From: (oppositeview-digest) To: Subject: oppositeview-digest V2 #58 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk oppositeview-digest Monday, July 17 2000 Volume 02 : Number 058 Today's Subjects: ----------------- OV: Amen to that! ["Pete Smith" ] OV: Re: the kiddie kulture [] OV: Re: STORMIN'OFF [] Re: OV: Amen to that! [ALpha ] OV: Huh? ["Hilary Gray" ] OV: New info [Darren Holmquist ] OV: News Only List [Darren Holmquist ] OV: News Only list Address [Darren Holmquist ] Re: OV: Re: STORMIN'OFF [Lori Royal-Gordon ] OV: Re: oppositeview-digest V2 #57 ["NOEL TYLLA" ] OV: Go Nigel!!! ["Kristy McDonald" ] OV: FUNNY STUFF! ["Phil Denson" ] OV: Lurker Week ["tracykeates" ] OV: this and that ["Jeanette Brown" ] OV: Angry ["Alison Bellach" ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 10:25:00 +0100 From: "Pete Smith" Subject: OV: Amen to that! Thanks for reading my mind!!!!! I'm on a couple of different lists and this one is the biggest load of shit I've ever had the mispleasure of being on! It is soooo cliquey and is dominated by the same few people who think several hundred others are interested in their BBq's, listening habits, viewing habits etc. Why these half-wits think anyone other than the unfortunate few within their small circle are remotely fucking interested in their inane ramblings is beyond me. Lurkers unite and get this crap off the list. Alison, as your the official site can't you PLEASE set up a mailing list that deals ONLY with Del Amitri? Petey, Subject: Re: OV: Re: oppositeview-digest V2 #47 From: "Elizabeth Osborne" Add to Contacts Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 02:33:47 CDT Thank you, Northman for expressing my "view" while it may be somewhat "opposite" to those others who claim to be "Del" fans. I signed up for this group, thinking that I would be enlightened to some inclusive, intelligent conversation regarding a band that I regard highly. I love Del Amitri. They came to Springfield, Missouri a few years ago, my boyfriend was able to go - not me - but aside from that... I had actually been thinking of some clever ways to get "thrown off" of this mailing list - simply because the people on this list have come to annoy me so. Hardly ever is there actual mention of Del Amitri. I have endured such commentary as to which Muppet song is the best - comparing The Patridge Family to the Muppets, the Muppets to Hanson, excuse me???? What in the hell is this about? I have forwarded OV e-mails to my friends and my favorite response has been simply "Is this shit for real??" My response, sadly, was "yes." As far as this "chat line" goes, you need to find some real direction as far as what you want to discuss. I wanted to hear things about coming concerts, recent outings by the band, perhaps a little gossip about their next album. Not some bullshit about what kind of music some 14 year old likes to listen to when she cleans house. (Believe me, if I were in charge, some post about what "Sussidio" was (and I do NOT apologize for the spelling) would never have made the cut.) AND what 14 year old in the year 2000 cleans house these days anyway? And, for those parents who e-mailed in about which Muppet songs they listen to with their kids, I have this to kids, aged 9 and 5, ask me "What are we listening to today?? Crowded House, or Crowded House?" 'Nuff said about me and my kiddies. We are really busy buying and listening to really good CD's which include the Dels, Crowdies, Beatsties, Charlatans, and all the Chili Peppers we can get our grubby little hands on. Hey, at least we are original. Signing last, and for your sake...kindly...liz colbie chandler ... I guess we were really "the last to know"...but thank goodness we were smart enough to figure it out. Suckers. >From: >To: >Subject: OV: Re: oppositeview-digest V2 #47 >Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2000 18:00:40 EDT > >PLEASE TAKE ME OFF YOUR EMAIL LIST. >I HAVE NO DESIRE TO RECIEVE FURTHER EMAILS ABOUT THIS SUBJECT. PLEASE FEEL >FREE TO FOREWARD THIS TO WHOEVER ELSE FEELS THE NEED TO CONTINUALLY SEND >OUT >THESE EMAILS. > > >THANK YOU >N.M.000 __________________________________________ Go Postal! Get free email from Music + Free Email = Double Happiness ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 05:43:12 EDT From: Subject: OV: Re: the kiddie kulture In a message dated 14/07/00 10:02:31 GMT Daylight Time, writes: << I don't know about you guys on the other side of the equator but here they played Hanson to death. Another example of radio stations targetting the pimple generation. Its probably not fair to take it out on Hanson but when radio plays their music ALL THE BLOODY TIME its too much. But then the music industry is about making money not necessarily giving listeners a variety of quality music. >> The UK music scene is full of either d.j.'s getting more famous than the music they play (my dad used to smack me for scratching records and whirring the tunrtable back and fore, if only he knew it could have made my fortune!!), 30or so girl/boy bands of varying talent (2 or 3 are good but, really, it's just frustrated actors/models put together by a manager advertising in Stage magazine and selected for their looks/image rather than any signing ability) and one hit wonders who release a follow up which is nearly always the same type of tune as their hit but with different lyrics and, so, are never seen or heard again. One of the biggest kid idols, H From Steps, was a kids entertainer at my local caravan site 3 yrs ago and the kids, including my girls, hated him for having no talent and the cheesiest personality - just like now really, only he's popular for it. It's just product that fills the tv/radio space between adverts. A cynical view but, to be honest, it's spot on. Hanson are long forgotten in the UK, they were one hit wonders and like all these kiddie groups, they have a shelf life of 3 years if they're lucky, one summer if they're not. Doug - never disputed Hanson are a (sort of) reasonable pop act. They just don't happen to have released one of the Greatest album in rock'n'roll history which was a recent claim on here. Why am I so peeved? I've just paid £75 for my girls to go and see about 10 of these "groups" - none of who play instruments - headlined by 5ive play in Cardiff Castle next weekend. As a result of this and other bills etc, I couldn't really afford to see Eels in Bristol last night or Van Morrison in my hometown of Cardiff (where he now lives, great decision sir!) this week. Jeez, at their age, at least I was brought up on Sweet, T Rex and The Who. What hope for the kids now eh??? :>) LOL ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 06:30:03 EDT From: Subject: OV: Re: STORMIN'OFF In a message dated 16/07/00 10:01:55 GMT Daylight Time, writes: << Thank you, Northman for expressing my "view" while it may be somewhat "opposite" to those others who claim to be "Del" fans. I signed up for this group, thinking that I would be enlightened to some inclusive, intelligent conversation regarding a band that I regard highly. I love Del Amitri >> <> On the list for my football (soccer) team, we have a "Storming Off" panel who award marks out of 10 for the quality of rant, attitude, attacks on others and abuse given in a "Up Yours, You're Nothing, I Don't Need You So I Resign" e-mail. Now this one had a good beginning, meandered and got stuck up its own back end in the middle but came back strongly in the closing stages to finish with its "get a life, you sad losers" attitude although lost some of its impact with the sneering I love Crowded House so must be better than you inference which had me chuckling really. Still a fine effort, much promise, I personally give it 6/10 for style, quality and presentation. Don't know how long you've been on this list Elizabeth, I'd suggest not very long. I've been on it for something like 3 years and there has been endless Dels chat, news, threads, gig reviews, contributions - this is the first place anywhere on the planet that you'll get it in my experience. But you really need to face, and understand, facts before being so quick to condemn. Dels haven't given us any new music (apart from the awful Cry To Be Found and the noteworthy Don't Come Home Too Soon) in more than 3 years! Apart from the odd festival date, they also haven't had any gigs or tours for 2 years. They've had no tv appearences, no record label, no p.r. and not a lot of anything really in their current sabbatical. If there's no news to talk about, why would you reasonably expect the postings to be littered with news? No matter what group or e-mail list you're on, if nothing is happening with the subject the list is dedicated to, it is inevitable that the threads will vary. From what I've seen, you've contributed either nothing or very little to this list. I'm on a few lists and if one "unwritten" rule holds true, it's that you only get out of them what you put into them. Know what I mean? There is another "unwritten" rule, if you don't like some things being posted, then just don't read them, it really is that simple. I have to say I haven't read anything on the Muppets thread - wished I had now! - but that's partly becuase of limited time and other demands too. As for playing Crowded House to your kids all day, I hope it doesn't affect them too much in later life, I wish them well. :>) If they're so superior, then why not join their list & see how much news they give you eh? Wonder how long you'd last with them? Top work with The Charlatans and Beasties though! You have my admiration. I'd suggest if you only want to read news etc, lurk about or come back later this year when hopefully there is real news to discuss and see the difference then. Enjoy your weekend and next time you storm off, go straight for the jugular - you'll score at least a 7 then! Nigel ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 00:20:22 +1000 (EST) From: ALpha Subject: Re: OV: Amen to that! A couple of things froma newbie to the list but longtime Del fan. 1) if you don't like the mail - just press delete. 2) There is a lot of good music out there, and i'm sure that none of you know all of it. Because of the glowing review given to the new Hanson album i *may* give it a listen if i get a chance. They may well have improved. When my boss gave me a copy of the very first Dels album he warned me be ready to cry because they are nothing like the band they are now. Be open to new things 3) stop being so frigging grumpy - there are thousands of people out there who share nothing with you and wouldn't share anything with you even if they felt like it - at least we all have the Dels. PRESS DELETE instead of BITCHING BACK all of you lot who seem to feel the need to be negative and aggressive on waht seemed to be a pretty good list of people are all just nobs :P Cheers all. ALpha - -- 'Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take up ranks with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, for they live in that gray twilight that knows neither victory or defeat.' - Theodore Roosevelt ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 13:10:25 +0100 From: "Hilary Gray" Subject: OV: Huh? These lurker eruptions seem to becoming a regular feature...... Can I just say that the reason there isn't much Del Amitri conversation is that there isn't anything to talk about. The last album of new material was released 3 years ago. The last UK tour was nearly two years ago, the US even longer. As for the rest of the world.... This is why the conversation has turned, in general, to music related matters that list members think that other Del Amitri fans would be interested in. I have to say that this is probably one of the most *on* topic lists that I subscribe to. A lot of the people who tend to post a lot have been on the list for a while and know most of each others stories and Del related trivia. Some have become good friends. Some have got married. It's not meant to be cliquey, it's just that we're kicking our heels while waiting for the new album to materialise. Therefore if you have something to say, please do so. We'd love some new voices and new opinions. And as in most discussion lists and newsgroups, if you want to influence the conversation, the best way to do so is to speak up and join in. Regards, Hilary ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 10:02:14 -0700 From: Darren Holmquist Subject: OV: New info It's time to give our non posting members their due. I'm asking that if you haven't posted before; or post only very occasionally, to please post during this week. As I dub July 17 - 24 "Lurker Week". I'm also asking that if you're a regular poster to OV, to please hold your tongue, and not post. Let's let the lurkers have their say without fear of rebuke. I'm hoping this will turn some lurkers into regular posting members of OV. Peace, Darren Owner/Administrator "The Opposite View: The Del Amitri Mailing List" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 10:09:15 -0700 From: Darren Holmquist Subject: OV: News Only List I'm currently running an experiment. I'm on the regular mailing list AND the News-Only mailing list for an artist. That artist is currently on a US tour; with a new album coming out in September. Guess what? On the mailing list, they're taking polls on whether to throw someone off the list; talking about the OTHER band on the tour; and reviewing shows with "It was killer". I've received about 5 emails in 3 months from the "News-Only" list. That was to announce the tour, and to announce additional dates. Mailing lists are like print media... you've got to sort through a bunch of crap to find the information that has meaning for you. I believe Kevin has a News Only mailing list. It is not a discussion list (right Kevin?), you get news when Kevin sends it to you. That's all. No rumour, just cold hard facts. It sounds like there are some here on OV that, that's what they want. I urge you to join that list and unsubscribe from this one. I sent instructions for deleting yourself from OV yesterday. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kevin - tell the band, "the natives are getting restless." :) Peace, Darren ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 10:30:10 -0700 From: Darren Holmquist Subject: OV: News Only list Address Forgot to give Kevin's address: you can sign up there. Peace, Darren ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 09:04:16 -0700 From: Lori Royal-Gordon Subject: Re: OV: Re: STORMIN'OFF > Still a fine effort, much promise, I personally give it 6/10 for style, > quality and presentation. Go, Nigel! Thanks for the much-needed laugh this morning! ~Lori, whose 14-year-old DOES help clean house (if he wants to eat), and who lasted on the Crowded House list almost two weeks (all THEY talk about is Neil's hair and pants) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 18:07:49 GMT From: "NOEL TYLLA" Subject: OV: Re: oppositeview-digest V2 #57 >From: (oppositeview-digest) >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: oppositeview-digest V2 #57 >Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 04:50:13 -0400 (EDT) > >oppositeview-digest Sunday, July 16 2000 Volume 02 : Number 057 > > > > Today's Subjects: > ----------------- > OV: Re: oppositeview-digest V2 #47 >[] > OV: Administrivia! [Darren Holmquist >] > Re: OV: Re: oppositeview-digest V2 #47 ["Elizabeth Osborne" > >---------------------------------------------------------------------- > >Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2000 18:00:40 EDT >From: >Subject: OV: Re: oppositeview-digest V2 #47 > >PLEASE TAKE ME OFF YOUR EMAIL LIST. >I HAVE NO DESIRE TO RECIEVE FURTHER EMAILS ABOUT THIS SUBJECT. PLEASE FEEL >FREE TO FOREWARD THIS TO WHOEVER ELSE FEELS THE NEED TO CONTINUALLY SEND >OUT >THESE EMAILS. > > >THANK YOU >N.M.000 > >------------------------------ > >Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2000 17:16:03 -0700 >From: Darren Holmquist >Subject: OV: Administrivia! > >At 06:00 PM 7/15/00 -0400, wrote: > >PLEASE TAKE ME OFF YOUR EMAIL LIST. > >I HAVE NO DESIRE TO RECIEVE FURTHER EMAILS ABOUT THIS SUBJECT. PLEASE >FEEL > >FREE TO FOREWARD THIS TO WHOEVER ELSE FEELS THE NEED TO CONTINUALLY SEND >OUT > >THESE EMAILS. > >Guess it's time to explain how to get off the mailing list... some folk >just don't get it. > >If you receive the Digest version: send an email >to: >in the body of the email, write: unsubscribe > >If you receive the regular version: send an email >to: >in the body of the email, write: unsubscribe > >Please, ALWAYS, feel free to contact me personally if you have questions >about getting on/off this mailing list. I'll also post it on the Opposite >View >website: sometime >soon... you know... when I have spare time... > >Peace, >Darren >Administrator; Oppositeview Mailing List > >------------------------------ > >Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 02:33:47 CDT >From: "Elizabeth Osborne" >Subject: Re: OV: Re: oppositeview-digest V2 #47 > >Thank you, Northman for expressing my "view" while it may be somewhat >"opposite" to those others who claim to be "Del" fans. I signed up for >this >group, thinking that I would be enlightened to some inclusive, intelligent >conversation regarding a band that I regard highly. I love Del Amitri. >They came to Springfield, Missouri a few years ago, my boyfriend was able >to >go - not me - but aside from that... I had actually been thinking of some >clever ways to get "thrown off" of this mailing list - simply because the >people on this list have come to annoy me so. Hardly ever is there actual >mention of Del Amitri. I have endured such commentary as to which Muppet >song is the best - comparing The Patridge Family to the Muppets, the >Muppets >to Hanson, excuse me???? What in the hell is this about? I have forwarded >OV e-mails to my friends and my favorite response has been simply "Is this >shit for real??" My response, sadly, was "yes." As far as this "chat >line" >goes, you need to find some real direction as far as what you want to >discuss. I wanted to hear things about coming concerts, recent outings by >the band, perhaps a little gossip about their next album. Not some bullshit >about what kind of music some 14 year old likes to listen to when she >cleans >house. (Believe me, if I were in charge, some post about what "Sussidio" >was (and I do NOT apologize for the spelling) would never have made the >cut.) AND what 14 year old in the year 2000 cleans house these days >anyway? > And, for those parents who e-mailed in about which Muppet songs they >listen to with their kids, I have this to kids, aged 9 and 5, ask >me "What are we listening to today?? Crowded House, or Crowded House?" >'Nuff said about me and my kiddies. We are really busy buying and >listening >to really good CD's which include the Dels, Crowdies, Beatsties, >Charlatans, >and all the Chili Peppers we can get our grubby little hands on. Hey, at >least we are original. Signing last, and for your >sake...kindly...liz colbie chandler ... I guess we were really "the last >to >know"...but thank goodness we were smart enough to figure it out. Suckers. > > > >From: > >To: > >Subject: OV: Re: oppositeview-digest V2 #47 > >Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2000 18:00:40 EDT > > > >PLEASE TAKE ME OFF YOUR EMAIL LIST. > >I HAVE NO DESIRE TO RECIEVE FURTHER EMAILS ABOUT THIS SUBJECT. PLEASE >FEEL > >FREE TO FOREWARD THIS TO WHOEVER ELSE FEELS THE NEED TO CONTINUALLY SEND > >OUT > >THESE EMAILS. > > > > > >THANK YOU > >N.M.000 > >________________________________________________________________________ >Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at > >------------------------------ > >End of oppositeview-digest V2 #57 >********************************* > My, My........... Noel ________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 13:56:04 -0700 From: "Kristy McDonald" Subject: OV: Go Nigel!!! > Why am I so peeved? I've just paid £75 for my girls to go and see about 10 > of these "groups" - none of who play instruments - headlined by 5ive play in > Cardiff Castle next weekend. As a result of this and other bills etc, I > couldn't really afford to see Eels in Bristol last night or Van Morrison in > my hometown of Cardiff (where he now lives, great decision sir!) this week. Two entusiastic thumbs up to Nigel who has regognised that sending kids and adults alike to ANY live show these days requires a bank loan and the promise of giving up your firstborn. Don Henley CAN play instruments and CAN write and CAN kiss my cute little ass! His new CD is great, but tix for a seat in the 3,000 seat theater (maybe less!) are $89.70 - before taxes and service fees. You have to figure that it would cost over $100 PER PERSON (about 50 pounds) for a concert. I feel for you, Nigel, having two young girls in this day and age. How many jobs do you have? As for the Muppets, I chippped in my two cents, and I appologise for drawing the wrath of that woman who felt the need to tear a cyber strip off all of us. Man, now I feel like a real loser . . . I don't LIKE the Chilli Peppers ; ) And one more Nigel accolade before I go . . . that ratings scale was beautiful. Really! Michealangello couldn't have invented anything prettier. I salute you with all of the sparkling soda I have . . . I'm too poor to drink. Cheers! Kristy in Canada ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 17:44:46 -0500 From: "Phil Denson" Subject: OV: FUNNY STUFF! 3 weeks of vacation, I come back and I finally see some great posts. I like Hanson...surprised...give them a listen...Mmmmbop aside. Greatest lines...all of them. The lurker stuff was the best...somebody pass me the prozac...classic opinionated conversation by people who never give opinions...could you please speak up the other 3 weeks of the month? Tanned and ready for war...PHIL ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 22:43:54 +0100 From: "tracykeates" Subject: OV: Lurker Week This is a multi-part message in MIME format. - ------=_NextPart_000_0030_01BFEF77.521DE1E0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi all I consider myself to be an occasional poster/lurker, probably more = lurker than poster I guess but Darrens mail about Lurker Week inspired = me. I admit I am in agreement with some of what has been said about there = being no Del content to most mails lately and also am in agreement with = the counter argument you can't write about something when nothing is = happening. I can see both sides to the story. I have met some of the 'clique' members at gigs in the past although I = haven't spoken to any of them very much but I know who most of them are, = and as they are friends then I guess they will chat, I've nothing = against that, but I'm not particularly interested. I haven't joined in = to conversations because I'm not the small talk type but I do mail if I = have anything I think may be of interest such as my last mail about the = King Tuts gig. If people don't want to read non Dels related chat then I am in = agreement with Darren they should maybe just subscribe to Kevins list = and get facts when there are any. I am personally happy staying with OV = and Kevins list and when I have something to say about the Dels then I = will. Tracy ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 10:24:22 +1000 From: "Jeanette Brown" Subject: OV: this and that As a lurker I do often feel as though I'm eavesdropping on private conversations but who cares? As far as Hanson is concerned I've often heard worse and I much prefer my girls to listen to them than go around imitating the likes of Britney "I'm not that innocent" Spears. YUCK Del Amitri content: my 11 year old is home sick today and we've been listening to the first album, her comment was along the lines of "Thank God Justin learned to sing, because the first two songs are terrible." And just to annoy those of you who aren't interested in such things...she has a teddy bear who must be Scottish because he has a tartan bow and his name is Justin, after her favourite Scot. Back to lurking, Jeanette. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 19:29:20 -0700 From: "Alison Bellach" Subject: OV: Angry Hey, I'm all for anyone expressing opinions, but does it need to be peppered with such anger and name calling? I've said this many times: just because you email someone doesn't mean you know them. These people are still strangers to you. Let's treat each other with respect. A - ------------------------------------------------------------------- Alison Bellach: ------------------------------ End of oppositeview-digest V2 #58 *********************************