From: (navy-soup-digest) To: Subject: navy-soup-digest V2 #171 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk navy-soup-digest Tuesday, November 23 1999 Volume 02 : Number 171 In This Digest: ----------------- sarah's boston shows [Paul Kim ] Sarah on radio in Minneapolis!! - or, one email does make a diffe rence! [Amy Lotsberg ] Fwd: Sarah in the States ["Tabassum Siddiqui" ] Re: sarah's boston shows [] Re: sarah's boston shows [Jennifer.M.Pease@Dartmouth.EDU (Jennifer M. Pea] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 03:18:41 -0500 From: Paul Kim Subject: sarah's boston shows hi, i'm new to the list...blah blah blah...thanks to stevie i and gianny c for getting me universe when it came out...yakkety yakkety yak...hi to the list admins and other old school fumblers/edas/etc. whom i haven't seen in years...wonk wonk wonk. so i was pleased and tickled to finally get the chance to catch sarah playing live. thanks to the sleanster teamsters for making this happen. I was able to get to chris snyder's house in time to catch the whole show (but not to schmooze) and I was nicely delighted with the performance. mike was a wizard on the drums, pulling out some nice textures and touches on his kit, especially with the brushes...I was amazed that kevin played without his endpin down, and i definitely picked up some more knowledge about playing the cello to suit the style of music...i have nothing to say about the basses except *ahhhhh* acoustic bass... and sarah. infectiously uninhibited, awkwardly goofy, rambunctiously shy. And quite a talent, both vocally and pianistically. how old is this girl, how young is this woman? the real revelation came at the show the next day at the somerville theater, opening for moxy fruvous. The theater sounded nice, the sound system was pretty good, there was a nice reverb all around. They all played wonderfully. And Sarah was a lot more comfortable in this element than she was at the house concert (of course, given that these were her first house concerts, that's understandable), so she played off the incredibly enthusiastic and receptive crowd quite well. She gobbled up the attention and let it course through her performance and her banter. I tried to communicate after the show how blown away I was. I didn't do a good job. Basically, I said that it was the kind of show that leaves you drooling because you've gone into a coma. She smiled and said " that a good thing?" and i tried to explain by saying that it's like my brain was so blown away that i got sent into a coma. and we left it at that. But it's more like, my brain was so overwhelmed with the bliss of the show that it went nova in my head and careened off into a state of "laaaaa" and left my body without control of its motor functions, and therefore, the drool. this is the first time in a while that i can remember getting really goofy about meeting an artist. weird. here's to hoping they make the drive back home safely and can also plot another invasion of the US. Paul "think i better dance now" Kim ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 09:21:13 -0600 From: Amy Lotsberg Subject: Sarah on radio in Minneapolis!! - or, one email does make a diffe rence! Hi Soupers! Well, a couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that I was sad that Sarah hasn't played in my area yet (I am in Minneapolis, MN). Heather (Sarah's cool manager) wrote me back and suggested that I give her a list of possible venues for Sarah to play in the future. I did so and also mentioned that if Heather would send some CDs to a couple of radio stations, I would do my best to get them to play her. Well, last night it happened! I had sent an email to a radio station in town that does a show on Sunday nights called "Sirens" which features women in music. I told the host of the show (Wendy) that I thought her listeners would really enjoy Sarah and that as soon as she got the CD I recommended she play something off of it. Well, I listened to the show last night and at one point Wendy said, "Next up I'll be playing two tracks form "Refuge: A Benefit For The People Of Kosova" The first track is by ___(I forgot) and the other by Sarah Slean. The she played the first song (I'm sorry I really don't remember which one it was, I was too busy screaming to my husband that they were going to play Sarah). Then Wendy said, ""I always welcome your comments...emails, faxes letters...write to me and tell me what you want to hear. That's what Amy did and she suggested I play Sarah Slean so here it is", and went right into "Awake Soon". How exciting!! I am assuming that the has not yet received "Blue Parade" and that's why she played something from the Kosova CD, but I am guessing that as soon as she gets it she will play more! I know I will keep hounding her to. (By the way if you'd like to listen to Sirens weekly you can do so, on Sunday nights at 9pm (CST) at via Real Player.) Maybe she will be able to play here soon! Heather, I have thought of some other venues that would be great for Sarah, so if it looks like it might happen, let me know and I will get you an updated list! ~Amy Women in Music ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 12:55:26 -0500 From: "Kevin B. Pease" Subject: A quick rundown of Sarah's show in Worcester, Mass. (11/20/99) Hi all, You may have seen the announcement for Sarah's house concert in Worcester, MA, although very few (if any) of you made it, I guess... :) Not sure if the five people who came from the Snyder's show in Boston are on this list or not (Chris, Kim, Tony, Shannon, and . . . I'm sorry, I know there was another young lady with them, but I just can't remember her name... sorry!)? Anywho... A word about the audience: There were 22 people who attended this show; 16 of them (all friends of mine) had never heard any of Sarah's music before (the 5 who followed from Boston, and me, were the only people who had heard her music before). Now, bear in mind, too... some of them also count Black Sabbath & Kid Rock among their favorite music of all time... SO... Sarah was a bit of a departure, stylistically, from their normal listening rotation. Now, lest you think I had her over to play for a hostile audience -- I didn't hear even ONE bad comment afterwards -- everybody who was there was blown away, and I've heard nothing but good comments about it, mostly along the lines of, "How did you put this together, she was so good!" So, as I told Heather after the show, I think Sarah made 15 or so new fans Saturday night. I never would've figured the room above my garage was suited, acoustically, to live music, but the acoustics of the room were actually pretty good, and the PA system had a pretty good sound, too. Above and beyond that, even piped through a Fisher Price "My First Radio", and played in a large corrugated tin room... the performance still would've blown me away. :) I know that I've seen a few people mention that Sarah seemed a little bit more reserved & uncomfortable (or _less_ comfortable) at the house shows, but I didn't get that impression at my house... whether that was because I've never seen her play live before so I have no basis for comparison, or she truly was more comfortable with the house shows by the third one, I'm not sure. But I did feel that Sarah & the guys was having a pretty good time playing... I hope they did, at least. :) The set list (handily provided since one of them left a little scrap of notebook paper with the setlist written on it. :) -- 1. Me & Jerome 2. Habit 3. I Want To Be Brave 4. High 5. Twin Moon 6. Eliot 7. Last Year's War 8. Sweet Ones 9. Duncan 10. Abide With Me(?)* 11. Playing Cards With Judas 12. Universe * Note: Song #10 was an additional, apparently unplanned, treat, courtesy of my friend Kim's weak bladder. :) After Duncan, my friend Kim had to go use my bathroom, and they took a short break. During that time, Kevin (I think) suggested that Sarah play "that hymn you were playing the other night." So Sarah played this song, which I've never heard before, but which was absolutely gorgeous, and apparently, a hymn -- I *think*, from what I remember of the words, that the song was "Abide With Me," but I could be wrong. When Kim came back, Sarah told her that we had all prayed for her bladder. :) Last Year's War was beautiful... Sarah asked me if I had any requests, and that was my one request, since I've heard so much *about* it on here, but never heard it. For those of you who have raved about it, thank you. I was not disappointed by my request. :) I was also amazed by Duncan, and Sweet Ones, which are also really great songs. I haven't had a chance to get any photos developed, but there should be some pretty good pictures from the evening... when they're developed, and I can get over to my friend Andy's house to use his scanner, I'll get at least a few of the better ones posted up on the web, for anybody who would like to see them. Anyway... to sum it up -- the show was absolutely amazing. I was walking around for the rest of the evening after they left with my brain leaking out my ears. :) I wasn't able to make the show at Somerville Theater last night, but having the opportunity to hear her play, at my house, was definitely a satisfactory substitute. :) That's about it... if any of the people who made the show at Chris Snyder's house and then made it to my house are on this list, feel free to chime in with any comments about my place. :) Kevin - ---------- Kevin Pease ICQ UIN: 3106063 AOL IM: kbpease ". . . no I don't need a miracle, but I could use a push in the right direction . . . " ---(The Refreshments, Interstate)--- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 16:33:49 -0500 From: "Kimberly B Littlejohn" Subject: Massachusetts! Hello there! All I can say is: What a weekend!!! Here is a rundown for those who missed out on how blessed us MA people (and those who travelled as well) for Saturday and Sunday (beware, it's a bit long) - SATURDAY: Got to Chris Snyder's a little before Sarah and her band - Sarah and Heather were nice enough to let me open the show - I played four songs and then Sarah went on - Setlist: ******** Habit Me And Jerome Twin Moon Duncan Weight Last Year's War Sweet Ones Angel (Mary's request) John XXIII (my request) Sadie Eliot Playing Cards With Judas Julia (Bill's request) *********** Sarah was exquisite as ever - I was blown away and mesmerized during the entire set - I have never seen someone play the piano with such grace - Last Year's War killed me as did Sadie - Sweet Ones was amazing, very upbeat - she mentioned she wanted to write a cheezy pop song, which it was in a good way - Julia was amazing, I've never heard the original version - Afterwards she chatted with us all - signed and sold CD's - then it was off to Worcester - Tony, Chris, Shannon, Amy and I pack into Tony's car after dropping my equipment off at my apartment and head to Worcester - We go the wrong way (sorry guys!) and turn around and finally get there - we get out of the car, go to the door, ring the door bell - no one answers - We hear Sarah playing so we go around back - They were set up in Kevin's house on the second level so we could see Mark through the window - he looks out and sees us during Habit, says something afterwards and we're let in (Thanks Kevin!!!!) We're greeted by Sarah and sit down on the floor - The room is dimly lit, very nice surroundings - I Want To Brave is our first song and it has an amazing arrangement with the band - I lost it on Last Year's War - That song HURTS your heart, I can't tell you or even begin to try and explain - Duncan became somewhat of a singalong - Sarah asked us to sing the chorus - The set ends and we chat it up with Sarah and Heather and the band and then take group pictures - Tony and I have tickets to Somerville Sunday night so we say goodbye and see you tomorrow etc etc - As Kevin also posted the set went as followed: ************* Me And Jerome Habit I Want To Be Brave High Twin Moon Eliot Last Year's War Sweet Ones Duncan Abide With Me Playing Cards With Judas Universe *************** SUNDAY: Moxy night... Sarah is introduced by the Iron Horse guy and what follows is the most beautiful set I've heard... The Somerville had such gorgeous sound - Sarah's vocals soared and I hadn't heard her so into it like the two previous shows - The audience was very respectful and you could tell they were so into her... She added so much to Eliot with her vocals, singing lines differently and very powerful - She ended with Blue Parade and went downstairs to sign and sell CD's - We heard that they sold out of them all! You could tell Sarah was so happy, she couldn't stop smiling - Tony and I said our hellos and goodbyes to Sarah and the band and left - I'll post the exact setlist soon - I was overwhelmed this weekend - seeing Sarah three times was the most amazing experience I've had in a while - Music hasn't touched me like that in so long - It brought up so many issues in my life - Thank you Sarah and Heather for being so kind - It was nice meeting everyone as well - Thanks to Chris and Kevin as well for letting us in your homes =) Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday! Cheers, Kim ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 15:58:57 PST From: "Tabassum Siddiqui" Subject: Fwd: Sarah in the States Hey, folks... Just forwarding this over from the CanMus list - Philly seems to have great taste in music - they lap up every great Canuck artist we throw at 'em! ;-) World Cafe - awesome! That's bigtime exposure. :-) - - Tab :) - --------------------------------------------------------------------- >From: "Mary Krause" >To: "CANADIAN MUSIC" >Subject: Sarah in the States >Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 08:06:33 -0800 > >Hey Guys! > >Just wanted to drop you all a quick little note to say how impressed > >Philadelphia is with Sarah Slean right now. She played a packed > >1200-person room on Friday night opening for Moxy Fruvous. The >promoter >was in ecstasy and is looking forward to bringing her back >for her own >show here soon. And WXPN is playing her cd - not just in >Philly, but on >the World Cafe which has national syndication. > >Go Sarah! > >--Mary ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 21:07:36 EST From: Subject: Re: sarah's boston shows Paul writes: > this is the first time in a while that i can remember getting really goofy > about meeting an artist. weird. Happened to me too... I have met lots of them... some are even friends of mine, but Sarah is the only one I can't even communciate properly with... Oh well... Her stuff really blows my mind... especially "Last Years War"--have had that in my head all day today... I also really like "Sweet Ones" a lot... Jessica ------------------------------ Date: 22 Nov 1999 21:15:08 EST From: Jennifer.M.Pease@Dartmouth.EDU (Jennifer M. Pease) Subject: Re: sarah's boston shows - --- wrote: I also really like "Sweet Ones" a lot... - --- end of quote --- that's the really upbeat 4/4-time one, right? i really really liked it too, except she looked so goofy doing the opening chords, like she was almost embarassed by it... i thought it was a great song, though! i couldn't really understand her words in it, though... - -jenn ------------------------------ End of navy-soup-digest V2 #171 *******************************