From: (oppositeview-digest) To: Subject: oppositeview-digest V7 #29 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk oppositeview-digest Tuesday, March 15 2005 Volume 07 : Number 029 Today's Subjects: ----------------- OV: No, Surrender ["Wilson Associates" ] OV: OT: why do some people suck? [Dave ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2005 22:27:10 -0000 From: "Wilson Associates" Subject: OV: No, Surrender Thanks for the heads-up for With Strings Attached, just when you think its all over...really enjoying 'no, surrender' - it deserves a wider audience as it is so very relevant. By way of returning the kindness, can I draw your attention to well worth it, in my humble opinion. Steve - ----- Original Message ----- From: "Alison Bellach" To: "Ov" Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2005 10:17 PM Subject: OV: only slightly ot ;) > So, for Christmas I received an iPod, onto which I loaded the entirety of > my > CD collection (almost 7k songs, although I'm sure Taire would put me to > shame!). I love listening to it on random, so things that I may have not > heard for a while come on and I can look at the screen and be again > inspired > by what a great band _______ is and revel in them for a bit. > > Anyway, I was cleaning today when a BRILLIANT song came on. I actually > stopped what I was doing to listen to it. Know who it was? > > Dave Sills. > > If you don't own his album yet then FOR SHAME! It really is splendid. :) > > ------------------------------------------------------------------- > Alison Bellach: > > "If you want peace, work for justice." ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2005 16:02:18 -0800 (PST) From: Dave Subject: OV: OT: why do some people suck? Well I was feelin' pretty good Sunday - it's always nice to hear that people like your music (and good to hear that they're buying it too!) and so this recent burst of comments had me in a good mood. I took an afternoon train from the bucolic suburb of Geneva, IL down to the wilds of Chicago to have dinner with my father, his wife and my two step-sisters (one of whom is in town from NYC). Dinner was wonderful and I caught the last train back to Geneva. Upon our (late) arrival back in the burbs, I walked to my car in the parking lot across the street. I noticed a black plastic half-bowl shape on the ground. I thought it was perhaps part of a broken and discarded "leprachaun" hat (the South Side Irish parade had happened in Chicago earlier in the day, and it's a popular thing for burbanites to catch the train down to join in the festivities, which basically involves drinking heavily). As I got closer to my vehicle, I saw something was amiss... or should I say, a-missing. Namely my driver's side mirror - which upon further investigation WAS the half-bowl I had seen moments earlier. Okay, maybe somebody drove through the parking lot and clipped off my mirror by accident, but left the scene without a note or anything. Then I noticed that the passenger side mirror was gone too... and both of my tailights were partially smashed... and one of my windshield wiper arms had been ripped off. I called the cops, they came and filled out a report. The officer asked me if I knew anyone who would want to do this to me - someone who had a beef with me, an ex-girlfriend or co-worker who I didn't get along with. I didn't though, I was either the victim of random vandalism or intentional vandalism by someone who mistook my vehicle for their intended victim. Either one leaves me feeling no better about the kind of people who would do such a thing. Needless to say, this puts a crimp in my wallet and as a result is going to delay my new album a bit longer. Maybe I'll change the title from WAITING ROOM to SOME PEOPLE SUCK... Hope your day is going better than mine, Dave ------------------------------ End of oppositeview-digest V7 #29 *********************************