From: (oppositeview-digest) To: Subject: oppositeview-digest V3 #152 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk oppositeview-digest Sunday, June 24 2001 Volume 03 : Number 152 Today's Subjects: ----------------- RE: OV: how are you acquainted? ["Kevin Cawthorne" ] OV: Lowgold! ["Sam Brown" ] OV: GOOD taste ["Bette Hanson" ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 23 Jun 2001 11:03:15 +0100 From: "Kevin Cawthorne" Subject: RE: OV: how are you acquainted? Well, after Alison has explained, thought I better too. 1996 - Made my first homepage (i still have it somewhere!) and felt the need for more info to put on it so I phoned A&M and got through to a nice bloke called Richard(who is a very good friend now and is working at Polydor). He sent loads of articles through and press photos and was as helpful as hell. 1997 - met band outside Cambridge for the first time and freaked Justin out as an obsessive net freak(he was cautious after meeting Alison I think :-) ) Did loads of venues throughout the UK and organised a competition for someone to go backstage at York and met the band for beers. Probably freaking them out again. Got phonecall after phonecall from TV stations around the UK as A&M (or Richard) had told thm about the site. This included sending material to Stars In Their Eyes for that strange bloke who did Roll To Me on it(but im not responsible for anything apart from his attire). I organsised fans to be part of the audiences, including The National Lottery, Jack Docherty Show etc... 1998 - Arranged fans to go to TFI Fridays and managed to get a few into the afterstage party, this is when Iain and I first talked properly and found out his old spanish PC was creaking and needed upgrading, so he sent it to me, I ripped it apart and made it modern and sent it back! He is still using it! Got a strange phonecall from the events manager at A&M being Summoned to help the band with a webchat they did at Top Of The Pops, apparently the band wanted to meet me. Spent the whole day with them first doing the webchat, then all afternoon keeping them in Ciggies but being rewarded with a free lunch and football viewing! In the evening they recorded for the show. This is when the band said my site would be put on the next album along with Alison's. At the end of the 1998 tour, I was invited to the end of tour party and it was a wild night, ended with me almost getting kissed by Justin ARGH HELP! and a very odd couple who didnt seem to know anyone ,Remember that Hilary/Caroline? and theres nothing more nerving then having them call you at home, or when they have broken something! Kevin Cawthorne ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 23 Jun 2001 09:58:31 -0400 From: Bobbi Richardson Subject: Re: OV: how are you acquainted? Okay, I'm actually gonna delurk for this one. During the first leg of the Twisted tour, my friend Molly and I saw the Dels in Cincinnati. We hung out after and got photos with Justin, David, and Ashley. They were playing Pittsburgh the following night, which was a Sunday. Molly and I both had to work our parttime retail jobs that day, which meant we couldn't leave town until about 5:30 pm (there IS a reason I'm telling you this). We figured we'd miss a little of the show, but better late than never, huh? SOOOO, we FINALLY get to the venue (at about 9pm), approach the door, and the guy at the door says, "There's a $5 cover." I said, "For Del Amitri?", to which he replied they went on at 6:30 and were finished. Right about this time Derrick walked out the door, said he recognized us from the night before, and that we should go on in because the guys were at the bar drinking. Needless to say, we had a GREAT evening. Everyone involved had PLENTY to drink! Bobbi Richardson ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 23 Jun 2001 15:28:29 +0100 From: "Hilary Gray" Subject: Re: OV: how are you acquainted? - ----- Original Message ----- From: "Kevin Cawthorne" Sent: 23 June 2001 11:03 >At the end of the 1998 tour, I was invited to the end of tour party and it >was a wild night, ended with me almost getting kissed by Justin ARGH HELP! >and a very odd couple who didnt seem to know anyone ,Remember that >Hilary/Caroline? Ah, Malcolm and Meena, how could I forget? It's not often I get propositioned by a woman asking if my friend and I would like to make a threesome. As for Justin's kiss, I seem to remember it was a big wet sloppy kiss on the lips which left you somewhat emotional Kevin, although that could have been the effect of the free bar. ;o) They all seem to be friendly and tolerant chaps, happy to talk to the fans, with the possible exception of Justin who seems to be a little more distant and wary of people he doesn't know. I have been lucky enough to meet the band on a couple of occasions, the first time at Virgin Radio (see Infidel & Popstars), shaken their hand, got their autograph etc. Unfortunately whenever I meet them, my brain leaks out of my ears leaving me totally incapable of intelligent conversation and I just stand there and grin inanely. Ms Weird of the Front Row. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2001 08:11:19 +0100 From: "Sam Brown" Subject: OV: Lowgold! Hi all Just a quick line to tell you all to go out and buy 'Just backward of Square' by Lowgold (#9.99 in Virgin!). Its a kick-ass record that I've been meaning to get my hands on for ages. After hearing 'Mercury' (it got a fair bit of airplay on Lemacq Live, Radio1) I was hooked, so I hope you'll be too. There's also two brilliant tracks in 'Out of Reach' and 'In Amber'. (BTW have any of you already got the album, and if so do you know of any pre JBOS stuff?) Sam ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2001 04:20:54 -0400 From: "Bette Hanson" Subject: OV: GOOD taste >>> From: Kelly Doudna > Subject: OV: how are you acquainted? > > Debbie's story of how she met the band members has finally motivated me > to write and ask what I've been wondering since I joined this list three > years ago: Those of you who seem to be well-acquainted with the band, > how did it happen? <<< Way to go Kelly for asking THE question... I met the guys BECAUSE of Allison's webpage. I had fallen in love with there work aroun the time of Change Everything/ Saw that they were coming in concert - checked out Alison's website and brougt the guys a bag of marbles and other assorted sundries based on the =stories of the road". They were ibntrigued that I knoew so much about them to which I referred to the "online connection" It was pretty new back then. I don't think I've ever thanked you. Did you really have purple hair back then AND piercings. you GO girl! Bette Minneapolis born & raised - currently living in Philadelphia. PS:(I'm currenly borrowing his Indigenous CD to burn it) Kris Indigenous is awsomne - YOU have good taste, but I guess I already NEW that) ------------------------------ End of oppositeview-digest V3 #152 **********************************