From: (navy-soup-digest) To: Subject: navy-soup-digest V4 #72 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk navy-soup-digest Thursday, July 19 2001 Volume 04 : Number 072 In This Digest: ----------------- Re: Sarah's "new voice" ["Tab Siddiqui" ] RE: Sarah's EP ["tara" ] Re: Sarah's "new voice" [Jennifer.M.Pease.00@Alum.Dartmouth.ORG (Jennifer] RE: Sarah's "new voice" ["Gina" ] Re: Sarah's EP ["tara" ] Picky b*stards :) (no Sarah content) ["Gina" ] Re: Sarah's "new voice" ["Daniel Leza" ] Bonuses? ["Kelly Goodlad" ] RE: Bonuses? ["Chris C / iCE" ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 20:54:47 From: "Tab Siddiqui" Subject: Re: Sarah's "new voice" Wow, 30 posts in one day. Sarah should release more material more often! ;-) Anyhow, just to wade into the waters here, I have to say I'm pretty surprised that anyone's really particularly 'surprised' or 'put off' by the so-called 'difference' in Sarah's vocals. I'm hazarding a guess that many Soupers are fairly new fans and perhaps might not have witnessed the progression of Sarah's music and performance the way some of us who have been following her here at home since the beginning have. I recall a young, timid girl testing out songs that not even she realized the power of... How far she's come in every aspect of her singing, playing, and stage persona never ceases to amaze me. I'll admit that even I was a bit thrown by the last round of Rivoli shows - to me, Hawksley Workman was written all over her performance and many of the new songs. But this isn't to say in any way that he's unduly influenced her or anything, rather, it's more of a unique and compatible musical relationship - just witness Sarah's vocals on Hawksley's own album - they're of the very vibrato type that most seem to be criticizing here. But they *fit*, and not only that, he's obviously challenged her to go places with her voice that perhaps she hasn't before. And that can only be a good thing for any musician, to try different things, push the envelope. And not to keep harping on Mr. Workman, because when it comes down to it, this is *Sarah's* work we're talking about here - but if there's anything Hawksley does best, it's push the envelope. And we should be glad that such a creative artist is helping Sarah to shape and deliver her music. As James said, of course no major label would be too happy with having a genius madman produce their new signing's debut, which of course resulted in the compromise of having star engineer Cliff Norrell (R.E.M.) on board. But the fact that Sarah wanted Hawksley, and *got* Hawksley, is, in my mind, a definite victory. That being said, like Julian, I am *not* a fan of his production of Tegan and Sara's album - it definitely sounds 'over-produced' in comparison to their very powerful, stripped-down, largely acoustic indie debut. And certainly, in the same vein, listening to the new songs on Sarah's EP, they sound miles away from the very raw quality of the "Universe" songs. But in the latter case, I think it's less a matter of over-production than simply a natural progression and growth in Sarah's sound, writing, and musical taste. New songs like "Me, I'm a Thief" are so dense and dark that they make her earlier tragic ballads sound like trifles. Something like "Book Smart, Street Stupid" simply *can't* be sung in exactly the same way as anything else - it's a matter of using the voice to convey a particular story or emotion. And we all know that Sarah is a master of doing just that. So maybe what I'm saying is, give it another spin. Or ten. And try to see it as the latest step in a career that has been slowly burgeoning for some time, yet also barely just begun. Looking at this EP as both growing on her past releases and a tease for the full-length to follow, I for one am incredibly excited and can't wait to see what Sarah has in store for us next. - - Tab :) _________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 17:16:16 -0400 From: "tara" Subject: RE: Sarah's EP I just grabbed the EP and I think it's great! I dont know what you guys are complaining about.. lol I honestly think it's the closest thing to how Sarah sounds live, as far as her voice goes. And it sounds like she was able to mix around the songs and and add to them to make them sound more like she hears them in her head. I'm definitely looking forward to the LP (whenever it comes out)! the only reason why I'm a little disappointed in the EP is that there are only 2 NEW songs, and Eliot was redone... I knew there were Blue Parade & Universe songs on there, but I thought she re-recorded them all. I was looking forward to hearing all new material. I really really hope that "Everything by the Gallon", "Last Year's War", and "Me I'm a Thief" (I ARDORE THIS SONG!!!!) will be on the new CD... and hopefully more new ones. "Me I'm a Thief" is amazing. i heard it live, and WOW. :) I think all of this "new voice" stuff is just a product of Sarah growing and learning more about what she can do with her voice and music... it's not a bad thing to mix things around in the studio. At least she's not mechanically altering the sound of her voice. THAT I would be mad about. :D - -tara ------------------------------ Date: 18 Jul 2001 20:18:24 EDT From: Jennifer.M.Pease.00@Alum.Dartmouth.ORG (Jennifer M. Pease 00) Subject: Re: Sarah's "new voice" - --- "Tab Siddiqui" wrote: I have to say I'm pretty surprised that anyone's really particularly 'surprised' or 'put off' by the so-called 'difference' in Sarah's vocals. I'm hazarding a guess that many Soupers are fairly new fans and perhaps might not have witnessed the progression of Sarah's music and performance the way some of us who have been following her here at home since the beginning have. - --- end of quote --- I wouldn't say I'm exactly a "new" fan... certainly not one of the oldest but I've been around for at least 3 years or so I guess... it was at least a year before "Blue Parade" came out -- was that 2 summers ago? Anyway, in regard to your comment, Tab, I would say that the EP is interesting in that it demonstrates a bit of this progression you talk about.... starting out with the songs from the yet-to-be album, progressing to "Blue Parade" and finally to the ones from "Universe." And weirdly enough, that's about my order of preference of the songs on the CD... "Book Smart" being my least favorite, "High" and "Twin Moon" being somewhere in the middle, and "John the 23rd" being one of my all-time favorites (at least coming close to "Sadie," which, if I recall correctly, dates back even earlier?). I guess I'm just an ardent supporter of the beauty of simplicity... I don't like (what sounds like) affected vibrato, kind-of-cheesy backgrounds (the snaps in "Sweet Ones"; "so fabulous, so fabulous..." -- I realize this cheesiness is part of the persona of the song, but it doesn't mean I have to enjoy it!), etc. And that's what I was disappointed about, I think... because I always liked how Sarah could play to my idea of complex elegance masquerading as something simple, and while it's OK for one song, I hope it's not just a prelude to how the majority of her songs will be sung in the future. That said -- to whomever said something about noticing the difference between the sound-quality of the first 3 songs to that of the indie-produced -- I totally agree! I was listening to "Sweet Ones" and when it flipped to "High" I could hear the difference immediately. So of course that's a good thing... I'm not saying there aren't good things about this EP (I really like the new version of "Eliot," for example) -- I was just commenting that yes, Sarah's voice has changed, and no, I don't necessarily think it's a sound I enjoy. Ahhh well. I really hope it doesn't seem like I'm trashing Sarah here--I still enjoy hearing her new songs and am mesmerized by her musicianship... I just wish her voice sounded a little more -- dare I sound shallow enough to say "pretty"? yes, I dare! -- in "Book Smart" while she did it! - -jennpease ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 22:38:43 -0400 From: "Gina" Subject: RE: Sarah's "new voice" "I guess I'm just an ardent supporter of the beauty of simplicity... I don't like (what sounds like) affected vibrato, kind-of-cheesy backgrounds" I'm with ya here, Jen. The music that really sticks with me the longest is usually also the most basic.. the most honest. Ani Difranco's "Like I Said" is still one of my favorites, and that came out in the late 80's or early 90's. I guess Ani's sound changed a lot, too. And there are some of her albums that I don't listen to. But since I found her stuff late (she already had about 9 albums out :)), it didn't bother me at all that some of it wasn't my style, vocally or lyrically. I still had plenty to listen to that was. Earlier I got to thinking about what if. What if Ms. Slean was on Ani's label? She could release an album about once a year! I remembered Sarah saying at a concert that she gets bored with songs, and wants to do new material. I'm sure we wouldn't complain. It was nice to think about, anyway. "And that's what I was disappointed about, I think... because I always liked how Sarah could play to my idea of complex elegance masquerading as something simple, and while it's OK for one song, I hope it's not just a prelude to how the majority of her songs will be sung in the future." I decided to hope for that, too (but a ghost voice from some past email keeps whispering "her new album is a whole new sound for her..." - I think it was someone who works with her, or another artist. I remember thinking "uh oh.") Sarah's lyrics and music are great...but her singing voice is just stunning. Delicate.. subtle.. "I could start believing.. I could watch you sleeping". I remember the first time I saw her live (the CD release party for Blue Parade).. she was flawless. I'm a very picky bastard and I was floored. :) "That said -- to whomever said something about noticing the difference between the sound-quality of the first 3 songs to that of the indie-produced -- I totally agree! I was listening to "Sweet Ones" and when it flipped to "High" I could hear the difference immediately. So of course that's a good thing..." And I *will definately* get the new full-length when it comes out. I've never heard some of the new songs, and I fear for the over-production of "Duncan", but I *need* to have "Me, I'm a Theif". :) "I really hope it doesn't seem like I'm trashing Sarah here--I still enjoy hearing her new songs and am mesmerized by her musicianship..." I felt kind of guilty for my email all day, like maybe I was being premature or melodramatic. I don't know, I guess we'll see. I'll be the first to eat my words (and boy, will I enjoy the taste) if I love the new full-length. :) Gina ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 22:42:27 -0400 From: "tara" Subject: Re: Sarah's EP I remember a couple of people saying they thought that her vibrato was empasized in the studio - it's not. She sounds exactly the way live nowadays as she does on the newer tracks on the EP. Just to clear the record. :) I said this before, but I'll say it again - I'm glad that she hasn't altered her voice in the studio with machines at all (at least not in the lead vocals that I noticed), because that would upset me. I still think that the new EP is a more experienced and confident Sarah and I hope she continues to do what she's doing. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 23:07:29 -0400 From: "Gina" Subject: Picky b*stards :) (no Sarah content) Speaking of being a picky bastard.. maybe someone could recommend some pretty songs for me to listen to? I'll post some songs that I've been enjoying: Cowboy Junkies - Blue Moon Revisited (lyrically average, obviously, but really lovely guitar and vocals when she sings "blue moooon.. you saw me standing alone..") Richard Shindell - Transit (Somewhere Near Patterson) (Slow beginning but stick with it, the story is cool and the instrumentation really picks up for a beautiful ending.) While you're at it, get "My love will Follow You" Dar and maybe Lucy sing backgrounds. Ani DiFranco - School Night (from Reveling/Reckoning) (the second half features heart breaking lyrics; "She's choking on the smoke of unthinkable choices, she is haunted by the voices of so many desires, and she's bent over from the business of begging forgiveness while frantically running around putting out fires, but then what kind of scale compares the weight of two beauties?" (must listen to) Paul Simon - That's Where I Belong Just real nice! Dar Williams - After All (from The Green World) Lyrically interesting and vocally comforting ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 06:12:00 +0300 From: "Daniel Leza" Subject: Re: Sarah's "new voice" Hey you all, I just wanted to comment on the deep input that people posted her, specifically those who are a bit disappointed or miss the "old" Sarah voice. Personally I wanted to wait till the CD is out, before I voiced my opinion, but it's already out in the open so I might as well say what I think. When Universe first came out I was ecstatic, the song Universe itself made me cry quite a few times, and the others moved me as well. Later on came out Blue Parade, and I think what made me most thrilled about it, was the fact that it was something new! No one can deny that Blue Parade is a different thing when compared to Universe, and personally, im glad it was. The same thing applies here, there are two options: the new CD could resemble Universe, Blue Parade, or both, or it could be something new. Now I will always love whatever Sarah releases, no doubt there, but if I was to choose which one i'd like more, i'd go with the 2nd option without thinking about it twice. Plus I think it'd be naive to think that the new CD will sound like the other two, that's not Sarah's style. Moreover, i'm as sure that every work she releases will be a new thing, just as i'm sure that the sun will rise tomorrow (well a bit of exaggeration there) >I wouldn't say I'm exactly a "new" fan... certainly not one of the oldest but I've been around for at least 3 years or so I guess... it was at least a year before "Blue Parade" came out -- was that 2 summers ago? Anyway, in regard to your comment, Tab, I would say that the EP is interesting in that it demonstrates a bit of this progression you talk about.... starting out with the songs from the yet-to-be album, progressing to "Blue Parade" and finally to the ones from "Universe." And weirdly enough, that's about my order of preference of the songs on the CD... "Book Smart" being my least favorite, "High" and "Twin Moon" being somewhere in the middle, and "John the 23rd" being one of my all-time favorites (at least coming close to "Sadie," which, if I recall correctly, dates back even earlier?). I guess I'm just an ardent supporter of the beauty of simplicity... I don't like (what sounds like) affected vibrato, kind-of-cheesy backgrounds (the snaps in "Sweet Ones"; "so fabul! >ous, so fabulous..." -- I realize this cheesiness is part of the persona of the song, but it doesn't mean I have to enjoy it!), etc. And that's what I was disappointed about, I think... because I always liked how Sarah could play to my idea of complex elegance masquerading as something simple, and while it's OK for one song, I hope it's not just a prelude to how the majority of her songs will be sung in the future. > >That said -- to whomever said something about noticing the difference between the sound-quality of the first 3 songs to that of the indie-produced -- I totally agree! I was listening to "Sweet Ones" and when it flipped to "High" I could hear the difference immediately. So of course that's a good thing... I'm not saying there aren't good things about this EP (I really like the new version of "Eliot," for example) -- I was just commenting that yes, Sarah's voice has changed, and no, I don't necessarily think it's a sound I enjoy. > >Ahhh well. I really hope it doesn't seem like I'm trashing Sarah here--I still enjoy hearing her new songs and am mesmerized by her musicianship... I just wish her voice sounded a little more -- dare I sound shallow enough to say "pretty"? yes, I dare! -- in "Book Smart" while she did it! > >-jennpease - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 23:51:18 -0400 From: "Kelly Goodlad" Subject: Bonuses? Hm.... The Pieces of Heaven site says Sarah's album will contain 11 songs (plus bonuses). It didn't say 'a bonus track' said 'bonuses'. whatever could this mean? ..... : Re: ... album track listing ... >Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 20:44:58 >MIME-Version: 1.0 >X-Originating-IP: [] >Received: from [] by (3.2) with ESMTP id >MHotMailBD1DF00700AC400437A84259C94E97FC0; Tue, 17 Jul 2001 13:50:24 -0700 >Received: from localhost (daemon@localhost)by >(8.8.7/8.8.7/listq-jane) with SMTP id QAA22553;Tue, 17 Jul 2001 16:44:44 >-0400 (EDT) >Received: by (bulk_mailer v1.10); Tue, 17 Jul 2001 16:44:43 -0400 >Received: (from majordom@localhost)by (8.8.7/8.8.7/listq-jane) id >QAA22475for navy-soup-outgoing; Tue, 17 Jul 2001 16:43:47 -0400 (EDT) >Received: from ( []) by > (8.8.7/8.8.7/daemon-mode-jane) with ESMTP id QAA22468 for >; Tue, 17 Jul 2001 16:43:41 -0400 (EDT) >Received: from mail pickup service by with Microsoft SMTPSVC; >Tue, 17 Jul 2001 13:44:58 -0700 >Received: from by with HTTP; >Tue, 17 Jul 2001 20:44:58 GMT >From Tue, 17 Jul 2001 13:52:11 -0700 >Message-ID: >X-OriginalArrivalTime: 17 Jul 2001 20:44:58.0662 (UTC) >FILETIME=[57DDC460:01C10F01] >Sender: >Precedence: bulk > >>We've had some really nice requests to spill the beans about the songs >>that >>will appear on the upcoming album, and because we want nothing more than >>to >>make you all happy, here they are: >> >>1. Eliot >>2. Weight >>3. Duncan >>4. St. Francis >>5. Sweet Ones >>6. Dark Room >>7. Book Smart, Street Stupid >>8. Drastic Measures >>9. Me, I'm A Thief >>10. My Invitation >>11. Bank Accounts > >Thanks Heather! After a minor confusion, I have the EP in my hands (and am >presently recording Book Smart, Street Stupid to my minidisc through a >CD-ROM because I don`t have a CD player.) > >Here in Quebec, they can`t read English names I guess, as HMV had put the >EP >until the name `Sarah Clean` -- your guess is as good as mine as to why >they >did that. After a minor confusion and me trying to use "my broken french" >I >was able to get my hands on the EP (for $16 CDN, no less... and that`s >before tax!) > >Sarah`s voice sounds very much changed... but one listen so far of Book >Smart, Street Stupid has me hooked...I can`t wait to hear the rest of the >songs on the album. > >kyall >_________________________________________________________________________ >Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 00:01:21 -0400 From: "Chris C / iCE" Subject: RE: Bonuses? I'm almost expecting; no.. i'm virtually guaranteeing that there'll be a hidden/unlisted track on the new LP (keeping to a Sarah tradition).. and of those, I wouldn't expect Heather to spill the beans on that quickly =) Chris - -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Kelly Goodlad Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 11:51 PM To: Subject: Bonuses? Hm.... The Pieces of Heaven site says Sarah's album will contain 11 songs (plus bonuses). It didn't say 'a bonus track' said 'bonuses'. whatever could this mean? ..... : Re: ... album track listing ... >Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 20:44:58 >MIME-Version: 1.0 >X-Originating-IP: [] >Received: from [] by (3.2) with ESMTP id >MHotMailBD1DF00700AC400437A84259C94E97FC0; Tue, 17 Jul 2001 13:50:24 -0700 >Received: from localhost (daemon@localhost)by >(8.8.7/8.8.7/listq-jane) with SMTP id QAA22553;Tue, 17 Jul 2001 16:44:44 >-0400 (EDT) >Received: by (bulk_mailer v1.10); Tue, 17 Jul 2001 16:44:43 -0400 >Received: (from majordom@localhost)by (8.8.7/8.8.7/listq-jane) id >QAA22475for navy-soup-outgoing; Tue, 17 Jul 2001 16:43:47 -0400 (EDT) >Received: from ( []) by > (8.8.7/8.8.7/daemon-mode-jane) with ESMTP id QAA22468 for >; Tue, 17 Jul 2001 16:43:41 -0400 (EDT) >Received: from mail pickup service by with Microsoft SMTPSVC; >Tue, 17 Jul 2001 13:44:58 -0700 >Received: from by with HTTP; >Tue, 17 Jul 2001 20:44:58 GMT >From Tue, 17 Jul 2001 13:52:11 -0700 >Message-ID: >X-OriginalArrivalTime: 17 Jul 2001 20:44:58.0662 (UTC) >FILETIME=[57DDC460:01C10F01] >Sender: >Precedence: bulk > >>We've had some really nice requests to spill the beans about the songs >>that >>will appear on the upcoming album, and because we want nothing more than >>to >>make you all happy, here they are: >> >>1. Eliot >>2. Weight >>3. Duncan >>4. St. Francis >>5. Sweet Ones >>6. Dark Room >>7. Book Smart, Street Stupid >>8. Drastic Measures >>9. Me, I'm A Thief >>10. My Invitation >>11. Bank Accounts > >Thanks Heather! After a minor confusion, I have the EP in my hands (and am >presently recording Book Smart, Street Stupid to my minidisc through a >CD-ROM because I don`t have a CD player.) > >Here in Quebec, they can`t read English names I guess, as HMV had put the >EP >until the name `Sarah Clean` -- your guess is as good as mine as to why >they >did that. After a minor confusion and me trying to use "my broken french" >I >was able to get my hands on the EP (for $16 CDN, no less... and that`s >before tax!) > >Sarah`s voice sounds very much changed... but one listen so far of Book >Smart, Street Stupid has me hooked...I can`t wait to hear the rest of the >songs on the album. > >kyall >_________________________________________________________________________ >Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at ------------------------------ End of navy-soup-digest V4 #72 ******************************