From: (oppositeview-digest) To: Subject: oppositeview-digest V3 #273 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk oppositeview-digest Sunday, November 4 2001 Volume 03 : Number 273 Today's Subjects: ----------------- OV: Re: oppositeview-digest V3 #272 ["lindsay dodds" ] Re: OV: Re: oppositeview-digest V3 #272 [] OV: conan ["Reid and Susan Gardner" ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 03 Nov 2001 18:47:18 From: "lindsay dodds" Subject: OV: Re: oppositeview-digest V3 #272 Hello everyone I'm not new to the list I have been reading it for some time I have just never felt the need to post anything until now!! I live in Edinburgh, Scotland and was going into to college on the bus about two weeks ago. Anyway me and a friend started chatting about music and I happened to mention the dels. Suddenly this wee man in front turned round and said did u say del amitri I was a bit taken aback but said yes anyway. He then said "well I'm Justin Curries' brother!" Basically he then went onto say that he used to tour with the band but gave it up cos it was too tiring and heavy going. Also that Justin has decided hes going to go solo and that the new album was actually going to have no new songs on it but was just going to be a live album then the band would go their seperate ways. He also said that Justin was quite frustrated that the band hadn't done as well as he had hoped and that he felt he would do better on his own. It did all seem very believable but I relly think he may have been some kind of crazed fan the fact that he was reading a mental health book did not exactly fill me with confidence. Anyway just thought a couple of u may be interessted by that wee story and whether anyone could actually tell me if Justin Currie does have a brother? A fan of the dels but not a crazed one! Lindsay _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2001 11:10:44 -0800 (PST) From: Alison Bellach Subject: Re: OV: Re: oppositeview-digest V3 #272 Hey Lindsay and everyone, HI! I hope everyone is having a great weekend. Taire is here and I'm gonna see her today! Woo!!! I am very excited. Also, Ash wrote and said he heard the new album and he thinks it rocks. So, there's an endorsement from my sister's very own fake husband. And that's all the gossipy list-related news I have for you. I know that Justin has a cousin in the music business but as far as I can tell, he never had a "brother" touring with the band unless his brother has a different last name :) Also, it seems questionable to me that Justin would tell his brother -- if he has one, and assuming he has one, he'd know how his brother would act -- that he was going solo if he throught the bro would tell ANYONE. Besides, he's much too dedicated to Iain and the Del Amitri cause to give up on it at this point; he alone Del Amitri does not make. Although he does have great hair. So, I wouldn't worry too much. I am sure Kevin can tell us for sure if Justin has a brother :) (I doubt he does, personally!) Now, I'd like to pimp Jane's Del chat, Thursdays a 1pm PDT. For us US folk, that's 1pm pacific, and 4 pm if you live on the east coast. It's great getting to talk to other OV folk there; I hope to see you all! Ta! On Sat, 3 Nov 2001, lindsay dodds wrote: > Hello everyone > > I'm not new to the list I have been reading it for some time I have just > never felt the need to post anything until now!! I live in Edinburgh, > Scotland and was going into to college on the bus about two weeks ago. > Anyway me and a friend started chatting about music and I happened to > mention the dels. Suddenly this wee man in front turned round and said did > u say del amitri I was a bit taken aback but said yes anyway. He then said > "well I'm Justin Curries' brother!" > > Basically he then went onto say that he used to tour with the band but gave > it up cos it was too tiring and heavy going. Also that Justin has decided > hes going to go solo and that the new album was actually going to have no > new songs on it but was just going to be a live album then the band would go > their seperate ways. He also said that Justin was quite frustrated that the > band hadn't done as well as he had hoped and that he felt he would do better > on his own. > > It did all seem very believable but I relly think he may have been some kind > of crazed fan the fact that he was reading a mental health book did not > exactly fill me with confidence. Anyway just thought a couple of u may be > interessted by that wee story and whether anyone could actually tell me if > Justin Currie does have a brother? > > A fan of the dels but not a crazed one! > Lindsay > > _________________________________________________________________ > Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at > - ------------------------------------------------------------------- Alison Bellach: "If you want peace, work for justice." ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 03 Nov 2001 16:39:21 -0600 From: David Wartik Subject: OV: Renfrew Ferry (part 2) Hey all- Seeing some other posts, I decided to appeal to you as well. I am missing part 2 of the Renfrew Ferry show (songs 6-10). The day I went to download them from Dirk's site, I got an error message and the next time they were gone. Dirk has tried to send them to me through the audiogalaxy group, but it's not working for some reason. So....if you're in the del amitri audiogalaxy group and are able to send those files to me, please do! My username is: ddgrblue88 If you have them and are just willing to email them to me, this email address can handle large files, so please send it to me here! ( Thanks so much! David ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2001 18:23:57 EST From: Subject: Re: OV: Re: oppositeview-digest V3 #272 Darn ! I was excited about the fact that Justin may have a brother (though a mentaly unstable one is not really that exciting) As far as Justin going solo based completly on the his great hair, You never know there has been a few people that have made it with no talent & good hair (Ricky martin to name one) so Justin may do just fine :-) Take care all. - -Anjule P.S. I loved the story about the del jig in Burger King, I thought I was the only one that did that kind of thing ! :-) ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2001 20:21:45 -0500 From: "Reid and Susan Gardner" Subject: OV: conan Just went for a visit to Alison's wonderful web site and was looking at the images section... I saw the stills from Del Amitri's performance on Conan O'Brians late night talk show a couple of years ago & remember actually watching it way back whenever it aired for the first time. Fortunately I taped that show, but there is one TV show they were on that I missed: on either VH1 or MTV the band was on a show called I think "Crossroads" where this young man named AJ Hammer interviewed them, then they played a couple of songs live. I remember a bit of the interview where something is said about wearing cool clothes, and they tease AJ about how he should give them his clothes because theirs aren't cool at all (looked ok to me, but I'm not very objective...) Does anyone know where a copy of this show is available? TTFN Susan "Can't help but speak of what I've seen and heard; I understand just what the purpose is: Uncover peace, uncover hope for all to see! And I can't keep quiet..." ~Skillet Check out this terrific band at: or check me out at: ------------------------------ End of oppositeview-digest V3 #273 **********************************