From: (navy-soup-digest) To: Subject: navy-soup-digest V2 #71 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk navy-soup-digest Tuesday, June 29 1999 Volume 02 : Number 071 In This Digest: ----------------- Sarah '94 ["Terence Sin" ] RE: In the Soup; or How I Got Wet for Sarah Slean! [Amy Lotsberg Subject: Sarah '94 > 1. Do people who have seen her live over a long period see a change in direction? I went to high school with Sarah (though I didn't know her very well, so don't deluge me with questions about what she usually had for lunch, etc. ) I got to hear Ms. Slean circa 1994. After leaving high school, I didn't pay much attention to the local indie scene and managed to completely miss all the action until recently. So here is the rub. I haven't seen her perform in over three years, and to be honest, I thought she sounds very different now. Of course my impression of the old days is strictly from memory. Though I do remember (very vividly) being floored by her voice the first time I heard her. Yes she was already raising eyebrows back then. Not to mention that I was a cranky music snob who was hard to please and probably quite insufferable. Pretty much everyone who knew her expected her to go on and make a name for herself. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1999 09:09:26 -0500 From: Amy Lotsberg Subject: RE: In the Soup; or How I Got Wet for Sarah Slean! James wrote: > BTW I noticed (and I forgot to mention this to you HP!) a > rapt Coco Love Alcorn (Aside: *sigh*) stage right really getting into Sarah's set and > this grrrl _knows_ her music! That attention was pretty high praise in my book!) Brava! >Brava! Hi all, I don't think I have ever posted here before, but I just wanted to say Yay! Someone else knows who Coco Love Alcorn is! I saw her a few years ago opening for Ani DiFranco in Minneapolis and she blew me away! I still regret not purchasing the CD she had on sale there. It seems that Ani had just discovered her a few weeks before and so she had to put a CD together real quick-like. What a collector's item. *kicking self* I guess I might as well introduce myself since I decided to open my big mouth! I am Amy and I live in Minneapolis, MN. I am 33 (but feel -and sometimes act-21), married (1 year in July). I have 3 dogs and 2 cats but don't tell the authorities because I am 2 animals over the limit in my city! I first heard of Sarah from the Sarah McLachlan mailing list (FTE). I went to the web site and downloaded "Twin Moon". I couldn't stop listening to it! I ordered the CD and I have the same feelings about that. I think I listened to it for 3 weeks straight! I was hooked. I was also pleasantly surprised to receive an autographed poster along with my "Universe" CD. WOW!! It's hanging on my cubicle at work but as soon as I quite this sucky job I will frame it and hang give it a proper home. Well, that's all, just excited that I am not the only one who likes Coco! So is Sarah EVER going to play near me?? I would love to see her but just can't drag my butt to Canada! :( ~Amy home page: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1999 10:56:47 -0400 (EDT) From: James McGarry Subject: RE: In the Soup; or How I Got Wet for Sarah Slean! Hiya Amy, On Mon, 28 Jun 1999, Amy Lotsberg wrote: > Hi all, I don't think I have ever posted here before, but I just wanted to > say Yay! Someone else knows who Coco Love Alcorn is! I saw her a few years :-) I can't recall when or where I heard of Coco. But I've always liked her work and her work with 54-40 is neat. Coco effuses a megawatt charm. You can see her energy at work (I didn't beleive it was possible to skank to "Love You All" until I saw Coco do it!) That's how they got the stage lights working again yesterday ;-) they plugged them in to Coco ;-) > ago opening for Ani DiFranco in Minneapolis and she blew me away! I still > regret not purchasing the CD she had on sale there. It seems that Ani had > just discovered her a few weeks before and so she had to put a CD together > real quick-like. What a collector's item. *kicking self* Don't kick yourself too hard :-) Her two indie releases are available on-line at IndiePool Andy Creeggan (ex-BNL) does some percussion on her eponimous CD. I think you might've saw Happy Pockets. Which features quite a few familiar faces on this list including: Kevin Fox on cello/guitar, Tory Cassis on guitar, Josh Hicks on drums and Mark Mariash on percussion.* (More ammo for my 6DofKF game ;-) ) > I first heard of Sarah from the Sarah McLachlan mailing list (FTE). I went > to the web site and downloaded "Twin Moon". I couldn't stop listening to > it! I ordered the CD and I have the same feelings about that. I think I > listened to it for 3 weeks straight! I was hooked. I was also pleasantly :-) That's great! Twin Moon is an awesome song. The version available on the web page comes the closest (so far) to capturing Sarah live. I have to say I got shivers up my spine at points yesterday (and this was before the rain dumped down! in the hot and sticky part of the day.) The next album out, sometime in August hold a lot of promise. I'm really excited about it. > Well, that's all, just excited that I am not the only one who likes Coco! :-) > So is Sarah EVER going to play near me?? I would love to see her but just > can't drag my butt to Canada! :( The closest she's probably got to you is Winnipeg, MB about 4 and a bit hours away. There are no current plans for a US tour that would bring her by MN. But, hey, ya never know. She'd be cool at the First Avenue! James. *P.S. Nota Bene: I also was remiss in not giving Mark major props for his percussion work yesterday. He has the oddest style of anyone I've seen, but an obvious craftsmanship in terms of sound. He's a good compliment for Sarah's more complex work. I'm a big fan of his work. P.P.S. BTW my favourite 'that dog' song, is "Minneapolis" P.P.P.S. If anyone dig's jazz (or wonders where Coco gets her talent) check out her dad's work, John Alcorn is a wonderful Toronto-based jazz musician. P.P.P.P.S. 6DofKF = 6 Degrees of Kevin Fox, a take-off on 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon/Separation. Kevin is one of the busiest (and best!) cello players in Toronto (maybe Canada) and its great fun, and amusement, (ok, maybe just for me! :-) ) to connect the people he's worked with. ========================================================================== James McGarry | jmcgarry@UoGuelph.CA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "so we said we'd write or call,/'cause i'll be touring in the fall/ he said he wanted me to move,/ but that just won't do to minneapolis" - that dog - Minneapolis. ========================================================================== ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1999 10:11:30 -0500 From: Amy Lotsberg Subject: RE: In the Soup; or How I Got Wet for Sarah Slean! James wrote: >> Don't kick yourself too hard :-) Her two indie releases are available > on-line at IndiePool I think you might've saw Happy > Pockets. Well, actually I think that the CD that she had on sale at the concert was one SHE herself threw together. If I remember right, it didn't even have a real printed label. It was something she went in and recorded in like 2 days, printed a bunch and stuck some funny labels on. She made a big deal out of how slip-shod (I have never used that phrase before!-Eek) she whole thing was. It was quite awhile later that I heard about Happy Pockets. Oh well, no sense in getting bummed about it now! She was also real folky, not so much jazzy when I saw her. She was VERY much like Ani D. She even spoke like her with that silly giggle-talk. She was so cute! >The closest she's probably got to you is Winnipeg, MB about 4 and a bit >hours away. There are no current plans for a US tour that would bring her >by MN. But, hey, ya never know. She'd be cool at the First Avenue! First Ave would be so cool!!! Yes! I suppose I could drive 4 hours. That's not so bad. I have always wanted to visit Canada anyway. I mean, it's not that far away! Thanks for the info! ~Amy ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1999 11:23:34 -0400 (EDT) From: James McGarry Subject: RE: In the Soup; or How I Got Wet for Sarah Slean! On Mon, 28 Jun 1999, Amy Lotsberg wrote: > Well, actually I think that the CD that she had on sale at the concert was > one SHE herself threw together. If I remember right, it didn't even have a > real printed label. It was something she went in and recorded in like 2 > days, printed a bunch and stuck some funny labels on. She made a big deal > out of how slip-shod (I have never used that phrase before!-Eek) she whole > thing was. It was quite awhile later that I heard about Happy Pockets. Wow, that must've been a while ago... > Oh well, no sense in getting bummed about it now! She was also real folky, > not so much jazzy when I saw her. She was VERY much like Ani D. She even > spoke like her with that silly giggle-talk. She was so cute! I think Coco still giggles and does giggle-talk. And certainly, she's still cute as a button! :-) > First Ave would be so cool!!! Yes! I suppose I could drive 4 hours. > That's not so bad. I have always wanted to visit Canada anyway. I mean, > it's not that far away! If you drive up to Winnipeg sometime, I can recommend a _really_ good restuarant! Its a flat but friendly land! I was tempted to drive down to Fargo while I was out that way... ...there were a couple of fun gigs out that way. James. ========================================================================== James McGarry | jmcgarry@UoGuelph.CA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Some men are so selfish that they read a book or go to a concert for their own sinister pleasure, instead of doing it to improve social conditions , as the good citizen does when drinking cocktails or playing bridge." - Jacques Barzun French-born U.S. Educator ========================================================================== ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1999 14:44:53 -0400 From: "Christine Evans" Subject: A long silent Souper speaks up. Hello Soupers. I've been on this list for a while, and I'm ashamed to admit that I've never contributed to it until now. (Actually, I haven't been a member for THAT long, but long enough to have definitely said more... more than, well, nothing). Instead, I just pick up the e-mail as it comes in, and take a sick and twisted voyeuristic pleasure in reading what everyone else has to say about Sarah and her absolutely wonderful music. I'm coming to the August 12th CD release Sleanfest(or Stock... just so that no one gets offended that I didn't use the show's right nickname :-) ), party, so I figure it's about time to get my opinion out there. I absolutely love this list! There's so much intellectualism and great insights - and wit, and sarcasm, and all the rest of it. I am dying from excitement regarding the CD release parties (several of them!!), and can't wait to meet all of you there. So I figured that it would be polite to introduce myself, so that all you weren't like, "Uhhh, okay. Who is this person?" Won't take up much time. Name's Christine and am from Toronto, 18 years old, and a devoted Sarah Slean fan for years. (It was only recently that I discovered that - hmmm - there may be other people out there who shared my interests, and they were perhaps best found on the Internet, and thus applied my logic to finding and all the rest of you wonderful Soupers). Just wanted to finally confirm my existence and get out of my little 'mailing list voyeur' phase. Sarah's meaningful music (ooh, alliteration!) has kept me introspective ever since I realized that birthday and Christmas money BEGS to be spent on worthwhile music, and I'm happy to see that her beautiful music has brought so many witty and hilarious people together. I love you all!!!! (A warm hug on an even warmer day... whew, it's hot here!) Anyone ever in the mood to discuss 'The Piano', Carl Jung, J.D. Salinger, 'The Little Prince', Robertson Davies, Glenn, and of course, Sarah Slean, drop me an e-mail. I'm going to Oxford to study film for a month as of July 2nd, but I'm definitely back in ample time to prepare myself for the CD party!!!! (WOO-HOO!!!) - - Christine Evans :-) ------------------------------ End of navy-soup-digest V2 #71 ******************************