From: (oppositeview-digest) To: Subject: oppositeview-digest V2 #147 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk oppositeview-digest Wednesday, November 1 2000 Volume 02 : Number 147 Today's Subjects: ----------------- OV: Re: dela who? [] Re: OV: OT Let's hear it for.... + Dela who? (warning: this is long) [Lo] OV: Re: get the message across ["Susan & C. Reid Gardner" ] [none] [ ] OV: Re: oppositeview-digest V2 #146 [Michael Lee Newman ] OV: obligation [Leah D Schenkenberg ] OV: Re: RE: Dela who? ["Hilary Gray" ] Re: OV: Nothing Ever Happens unless you listen? ["Hilary Gray" Subject: Re: OV: OT Let's hear it for.... + Dela who? (warning: this is long) Jane wrote: > >......OV'er Lori Royal-Gordon! Her second book was recently published and > >is available on It's published under the name Lauren Royal and > >is called Emerald. Ah, Jane, you're so sweet! Let's hear it for Jane, my official UK cheerleader! Alison wrote: > >Wait a second, I thought Caithren went WITHOUT a bodice in this one... ;) Ah, Alison, you're such a smart-aleck! Sheesh, Cait leaves her bodice on in at least half the chapters. Besides, weren't you just telling me a couple days ago that I write intelligent historical romance, not "bodice rippers"? Or was that only to my face? (I can rag on Alison 'cause she's my pal. Loved the chopped liver poem, Ali!) Thanks also to Hilary and Susan and everyone else who's read my books. (I've heard from some privately.) I really try to keep the shameless self-promoting to a minimum, but it means a lot to get such support from my friends on this list. Okay, enough of that. Back on topic. I feel a bit strange going against the majority here, but I do feel that perhaps some of this anger at the Dels is misplaced. I too am disappointed that I haven't had any new music to hear in so many years, and I will be absolutely devastated if that long break results in the public forgetting them and their next album failing--which I'm afraid is a real possibility--especially if it means they won't be touring anymore as a result. Dels concerts with all my Dels friends (YOU people!) are some of the best memories of my life. But that's me thinking about ME, selfishly, and I feel like I need to step back and think about the band for a minute. They've been at this for something like seventeen years, and I'm here to tell you from experience that creative work can take a lot out of a person. A LOT. I'm sure there are many people on this list who can relate to what I'm saying. So there's a chance that this break wasn't so much lazy or even voluntary as it was necessary. Perhaps they had to step back and refill the creative well, even if it meant risking their careers. These are intelligent men--I'm sure we all agree that no one less than brilliant could make that music!--and I feel certain they would realize the risk they were taking should they make a decision like that. But they could have been at a point, mentally, where they felt they had no choice. Burnout is a very real thing, and working in spite of it would likely mean releasing material they wouldn't be proud of later--perhaps the one road to career devastation that they weren't willing to take. Of course this is all speculation, and they could just be lazy. But I'd like to think not. The other thing I'd like to say (and I'll be ducking and running after this) is if they did decide to be lazy and destroy their careers, well, it's their lives and their prerogative. If after all these years they decide for whatever reason that they're no longer enjoying making music--writing or recording or touring, or all three--who are we to tell them they can't stop for a while or forever? I frankly don't understand the complaints that the Dels are acting "selfish," or this general sentiment that they owe us, as their fans, anything. We are their fans, not their friends. Their webmasters and the other few people who work tirelessly on their behalf--them they owe a debt, of gratitude at least (if not more), and yes, it seems that they have been guilty of acting selfishly toward them. But the rest of us should be happy, I think, with the hours upon hours of pleasure we get from their music. That's not to say we shouldn't wish for more--at least in my case, the wishing is unavoidable--but wishing is not the same as feeling we "deserve" it. Slinking away, ~Lori (who has a book due in 14 days and really shouldn't be stirring up trouble) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lauren Royal ~ AMETHYST and EMERALD ~ both from Signet Books and in stores NOW! AMBER August 2001 ~ IN PRAISE OF YOUNGER MEN March 2001 Enter my contest to win a genuine pearl and emerald necklace! ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 12:22:11 -0500 From: "Susan & C. Reid Gardner" Subject: OV: Re: get the message across Hilary Gray wrote: > ... A lot of people haven't seen them live for over five years. > The fact that we are still here talking about them shows we have some kind > of loyalty. Granted, we on this list are a small minority of Del Amitri fans > (I hope. > Seriously. We're just the technologically enabled obsessives.). But I do > think that our loyalty is somewhat taken for granted. > Kevin, you asked what we wanted. Well given that there is no fan club, and > the mailing list seems long dead, I don't think it's much to ask that Alison > and yourself are kept informed of what's going on. Whether it's Iain, JPR, > Mercury or the cat telling you that there is no new news. You two are the > only 'official' sources of info out there for the fans and you need > something to go on the sites. > > You have both done > absolutely tremendous jobs over the past few years and long may it continue. > ...Given the huge surge in net growth since the > last album (!) they need to seriously look at their online presence - are > the two of you going to get the support you need, particularly Alison who > seems to have been left out on a limb. > > You need to tell us what you need *us* to do to get the message across to > the band/JPR/Mercury/whoever. Letters, emails, phone calls - what? Extremely well said, Hilary, and I agree 110%. Kevin AND Alison, I personally appreciate every minute you have put into your sites and keeping us updated and informed. You let us know what we can do, and this Southern Belle will get her Southern Butt in gear! T, Susan ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 12:30:03 -0500 From: Jon Hammer Subject: OV: RE: Dela who? OK. I'm going to take an unpopular stance here. I'm still somewhat new and hope I don't hit a nerve with too many people. We've all been talking about how we're upset with the boys for lack of anything coming out such as the new album, new tour, interviews, etc... and we all feel as though the band owes it to us to give us something. I have to disagree. The band owes us nothing. We, as fans, feel that way because we've become so attached to them that we feel there's an obligation on their part to appease us, when that couldn't be closer to the truth. The band is their own entity and the only obligation they would feel is to their record company for the contract they've signed and to themselves. I would certainly hope that they would like to do something for the fans, but if not, its their own business. If we don't like it, there's nothing we can do about it. I've actually had this same discussion with another favorite band of mine, Genesis (don't laugh all you youngsters out there). Tony Banks, keyboardist, has steadfastly refused to play some older, classic material that the die hard fans have craved to hear because he didn't want to play it. Instead, he wanted to concentrate on newer material. In additon, there is a lot of material from studio recordings, live recordings, video, outtakes, that has never seen the light of day and never will because the band doesn't want to release it. Again, this has upset fans because they feel as though the band *owes* them something for the years of loyalty they've shown, by buying albums, attending concerts, collecting memoribilia, etc.... IMHO, the band owes us nothing, if they don't want to. Now saying that, I would hope that Del Amitri would *want* to do something for the fans. If nothing else, to keep up our interest. With the internet, I would think this could be an easy accomplishment thanks to people like Kevin and Alison who run their web sites. A simple email update to them to be posted, maybe some pictures that could be scanned, or (dare I think it) some rough music tracks that could be converted to MP3 or streaming audio. It wouldn't require a lot out of the band and would keep up the interest. But I still believe that the band doesn't owe us anything, as fans. Jon Hammer Powell, Ohio ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 13:12:25 -0500 (EST) From: Subject: [none] Tue, 31 Oct 2000 17:52:40 +0000 X-Lotus-FromDomain: IBMGB To: Message-ID: <> Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 17:49:46 +0000 Subject: OV: Delamoans Sender: Precedence: bulk Hi all, Maybe you're being a bit hard on the band. Could the problem be more deep seated, ie. the state of the music biz? Unless you're a Britney, Christina, 5ive etc, or new and happening (ugh, awful phrase) or an established cash cow (U2, Blur and David Bowie) record companies are increasingly reluctant to invest. It now costs soo much money to promote a single or album such that it charts well, that it has to sell a truck load of copies just to recoup the money. Now the record companies are extremely risk averse, and brilliant as the Dels music is, we all know what the popular music press will write as a review. So what happens? The record company push the band down a route they don't want to go. They take what they produce and get listening surveys done to see if radio stations etc will play it. The radio stations say no, it doesn't fit their advertisers client profiles so the record company persuade the band that whilst the music's great, if they want it to sell, then perhaps they should try so and so. Net result? It takes bloody ages for the record to come out. The costs spiral, the record companies get more nervous so wnat more control over what's put out to allay their fears of 'what if it doesn't sell'. The artist gets disillusioned big time, hardly what you need and loses interest in finishing the damn thing. Promoters for tours lose interest because they don't see anything new to promote, so who will underwrite the tour? Not the record company, they'll want that to happen with the new record. And so it goes on. It's tragic. Does the net help? I don't know. If the band release something via the web, how many people actually buy it? Is it worth it? It might be great for keeping up the morale of dedicated fans, but are there bigger fish to fry?? Just trying to play devils advocate. I do think however that given Alison & Kevin devote their time mainly for the love of it, that the band should make some kind of effort to keep in touch say hello and say what's going on. It's the easiest and cheapest thing to keep us feeling happy. But like I said, don't be too hard on them. If they are caught in the above trap, I doubt their spirits will be that high. Perhaps it's a pessimistic view, but if it is the case maybe we should be asking how we can help cheer them up?? __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf! It's FREE. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 14:21:19 -0500 From: Michael Lee Newman Subject: OV: Re: oppositeview-digest V2 #146 boundary="============_-1239102409==_ma============" Sender: Precedence: bulk - --============_-1239102409==_ma============ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed" Big Al and Kevin, I wrote a few lines the other day expressing my contentment in listening to the Del Amitri material I have and LOVE. This is not in any way discrediting what either of you do for the rest of the Del masses who turn to each of you for information. You both do a great job! Justin Currie has already stated my point so well that I think I'll just let him reiterate here: And I guess it's up to us to choose the methods by which we forget You see, I don't have that forthcoming album of new material yet, and all the information spreading isn't going to get it to me any faster or make the band successful. The band has to want it to happen. And they have to want to inform you and us for us to be informed. OVers have to spread the word beyond this list to effect any amount of success the band might have the next time around. I personally converted some friends this week with a b-side tape. How about the rest of you? Are you spreading the word? You can put Change Everything on when they come over, and when they ask who that cool sounding band is YOU HIT THE REPEAT BUTTON! So I soldier on and [listen] just like a man Thanks, Michael Lee Newman Newman Designs INTERIOR DESIGN AND CONSULTING Michael Lee Newman 2720 East Broad St. Bexley, Ohio 43209 Tel/Fax 614-239-6292 E-Mail: __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Messenger - Talk while you surf! It's FREE. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 14:38:45 EST From: Subject: Re: OV: RE: Dela who? Also being relatively new to this site, I wholeharedly agree. Sure, I would LOVE to hear some Del tunes, but it is THEIR choice! Maureen Ragen West Virginia, USA ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 21:25:21 -0000 From: "Chris Fleming" Subject: OV: Easter Egg update Hi all Just to let you know the eegg I put on is currently on a score of 8.2. I am just outside the Top25 so if you all want to see some exciting chart action involving the dels go their and vote for the dels eegg. (If some of you have missed the recent mail go to the link above search for Del amitri and follow the instructions) ChrisF Keep on Smiling ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 15:31:28 -0600 From: Leah D Schenkenberg Subject: OV: obligation Del Amitri is not obligated to pump out a record within 3 or 5 or 7 years if that is their choice. But just the same, their fans are not obligated to buy it, and can't be expected to with such little effort put their way. We are the ones who supply them with this job. They can choose not to cater to us, but that has reprecussions. If they don't do anything within 4 years, we can, effectively, fire them. And I'm sure that some people will and/or already have. I've only been a DA fan for 2 years now...I've only seen them once, a year and a half ago (and I know I'm one of the luckier ones to see them so recently). It's hard for me to imagine being a newbie to an album at the same time as everyone else...I've been catching up for so long. Ultimately, it is their choice as far as the record time line, updates, etc. And they are free to make that choice. At the same time, they aren't entitled to wondering why the album isn't well recieved, isn't selling, isn't being played, etc. if it's a direct result from their lack of promotion. As much as I'd like the new record, more concerts, more accessibility, etc., they can do (or in this case, not do) whatever they long as they don't complain later about the results of their actions. Leah I remember Sting for years trying to think of a rhyme for "magic", as in Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic. I think the only word he could come up with, apart from 'tragic', was 'pelagic', which means 'ocean going'. There I was in my leather pants and punk hairdo, pondering the distinction between ocean-going and river-going fish. ~ Stewart Copeland ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 22:40:49 -0000 From: "Hilary Gray" Subject: OV: Re: RE: Dela who? Interesting debate..... I totally agree that the band doesn't owe us anything at all in terms of songs, albums, shows, playing live b-sides etc etc. You pay your money for the CD or ticket and you get your product. End of story. Where I think the band are lacking is to letting us know what is happening. A bit more info e.g. a quick email or statement to Kevin and Alison for the websites once a month or so isn't really asking a lot. Perhaps we've been spoiled up to recently. I really don't have a feel for how much return a band gets for doing the other 'goodwill' stuff. Does it increase sales? They know that we will buy the new CD anyway, so why do anything especially for us - it's the rest of the music buying population they need to reach to sell the CDs and get Justin his number 1 single. But as Sherry says, that's up to the band/JPR/Mercury publicity machine. The Dels been in this industry long enough to know what's what. I just get frustrated thinking how much momentum they've lost since Hatful of Rain. And back to a very selfish point of view, I'd like to know when they are touring next so I can plan next year's vacation time! But I doubt even the band knows that :o( Hilary ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2000 22:52:45 -0000 From: "Hilary Gray" Subject: Re: OV: Nothing Ever Happens unless you listen? - ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jen Woyan" Sent: 31 October 2000 02:20 >Blur's B-Sides gig from the Electric Ballroom in Camden on September 6th >(Monday) is now available in archive form, at both 28k and 56K Real Video >format, from the blur:x website. A B-side gig? Oh, we can dream can't we.......? Hilary ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2000 01:11:55 -0600 From: "debbie" Subject: Re: OV: Nothing Ever Happens unless you listen? - ----- Original Message ----- From: "Hilary Gray" To: Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 4:52 PM Subject: Re: OV: Nothing Ever Happens unless you listen? > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Jen Woyan" > Sent: 31 October 2000 02:20 > > >Blur's B-Sides gig from the Electric Ballroom in Camden on September 6th > >(Monday) is now available in archive form, at both 28k and 56K Real Video > >format, from the blur:x website. > > A B-side gig? Oh, we can dream can't we.......? > > Hilary > Oh would that EVER be a dream! I recall Justin telling me once (when I asked) that they don't do B-sides live.....however, I won't think any less of him if he changes his mind. :-) Heck, I think at this point, most of us would pay to hear them sing nursery rhymes. LOL Have a great day! debbie ------------------------------ End of oppositeview-digest V2 #147 **********************************