why didn't they think of it =last= year? Solves a lot of problems. An impressive episode in how much ground they covered and how tightly-written it was. Highly entertaining. Looks like next week is fairly "light" too. Ease us into things before whacking us good, I suspect. ------------------------------ End of stillpt-digest V2 #198 *****************************