From: (ecto-digest) To: Subject: ecto-digest V13 #243 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk ecto-digest Wednesday, September 12 2007 Volume 13 : Number 243 To unsubscribe: e-mail and put the word unsubscribe in the message body. Today's Subjects: ----------------- Re: prog or prog? ["Kat Crowder" ] Re: (i love) Noe's magical and dark world ["robert bristow-johnson" ] Re: [OT] RE: Kate Bush - CSI [meredith ] Re: Wretches Sing-Along video, and mp3 of show ["Alexander Johannesen" ] Post Ecto Blues [Andrew McMichael ] Re: Wretches Sing-Along video, and mp3 of show ["Xenu's Sister" ] Re: prog or prog? [Doug ] Re: Ectofest [Sander ] Re: Post Ecto Blues ["Xenu's Sister" ] RE: Wretches Sing-Along video, and mp3 of show ["Bill Mazur" ] RE: prog or prog? ["Bill Mazur" ] Re: Date formats ["F.J.Fornorn" ] Re: Ectofest ["F.J.Fornorn" ] Re: prog or prog? [Sander ] IF YOU WROTE ME ABOUT A FIND ME CD ["Xenu's Sister" Subject: Re: prog or prog? On Tue, September 11, 2007 3:19 pm, andrew fries wrote: > > But the other day I was wondering about why do we always say 'rock and > roll', and never 'roll and rock'? > Hee! Because that's the name of the type of music, and in a lot of language, the order you connect things, even by an "and", is meaningful. You've got Tolstoy's "Peace and War", the Beatles' "Shout and Twist", gentlemen who don't "tell and kiss", and important fire safety advice to "roll, drop, and stop." In a lot of those situations, "then" might be more appropriate than "and", but unless it's mathematical, you can't commute two sides of the "and" with complete impunity. - -Kat - -- _ ___ _.--. \`.|\..----...-'` `-._.-'_.-'` / ' ` , __.--' )/' _/ \ `-_, / `-'" `"\_ ,_.-;_.-\_ ', fsc/as _.-'_./ {_.' ; / {_.-``-' {_/ ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 15:08:58 -0400 From: "robert bristow-johnson" Subject: Re: (i love) Noe's magical and dark world > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Karen Hester" > To: > Subject: Noe's magical and dark world > Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 11:51:55 -0400 > ... > > Noe the divinity scholar creates music with awe and wonder, not > specifically religious but to me often close to animist/pantheist with > her beasts, woods, wilds, ice dragon breath, furry hooves, apple > hearts and hounding darkness. my understanding of Noe's entering Harvard Divinity School (which, BTW, is a wonderful coincidence which made the Ectofest possible since 2 of the 3 acts were of local artists) is that it is a consequence of a particular program geared toward primary/secondary education that happens (for reasons i do not know) to be managed under the auspices of the Divinity School. it is not a consequence of any particular religious committment or orientation of Noe. when she is done with this, my wife and Noe will (i believe) both hold M.Div. degrees but their relationship to such will be quite different. i don't expect that Noe will be pursuing ordination in any particular religious denomination. :-) BTW, for someone who was born when i was in college, i *really* respect and admire the attitude and act toward a life if intellectual curiousity shown by Noe. a true scholar in the most meaningful sense of the word. - -- r b-j "Imagination is more important than knowledge." ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 17:12:47 -0400 From: "F.J.Fornorn" Subject: Re: Date formats Looks like much of Europe agrees with you, woj... _r=1&hp&oref=slogin On Sep 9, 2007, at 9:04 PM, gaseous clay wrote: > one time at band camp, andrew fries ( said: > >> And then, slowly, slowly, we might yet introduce you to the joys >> of the >> metric system... It's time to join the the rest of the world in 21st >> century, guys! > > but the metric system is so ... boring and clinical. 1000 things in a > kilothing. powers of 10. water freezes at 0deg and boils at 100. bah! > it's so bland and easy! quick! english units have charm! and make no > obvious sense! how can you beat that?!? > > +w ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 18:12:58 -0400 From: meredith Subject: Re: [OT] RE: Kate Bush - CSI Hi, alan wrote: > I have heard "How to be Invisible" in a mall store before. I thought it > was pretty funny inspiring the shoplifters like that. "How To Be Invisible" was in the rotation on XM Radio's "The Loft" channel back when _Aerial_ first came out. One of my friends has a boutique here in the New Haven area and plays that channel in the store ... I was in there one day and almost dropped something very expensive when the song started up. :} "The Loft" is a pretty ecto channel, albeit on the more mainstream side ... aside from KaTe, Fiona Apple, Regina Spektor, Sarah McLachlan, and even Vienna Teng have cycled past when I've been in a store (or hotel lobby) that's had it on... - -- =============================================== Meredith Tarr New Haven, CT USA =============================================== hear at the HOMe House Concert Series =============================================== ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 09:29:27 +1000 From: "Alexander Johannesen" Subject: Re: Wretches Sing-Along video, and mp3 of show On 9/12/07, Xenu's Sister wrote: > Ah well, we tried! :) Well, I can't thank you enough for putting this out. I'm on the other side of the world, doomed to probably never see Happy live (unless either she or I become rich and famous) and I enjoyed this immensely! Would be cool to get a feed for the audience singing, but as long as I can tell Happy is happy, I'm happy. The quality is just fine, and the sound even better. Also, a note to Bob that I think you're one seriously killer drummer / percussionist ; everything flows off you as if there's no effort involved, so smoothly musical and wonderful to observe. Regards, Alex (percussionist wannabe) - -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Wrangler, SOA, Information Alchemist, UX, RESTafarian, Topic Maps - ------------------------------------------ -------- ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 18:07:12 -0400 (EDT) From: Bernie Mojzes Subject: Re: prog or prog? oh good. i'd almost written "prog & know-all" but divided referent spoiled the flow. glad someone picked up on the unwritten pun... :) brni > bernie sez: > >> (i know, it's only prog & roll, but i like it) > > This reminds me of, oh, probably a month ago when Marc and I paid a > visit to the sunday farmer's market at Dupont Circle. There was a guy > was busking by the Q St metro entrance that I've been seeing around > busking for probably 10 years. In the early days he mostly just > played harmonics, but eventually he added a mic stand and started > singing along. I generally preferred his earlier stuff, but I'm > guessing that he makes more money doing more traditional stuff. > > Anyway, this one sunday, we're getting ready to leave the market and I > realize the guy's playing a song I recognize. Out of context, it took > me a bar or two to recognize, but he was playing/singing "Carpet > Crawlers" > > It *totally* made my weekend. > > And yeah, I forked out some cash in appreciation! > > jeff > n.p. still _Shteyt Oyf_ > - -- brni i don't want the world, i just want your half. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 23:40:21 +0100 From: Andrew McMichael Subject: Post Ecto Blues Well I guess I'm still going through Happy Cold Turkey, if that's an official term - but it's been good fun reading everyone's posts on the list. I wonder if that last one was the biggest digest for years?? First, the important stuff (just a snippet unfortunately): I'd really like to post the un-youtubed versions but I need webspace to host it so I'll be speaking to my ISP tomorrow in the hope of resetting my login details. To think I hosted my own website ten years ago, I've really dumbed down in my old age! It was so nice to meet different people, get away from my humdrum existence and share the thoughts of others. Speaking about Happy is something I've never had the chance to do before face-to-face, and it was a strange feeling! I was delighted to meet Vickie and her husband Chris, who made me especially welcome and accompanied me back from the airport. I only realised that 'Find Me' had been released when Chris was reading out all these email addresses on the bus and Vickie was noting down what people were saying. I was like.."Uh, guys, am I missing something here? That sampler was out ages ago, what's going on??". They are so lucky to have found each other and it's great to be around them as our musical tastes almost exactly match. Henning unfortunately beat me to the title of 'longest travelled fan' as he came all the way from Germany. Damn you! You do realise this means I'll have to move to Australia? It was nice to see you, sir, and I hope your flight back was as uneventful as my own. Tim joined the three of us the day afterward as we tried to come to terms with what we'd done the night before (sounds rather sordid doesn't it!), and his sage observations were always worthy of a listen! Kerry - thanks for the 'stuff' and you're quite the artist, you should pursue that line of work most vigorously..especially if the paintings are of Happy! Karen Hester unfortunately beat me to the unwrapping of the glow stick, despite the fevered use of my teeth to unwrap the blasted thing. Defeated by a girl, yet again. Shocking. She is, nontheless, the best thing to come out of New Zealand since Peter Jackson. Ken - Thanks to yourself and your wife for the kindly accepted offer of a lift to my hotel after the show. It says alot that you persevered even when we couldn't find it. :-) However, the playing of 'Find Me' was most amusing as your wife turned it down as her exasperation with the directions grew, whilst you turned the knob in the opposite direction when her attention was diverted.. Quite right too. Robert - you are rather hard to write about as you're obviously multi-talented in many areas so to pick on one would be unfair. But I will - - I learned more in half an hour (okay, an hour) of fervent discussion about the American political system than I knew in my entire life thus far! I can quite understand why you'd be a good drinking buddy. How can so much fit into such a small cranium? I'm bemused. Obviously you must push certain things out of your brain to make space, but I'm sure it's not missed. Your love of Happy is only outweighed by your love of a good debate - and it's fascinating to see you hold court! We don't get people like you over here. Well, not during daylight hours. Thanks for organising everything and being such an obviously 'great guy'. And to everyone else whose names I don't know but I probably exchanged words with - more power to your Ectoness, it was a pleasure to meet you all. And in some cases just look at you. Well, not in all cases, of course. There were some ugly people. :-) Can I implore those of you who haven't already done so - please purchase 'The World Is Bound By Secret Knots' by Noe Venable because it's great. I've heard it six times through now and it's getting better every time. I was listening to it today in the car, and it's now my find of 2007, I've decided. I do have to complain that I've not been told about this album in capital letters earlier. Like, years ago when it was released, but hey - - if you've made the same mistake as me, I'd recommend you purchase it NOW!! Then send me some money as a thankyou. Cheers. My fingers are beginning to get sore, but thanks for reading. You can blink now. Andrew. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 16:40:26 -0700 (PDT) From: "Xenu's Sister" Subject: Re: Wretches Sing-Along video, and mp3 of show - --- Alexander Johannesen wrote: > On 9/12/07, Xenu's Sister wrote: > > Ah well, we tried! :) > > Well, I can't thank you enough for putting this out. I'm on the other > side of the world, doomed to probably never see Happy live (unless > either she or I become rich and famous) and I enjoyed this immensely! I'm so glad! > Would be cool to get a feed for the audience singing, That will come, but not for a while. Chris had 3 recordings going on at the same time, the big Hi-Def camera, a small Hi-Def camera on the other side of the room (taped to the wall!) and his recording iPod. Unfortunately, the iPod stopped recording at some point early in Noe's set and Chris didn't realize it. That's what was going to be used for the audience mix. The small HD camera probably picked up the audience, but Chris didn't have time to even check it, let alone convert it to standard definition before he left. The big HD camera was getting a board feed (THANK YOU ROBERT!), which is why it sounds great but very little of the audience is heard (including my...ha, "heckling" Happy). When Chris gets back, he'll convert the small HD camera to standard definition, extract the audio, and do a board/audience mix. This was just a temporary work-a-round to get something up right away. > but as long as I can tell Happy is happy, I'm happy. The quality > is just fine, and the sound even better. Wonderful, thank you. > Also, a note to Bob that I think you're one seriously killer drummer / > percussionist ; everything flows off you as if there's no effort > involved, so smoothly musical and wonderful to observe. Yep, he's pretty amazing! Vickie ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 00:48:19 +0100 From: "Marc McLaren" Subject: Re: Wretches Sing-Along video, and mp3 of show On 9/11/07, Xenu's Sister wrote: > > Here's the video to the Wretches Sing-Along: > > Vickie > Thank you so so much Vickie. I too am probably doomed never to see Happy live [not for lack of trying!] and your files make the pain less so. Loved the sing along, hehe. Nice work, and thank you again. Marc =) - -- From Marc. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 15:49:02 -0700 (PDT) From: alan Subject: Re: prog or prog? On Tue, 11 Sep 2007, Kat Crowder wrote: > On Tue, September 11, 2007 3:19 pm, andrew fries wrote: >> >> But the other day I was wondering about why do we always say 'rock and >> roll', and never 'roll and rock'? >> > Hee! > > Because that's the name of the type of music, and in a lot of language, > the order you connect things, even by an "and", is meaningful. You've got > Tolstoy's "Peace and War", the Beatles' "Shout and Twist", gentlemen who > don't "tell and kiss", and important fire safety advice to "roll, drop, > and stop." In a lot of those situations, "then" might be more appropriate > than "and", but unless it's mathematical, you can't commute two sides of > the "and" with complete impunity. Loot, piliage *then* burn. - -- Refrigerator Rule #1: If you don't remember when you bought it, Don't eat it. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 17:06:52 -0500 From: Doug Subject: Re: prog or prog? > But the other day I was wondering about why do we always say 'rock and > roll', and never 'roll and rock'? Perhaps because they're afraid people might confuse it with the beer? - --Doug, lover of Rolling Rock (grin) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 23:14:29 +0200 From: Sander Subject: Re: Ectofest robert bristow-johnson wrote: >> Great to read your reports etc. on Ectofest. >> Now I can only hope there will be an Ectofest Europe someday... >> (Hey, I can dream, can't I?) > > perhaps do more than dream about it. > > perhaps some folks on your side of the pond can organize, raise some > seed money (that you must allow to be at risk of not coming back), > and plan such an event. i can think of some European Ecto-artists, > but you would have to fly Happy, Bob, and whomever other musicians > over the pond and put them up. You know... I could totally see this happen. I'd be more than willing to provide accommodation for Bob and Happy, share in the cost of flights and take on some financial risk beyond that. (It'd probably still be cheaper than flying to the USA myself, and has the benefit of not having to run the gauntlet of American immigration.) Maybe get someone like Jos Boom interested... Can you imagine, Happy in the Statenzaal? (And the Netherlands is located centrally enough, European-wise, that I can imagine a lot of ectophiles from all over showing up.) *ponders* Can I get a show of hands of who'd be seriously considering coming from where for something like this? Given enough interested parties, I might just be crazy enough to pursue this idea... Sander ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 17:00:10 -0700 (PDT) From: "Xenu's Sister" Subject: Re: Post Ecto Blues - --- Andrew McMichael wrote: > Well I guess I'm still going through Happy Cold Turkey, if that's an > official term - If it's not an official term, it should be! I'm going through it too, but being busy is helping. I have Happy 100% on my brain. Thank you for your write-up! It was wonderful meeting you too and spending time with you. Let's do it again sometime! > First, the important stuff (just a snippet unfortunately): > > Thanks for that!! If Chris hadn't had to rush off this song would have been the next to be extracted. I was absolutely floored when she started it. She's never performed it at any show she's played, at least since I've been keeping track of set lists (since 1992). She probably performed it back in the Cafe Lena days, but certainly not since ecto's existed. I'm the one who said "You've never done that before!" before Happy says "Haven't I?" I hate to cut out all the rest of the wonderful stuff, but I must get back to writing folks. Thanks again for your post! (and that goes for everyone who's written about ectofest!) Vickie ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 17:05:21 -0700 From: "Bill Mazur" Subject: RE: Wretches Sing-Along video, and mp3 of show Thank you so much Chris and Vickie! - -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Xenu's Sister Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 2:55 PM To: Ecto Subject: Wretches Sing-Along video, and mp3 of show Here's the video to the Wretches Sing-Along: Here's an mp3 of the entire concert: That's the raw audio from the board feed. There are lots of silences and glitches that normally would be cut out, something I plan to do as soon as I can get to it (as well as separate the songs). This is for the die-hards who have to hear it immediately. I *do* have a wav file of the above, but it's honkin' huge, so I haven't uploaded it yet. I need to convert it to flac or shn. I will do that for the audiophile ectophiles. No more videos will be coming soon. Chris had been in the middle of a major project in Kansas City when he left to go to Boston. He had to get back right away and so left today. He was able to convert the video to standard definition, but only had time to extract that one song before he raced to catch his train. I don't know how to use his editing equipment so I can't do it. When he gets back, and I'm not sure when that will be, he'll put up more. None of the high definition footage will be seen for quite a while. Chris found out, to his chagrin, that he doesn't have the computing power to edit in high def. He's going to have to get a whole new computer system and that's not going to happen anytime soon. That's why he had to convert it to standard definition, and why the Google video (which wouldn't go on YouTube because it was too long) doesn't look all that hot after I touted how fantastic it was going to look. Ah well, we tried! :) Vickie ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 02:08:59 +0200 From: "Henning Rech" Subject: Re: Date formats If some islanders West of the coastline of Europe want to keep their middle-age measures, we are tolerant against such minorities :-) Henning PS: UK and Ireland together are just 60 out of 495 million inhabitants of the European Community, and do not or not fully take part in major European projects like the Schengen treaty and the EURO currency. - ----- Original Message ----- From: "F.J.Fornorn" To: "Ecto" Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 11:12 PM Subject: Re: Date formats > Looks like much of Europe agrees with you, woj... > > > _r=1&hp&oref=slogin > > > On Sep 9, 2007, at 9:04 PM, gaseous clay wrote: > > > one time at band camp, andrew fries ( said: > > > >> And then, slowly, slowly, we might yet introduce you to the joys > >> of the > >> metric system... It's time to join the the rest of the world in 21st > >> century, guys! > > > > but the metric system is so ... boring and clinical. 1000 things in a > > kilothing. powers of 10. water freezes at 0deg and boils at 100. bah! > > it's so bland and easy! quick! english units have charm! and make no > > obvious sense! how can you beat that?!? > > > > +w ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 14:39:42 -0700 From: "Bill Mazur" Subject: RE: prog or prog? Interesting question. At the Progfest '95 in Los Angeles, Neal Morse of Spock's Beard addressed the audience by proclaiming "Hello fellow Progheads!" He pronounced prog as frog. There was a sampler tape being distributed at that show or the previous 1994 show called FrogPest. I personally have always pronounced prog like frog. - -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Greg Blair Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 9:04 AM To: Subject: prog or prog? I had a conversation with Kerry White a couple of weeks ago wherein he said that the word 'prog', which I pronounce to rhyme with 'frog', should be pronounced to rhyme with 'vogue'. He said that when you say the word 'progressive' that the 'o' is long, so it should be said the same way when you use the abbreviation. So, my question for ectos and other prog rock enthusiasts is, how do YOU pronounce 'prog'? - - Gregory Peccary _________________________________________________________________ Kick back and relax with hot games and cool activities at the Messenger Cafi. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 21:12:42 -0400 From: "F.J.Fornorn" Subject: Re: Date formats Right after I sent that I realized I should have said "parts of Europe" rather than "much of Europe". My bad. But I do think that the idea that British or Irish pubs would stop offering "pints" in the name of metric consistency would be another sign of the end of civilization as we know it... On Sep 11, 2007, at 8:08 PM, Henning Rech wrote: > If some islanders West of the coastline of Europe want to keep their > middle-age measures, we are tolerant against such minorities :-) > > Henning > > > PS: UK and Ireland together are just 60 out of 495 million > inhabitants of > the European Community, and do not or not fully take part in major > European > projects like the Schengen treaty and the EURO currency. > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "F.J.Fornorn" > To: "Ecto" > Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 11:12 PM > Subject: Re: Date formats > > >> Looks like much of Europe agrees with you, woj... >> >> >> _r=1&hp&oref=slogin >> >> >> On Sep 9, 2007, at 9:04 PM, gaseous clay wrote: >> >>> one time at band camp, andrew fries ( said: >>> >>>> And then, slowly, slowly, we might yet introduce you to the joys >>>> of the >>>> metric system... It's time to join the the rest of the world in >>>> 21st >>>> century, guys! >>> >>> but the metric system is so ... boring and clinical. 1000 things >>> in a >>> kilothing. powers of 10. water freezes at 0deg and boils at 100. >>> bah! >>> it's so bland and easy! quick! english units have charm! and make no >>> obvious sense! how can you beat that?!? >>> >>> +w ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 21:23:54 -0400 From: "F.J.Fornorn" Subject: Re: Ectofest It is interesting to note that Bradley International Airport in Hartford Connecticut just recently started scheduling their first regular flight to and from Europe, and the destination is Amsterdam. Bradley is a nice small airport that is much easier to deal with than NYC or Boston. I've never been to Europe and have been thinking more and more about doing something to change that. On Sep 11, 2007, at 5:14 PM, Sander wrote: > > *ponders* Can I get a show of hands of who'd be seriously considering > coming from where for something like this? Given enough interested > parties, I might just be crazy enough to pursue this idea... > > Sander ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 00:26:53 +0200 From: Sander Subject: Re: prog or prog? gaseous clay wrote: > one time at band camp, Greg Blair ( said: > >> So, my question for ectos and other prog rock >> enthusiasts is, how do YOU pronounce 'prog'? > > mozilla! SeaMonkey! (Oh, and I pronounce it prog, same "o" as in rock, but with a dutch sharp "g" (as in Scheveningen). Which is weird to realize. It means I've _never_ had occasion to actually pronounce the word in English.) Sander P.S. If this email arrives days after the discussion has died down, that's smoe being mean to my mail server :( - but of course when you see the email, the issue will have been solved. If it arrives "right now", that means the problem is only intermittent. In which case: "woj: hjelp! smoe is being intermittently mean!" :) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 19:32:45 -0700 (PDT) From: "Xenu's Sister" Subject: IF YOU WROTE ME ABOUT A FIND ME CD Please read this all the way to the end. Slosh it all, this is going very very slowly, and I know people are impatient so here's what I propose. If you wrote me about a CD, and I wrote you back (important point there) then I have your CD. Ok? I think we have that covered. Some people I have their CD but haven't written back yet, but a letter is coming. I went to Office Depot today and spent, oy, a lot of money on bubble packs, so I have an idea of the packing costs. Also, I mailed out some CDs today, so I have an idea of the shipping costs involved. If you're in the United States, $3.00 should cover the packing and First Class postage. I don't know *exact* amounts until I've mailed (and the post office site is not completely accurate), but I am keeping all receipts. Happy will reimburse me for exactly what's on the receipt, which means that if you send, say, 35 cents more than the actual shipping, any little extra goes into Happy's pocket, not mine. Let's just do this, unless anyone objects. It really will speed things up: If you live in the US... If you want to pay Happy via PayPal for your CD... Send $18.00 via PayPal to (and look closely and put it all together) cptbryant @ aol . com THEN... When you've paid, email me a copy of the receipt. And your address. In fact, put your address on the PayPal notes too if you remember. The quicker I can tell Happy, "_____ has paid, check your PayPal" the quicker I can get these out to you. HOWEVER, if you're paying by check or money order, email me directly with that information (and your address) so I can tell you where to send it. AND / OR If you're international, email me directly (include your address). Shipping is going to be more so don't just send what the US people are sending. Another note about International PayPal, Happy is willing to eat the conversion costs because she wants it to be as painless as possible for those who order the CD and use PayPal. I suggested having Internationals add an extra dollar or two to help cover conversion costs, but she didn't endorse that idea. She didn't say yes, she didn't say no, she just said that whatever the conversion costs would be, she's willing to cover it. So, if you're PayPal'ing from overseas, you don't *have* to add any extra. Me saying, it'd be nice if you did, but don't sweat it if you don't, is me saying that, not Happy. AND / OR If you're getting more than one CD, email me directly (with your address) and I'll tell you how much. (I think the only people left that this applies to are Ron and Karen in Atlanta) Notes about specific people: Tamar, Neal Copperman, Jeff Hanson, and the Dutch fans (Sander, Niels, Marion, Leon and Marcel) don't have to write me. You're all taken care of. I still have many many many many many people to write. It's nothing personal if you haven't heard from me. If the above PayPal option/amount/ helps speed your order, fantastic! Please use it. Vickie ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 19:12:49 -0700 (PDT) From: "Xenu's Sister" Subject: A European Ectofest? Re: Ectofest - --- Sander wrote: > robert bristow-johnson wrote: > >> Great to read your reports etc. on Ectofest. > >> Now I can only hope there will be an Ectofest Europe someday... > >> (Hey, I can dream, can't I?) > Maybe get someone like Jos Boom interested... Can you imagine, Happy in > the Statenzaal? Who is Jos Boom? What is the Statenzaal? Where does Fabchannel webcast from? Isn't it the Paradiso in Amsterdam? Get her there so it can not only be webcast it'll be available in their archives forever and ever! >(And the Netherlands is located centrally enough, European-wise, that > I can imagine a lot of ectophiles from all over showing up.) I would think so, yes. When have they ever gotten a chance to see Happy without flying thousands of miles to do it? Plus, she has a lot more fans and potential for fans nowadays, especially with MySpace. > *ponders* Can I get a show of hands of who'd be seriously considering > coming from where for something like this? Given enough interested > parties, I might just be crazy enough to pursue this idea... Then again, the show of hands seems to be lacking. Post again, this time using "Would you come to a European Ectofest?" or something like that, to distinguish it from all the other ectofest posts. (I changed the Subject line, but you don't have to keep it). I don't know if we could come. That's a lot of money for a one-off concert. I would support it and help get the word out via MySpace and other places. Maybe if she did a mini-tour. I desperately want her to play the UK too. I would assume it goes without saying that any Ectofest put on anywhere by anybody would list Happy as the headliner, no matter who else is on the bill. I was alarmed when someone talked about wanting to put on an Ectofest and implied that Happy would NOT be the headliner. No one here can force anyone to do anything, but that just can't happen. Happy headlines Ectofests. That's what it's all about. She's only missed the one ectofest and that was because she injured her hand and had surgery. She was supposed to headline there too. I'd love to put on a Midwest Ectofest, but I have no money or friends, and the organizational skills of a slug (worse, even). I admire people who can do it. Vickie ------------------------------ End of ecto-digest V13 #243 ***************************