From: (ecto-digest) To: Subject: ecto-digest V13 #204 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk ecto-digest Monday, August 6 2007 Volume 13 : Number 204 To unsubscribe: e-mail and put the word unsubscribe in the message body. Today's Subjects: ----------------- Today's your birthday, friends... [Mike Matthews ] Re: Boston ["robert bristow-johnson" ] Re: Boston ["Xenu's Sister" ] Re: Boston ["robert bristow-johnson" ] Re: Boston ["Henning Rech" ] Re: Boston ["Xenu's Sister" ] Re: Boston ["robert bristow-johnson" ] Re: Roseland (New Azam Ali project) [Carolyn Andre ] RE: Boston ["Michael Colford" ] Re: more info: Noe's playing Aug 2 at the Lily Pad at Inman Sq. in Cambridge... [Jeff Wasilko ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2007 03:00:03 -0400 (EDT) From: Mike Matthews Subject: Today's your birthday, friends... i*i*i*i*i*i i*i*i*i*i*i *************** *****HAPPY********* **************BIRTHDAY********* *************************************************** *************************************************************************** ********************** Eli Brandt (no Email address) ********************** ******************* Amanda Williams (no Email address) ******************** *************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Eli Brandt August 05 Leo Amanda Williams Tue August 05 1969 phoenix Martin Bridges Sat August 08 1970 BigGuy Rosana L. de Oliveira Wed August 08 1973 Leo Happy Rhodes Mon August 09 1965 HolyGhost Loretta Pontillo Tue August 15 1978 Leo Queen of the Jungle Tori Amos Thu August 22 1963 Leo Sam Warren Tue August 22 1961 Leo Henk Van Wulpen Sat August 22 1970 Leo Kerry White Wed August 22 1951 Exact Leo/Virgo Don Gibson Wed August 26 1959 Virgo Marcel Rijs Mon August 31 1970 A rose growing old Meredith Tarr Wed September 01 1971 Virgo Scott Zimmerman Mon September 04 1972 Virgo Mike Mendelson Fri September 04 1964 Virgo - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2007 02:49:24 -0400 From: "robert bristow-johnson" Subject: Re: Boston > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Xenu's Sister" > To: Ecto > Subject: Boston > Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2007 21:58:07 -0700 (PDT) > > > We're definite going, we just bought the plane tickets. WEEEEE! > We arrive in Boston Saturday the 8th at 1:20pm, i might suggest that other ectophiles flying into Logan on Saturday post your scheduled arrival times and maybe the airline. i am willing to make *one* trip to Logan before 3 pm and can get 3 adults, maybe 4. i won't bother for just 1 (but maybe 2, Vickie, we'll see). maybe someone else with a car is willing to make such a trip out to Logan. the rest of you folks get to figger out Boston's "T" (they spell that "L" in Chicago) at . needless to say, you'll take the Silver Line (which is a special bus line that thinks it's a subway, it's schizoid or DID or MPD, you'll see what i mean) to South Station and transfer (no additional money or token needed) to the Red Line that will take you to Central Square in Cambridge. because i'm an impatient S.O.B., i would walk the 6 or whatever blocks to Inman Square, but there is a bus on Prospect St. but if you get here that early, you might want to stay in downtown Boston (Boston Commons, Chinatown, Faneuil Hall) or go to Harvard Square (that's "Hah-vad", folks there are more rich than snooty) to kill time, eat, drink, and be Mary. for people driving (or peds crossing the street), Boston drivers are maybe a little less rude than NYC taxis, but aggressive in other manners: even if you have a right-of-way, be prepared for left turning jerks who are waiting for a hole in your on-coming traffic to fit into, and they pull into your lane (rather than wait for a simultaneous hole in both directions) daring you to hit them broadside. be prepared for that. i have scars from my first and only motorcycle-car accident after 40 years of riding. they're bastards with entitlement. i am now [cring] posting my cell phone: 802/399-8612 . don't abuse it, but if something disasterous happens (like you end up in Roxbury and get mugged) and you need to contact *someone*, i guess i might be able to refer you to someone or something. but i expect i'm gonna be pretty friggin busy that day. recall there is that cheep Motel6 at the southern end of the Red Line in Braintree, folks. the ectophile microculture should book that while it's available. there are lotsa nice ectophiles on this list, who haven't murdered anyone in the last year, that you might consider sharing a room and cost with. - -- r b-j "Imagination is more important than knowledge." ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2007 10:03:24 -0700 (PDT) From: "Xenu's Sister" Subject: Re: Boston - --- robert bristow-johnson wrote: > > ----- Original Message ----- > > From: "Xenu's Sister" > > We're definitely going, we just bought the plane tickets. WEEEEE! > > We arrive in Boston Saturday the 8th at 1:20pm, Yeah, I had to fix my silly typo. > i might suggest that other ectophiles flying into Logan on > Saturday post your scheduled arrival times and maybe the airline. To be more specific, we'll be on American Airlines Flight #444 from ORD (that's O'Hare) to BOS, leaves Chi 10:05am, arrives Bos 1:20pm Saturday Sept. 8, 2007 AD. > the rest of you folks get to figger out Boston's "T" (they spell that "L" in Chicago) at > . Though people might keep in mind that that site is somewhat brain-damaged. I plugged in the addresses of both the Quaker place where we're staying and the venue, and it said there was no way to get from one place to the other. After much tearing of hair and tweaking, I got it to give me a convoluted route involving 3 different busses, at least one of which doesn't run past 10pm, which meant that we couldn't use the same way back. Robert finally told me that all we had to do was walk through Boston Commons to the Park Street station, take the Red Line to Central Square, then the #91 bus north on Prospect to within feet of the venue. Do not trust that site totally. It sure has nice maps though. > needless to say, you'll take the Silver Line (which is a special > bus line that thinks it's a subway, it's schizoid or DID or MPD, > you'll see what i mean) to South Station and transfer (no additional > money or token needed) to the Red Line We can take public transportation if you can't make it to the airport. We haven't owned a car for 17 years (by choice), and are very very used to public transportation. > recall there is that cheep Motel6 at the southern end of the > Red Line in Braintree, folks. the ectophile microculture > should book that while it's available. there are lotsa nice > ectophiles on this list, who haven't murdered anyone in the > last year, that you might consider sharing a room and cost with. There's also a hostel that we were going to stay at until Robert offered us the Quaker place: It would have cost us $71something for two people one night (that's total, not per person). Man, if people make an ectosuite at the Motel 6, I'm gonna wish we'd stayed there. How late does the Red Line run anyway? V - -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Music's the way, the only way I know... Happy Rhodes MySpace page: Happy Rhodes song samples: Happy Rhodes on YouTube: Happy Rhodes Subtitled videos: Suspended In Gaffa: Streaming audio: - -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2007 13:43:02 -0400 From: "robert bristow-johnson" Subject: Re: Boston > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Xenu's Sister" > To: Ecto > Subject: Re: Boston > Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2007 10:03:24 -0700 (PDT) > > > --- robert bristow-johnson wrote: > > > > ----- Original Message ----- > > > From: "Xenu's Sister" > > > We're definitely going, we just bought the plane tickets. WEEEEE! > > > We arrive in Boston Saturday the 8th at 1:20pm, > > Yeah, I had to fix my silly typo. what typo? ... > Man, if people make an ectosuite at the Motel 6, I'm gonna wish > we'd stayed there. just FYI, it looks like the Mot6 people have anticipated such a thing (and prohibited bringing in "funiture" or sleeping bags as well as more than 4 people in a single room with two doubles in it). but screw 'em. just be discrete with air mattresses, sleeping bags, Svey camping stove, etc. > How late does the Red Line run anyway? gonna have to check the brain-dead MBTA site. beats the hell outa me. - -- r b-j "Imagination is more important than knowledge." ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2007 20:28:32 +0200 From: "Henning Rech" Subject: Re: Boston > How late does the Red Line run anyway? latest trip is a bit after 12 pm. Henning ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2007 11:58:51 -0700 (PDT) From: "Xenu's Sister" Subject: Re: Boston - --- robert bristow-johnson wrote: > > --- robert bristow-johnson wrote: > > > > > > ----- Original Message ----- > > > > From: "Xenu's Sister" > > > > We're definitely going, > > Yeah, I had to fix my silly typo. > > what typo? My original said "We're definite going" which made *me* sound brain-dead. I just checked and from this page it looks like the last Red Line train to Braintree leaves the Alewife station (4 stations before Central) at 12:15. So, for anyone staying at the Motel 6, they'd first have to catch the #91 south bus at Hampshire and Inman (that's just around the corner from the venue, according the maps I'm looking at). That late, on Saturday, the bus runs once an hour (there aren't enough eye-roll smileys...this is CAMBRIDGE, America, not Cambridge, England?!?!) at 38 past the hour, so you'd have to be out there at either 10:38pm or 11:38pm (give a few minutes, of course, since busses can run least they sometimes do in Chicago). If you miss that 11:38 bus the next bus isn't until 12:38 and you SOL anyway because you won't make the train connection. That seems a loooong and expensive cab ride. We're in the same boat as far as catching that bus to get to the Central Station and Red Line, so you (who?) won't be alone. Everything better end by 11:38 or we're all messed up. So, we'll walk around the corner from the venue (we'll have printed out maps to have with us), take the #91 south to the Central Station, and transfer to the Red Line subway. For us it doesn't matter, but for the Motel 6 people, the Red Line branches off south of Boston so you'd have to make sure you catch the *Braintree* train and not the 'Ashmont' train. Take that to the end of the line. From there, I don't know. Whereever the Motel 6 is. V V ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2007 15:42:33 -0400 From: "robert bristow-johnson" Subject: Re: Boston > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Xenu's Sister" > To: Ecto > Subject: Re: Boston > Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2007 11:58:51 -0700 (PDT) > ... > So, for anyone staying at the Motel 6, they'd first have to catch the > #91 south bus at Hampshire and Inman (that's just around the corner from > the venue, according the maps I'm looking at). That late, on Saturday, the > bus runs once an hour (there aren't enough eye-roll smileys...this is > CAMBRIDGE, America, not Cambridge, England?!?!) at 38 past the hour, so > you'd have to be out there at either 10:38pm or 11:38pm (give a few > minutes, of course, since busses can run least they sometimes > do in Chicago). > > If you miss that 11:38 bus the next bus isn't until 12:38 and you SOL > anyway because you won't make the train connection. That seems a loooong > and expensive cab ride. > > We're in the same boat as far as catching that bus to get to the Central > Station and Red Line, so you (who?) won't be alone. Everything better > end by 11:38 or we're all messed up. Neither Happy nor Noe wanted to do an awful late set, which is why we are starting (with Casey) at 7:30. it might be 8:45 for Noe, maybe 10:00 pm for Happy and all about 1 hour sets. dunno. that's still in the works. anyway, we need to make sure everyone (who needs to) catches the last southbound (which is downtown bound) Red Line train. the walk to Central Square ain't too bad (about 1/2 mile), but, perhaps someone with a car (i will have a car, and if my wife and kids make it, she will also) can ferry a few people back and forth. i dunno. some folks are driving, and might be able to help some unfortunate blokes avoid the taxi on the way out, if the last train is missed. but we should not plan on it. - -- r b-j "Imagination is more important than knowledge." ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 05 Aug 2007 15:15:32 -0500 From: Carolyn Andre Subject: Re: Roseland (New Azam Ali project) At 07:59 PM 8/3/2007, Craig Gidney wrote: >Azam Ali's rock-oriented project with Tyler Bates (Roseland) has just release >their debut album. Atmospheric, guitar-based darkwave rock over which Ali's >beautiful voice soars, this reminds me of the prettier side of Siouxsie's >oeuvre. The Indian/Iranian influences are mostly gone. The lyrics are gothy >and the production updates the dark swirly 80s sound.... > > Craig - thanks for the heads-up. I'm enjoying their MySpace and CDBaby samples. And thanks for the pointer to Azam Ali last year as well. (I'm sometimes slow picking things up, missing the references to Azam Ali in 2005 and its best-ofs). Yes, I do notice the shift away from the more Persian/Indian in the Roseland project, but it still has the darkness and ambient techno undertones. Regards, Carolyn Andre - --- Chicago, IL / USA Support Independent Music! Use the Internet ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2007 14:59:07 -0700 (PDT) From: "Xenu's Sister" Subject: Re: Boston Ooops, mailed it to Robert insead of ecto - --- robert bristow-johnson wrote: > > ----- Original Message ----- > > you'd have to be out there at either 10:38pm or 11:38pm (give a few > > minutes, of course, since busses can run least they sometimes > > do in Chicago). > Neither Happy nor Noe wanted to do an awful late set, which is why we are starting (with Casey) > at 7:30. it might be 8:45 for Noe, maybe 10:00 pm for Happy and all about 1 hour sets. dunno. > that's still in the works. The more I think about it, the more I think, what a damn shame Boston rolls up its sidewalks so early on a Saturday night. Especially being a college town and supposedly pretty public transportation-friendly. Let's say Happy does start at 10 (which might be unlikely) and does an hour set (and I for one hope she plays longer than that!). We'd only have a few minutes to mingle before we'd all have to race out and around the corner to catch the bus. No hanging around to talk to Happy (I imagine there are a lot of people who'll want to talk to her). Ditto with Noe. No going for drinks/coffee after the show. > anyway, we need to make sure everyone (who needs to) catches the last southbound (which is > downtown bound) Red Line train. the walk to Central Square ain't too bad (about 1/2 mile), Walking would give us a few extra minutes to hang out, but only a few. Frankly, the hostel is better situated for late nights than the Motel 6. You (whoever) would still have to get to Central Station (which, as Robert said, is walkable) but instead of taking the Red Line, you'd take the #1 Harvard/Holyoke bus south down Massachusetts Ave., over the Charles River, over I-90, to either Boyston St. or Haviland, then walk west for a couple of blocks to 12 Hemenway St. The #1 Harvard/Holyoke bus leaves the Harvard Yard area at around 1:10. I couldn't find the time it arrived at Central Square, but that's a general good starting time. The hostel is also close enough to the venue area so that I'd bet a cab wouldn't be too much. I don't know how expensive cabs are in the Boston area (cabs are fairly cheap in Chicago). Really, if you were in a mood, you could walk the whole way. I wouldn't, but someone who really likes walking could. I'd think it'd be out of the question to walk to the Motel 6. You'd get there maybe 4 the next afternoon. Bottom line, my opinion, I don't know who's staying at the Motel 6, but if you're coming all that way, but then have to hustle out of the show or the aftermingle just to catch a silly train, I'd suck it up and stay at the hostel. So it's a bunk bed and a community bathroom. It's cheap, clean and well-situated. We've stayed at hostels before and we were going to stay there. The only reason we're not is that Robert had already booked us a room at the Quaker place based on what I told him (that it would be ok) and I don't want him to lose his deposit. > perhaps someone with a car (i will have a car, and if my wife > and kids make it, she will also) can ferry a few people back > and forth. i dunno. some folks are driving, and might be able > to help some unfortunate blokes avoid the taxi on the way out, > if the last train is missed. but we should not plan on it. That's cool, and appreciated, but as you say, it's not something anyone can count on. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2007 21:46:40 -0400 From: "Michael Colford" Subject: RE: Boston Aaargh! I can't believe I am missing Happy in my own hometown. Although I certainly don't regret going to the Toronto International Film Festival, it's just so ironic. (I'm also missing Jane Siberry, oops, I mean Issa on Columbus Day Weekend in Cambridge because I will be out of town!) If I'd been around I could have offered both a place to stay AND a car. It is unfortunate and quite frustrating that Boston rolls up its subways at 12:30. Ridiculous actually. I would really suggest grabbing a cab rather than missing the opportunity to hang out with Ectophiles and Happy after the show. Cabs are not super cheap, but it is a pretty direct shot down Mass. Ave to the Motel 6. Come on, it's worth a few bucks to hang out with Happy. at least it sure would be for me! I also want to reiterate that the walk to Central Square is not bad at all, and Cambridge/Boston is a pretty safe walking town (at least the neighborhoods the motel and the venue are at.) I really wish I could be more help. I've never met Vickie either, and that would have been very special as well! Have fun, everyone, and please think of me while you're enjoying Happy! Michael Michael R. Colford Chlotrudis Society for Independent Film, President P.O. Box 301237 Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 781 526-5384 "Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion!" - -- Kittie Farmer, Donnie Darko - -----Original Message----- From: Xenu's Sister [] Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2007 5:59 PM To: Ecto Subject: Re: Boston Ooops, mailed it to Robert insead of ecto - --- robert bristow-johnson wrote: > > ----- Original Message ----- > > you'd have to be out there at either 10:38pm or 11:38pm (give a few > > minutes, of course, since busses can run least they sometimes > > do in Chicago). > Neither Happy nor Noe wanted to do an awful late set, which is why we are starting (with Casey) > at 7:30. it might be 8:45 for Noe, maybe 10:00 pm for Happy and all about 1 hour sets. dunno. > that's still in the works. The more I think about it, the more I think, what a damn shame Boston rolls up its sidewalks so early on a Saturday night. Especially being a college town and supposedly pretty public transportation-friendly. Let's say Happy does start at 10 (which might be unlikely) and does an hour set (and I for one hope she plays longer than that!). We'd only have a few minutes to mingle before we'd all have to race out and around the corner to catch the bus. No hanging around to talk to Happy (I imagine there are a lot of people who'll want to talk to her). Ditto with Noe. No going for drinks/coffee after the show. > anyway, we need to make sure everyone (who needs to) catches the last southbound (which is > downtown bound) Red Line train. the walk to Central Square ain't too bad (about 1/2 mile), Walking would give us a few extra minutes to hang out, but only a few. Frankly, the hostel is better situated for late nights than the Motel 6. You (whoever) would still have to get to Central Station (which, as Robert said, is walkable) but instead of taking the Red Line, you'd take the #1 Harvard/Holyoke bus south down Massachusetts Ave., over the Charles River, over I-90, to either Boyston St. or Haviland, then walk west for a couple of blocks to 12 Hemenway St. The #1 Harvard/Holyoke bus leaves the Harvard Yard area at around 1:10. I couldn't find the time it arrived at Central Square, but that's a general good starting time. The hostel is also close enough to the venue area so that I'd bet a cab wouldn't be too much. I don't know how expensive cabs are in the Boston area (cabs are fairly cheap in Chicago). Really, if you were in a mood, you could walk the whole way. I wouldn't, but someone who really likes walking could. I'd think it'd be out of the question to walk to the Motel 6. You'd get there maybe 4 the next afternoon. Bottom line, my opinion, I don't know who's staying at the Motel 6, but if you're coming all that way, but then have to hustle out of the show or the aftermingle just to catch a silly train, I'd suck it up and stay at the hostel. So it's a bunk bed and a community bathroom. It's cheap, clean and well-situated. We've stayed at hostels before and we were going to stay there. The only reason we're not is that Robert had already booked us a room at the Quaker place based on what I told him (that it would be ok) and I don't want him to lose his deposit. > perhaps someone with a car (i will have a car, and if my wife > and kids make it, she will also) can ferry a few people back > and forth. i dunno. some folks are driving, and might be able > to help some unfortunate blokes avoid the taxi on the way out, > if the last train is missed. but we should not plan on it. That's cool, and appreciated, but as you say, it's not something anyone can count on. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2007 22:20:01 -0400 From: Jeff Wasilko Subject: Re: more info: Noe's playing Aug 2 at the Lily Pad at Inman Sq. in Cambridge... On Tue, Jul 31, 2007 at 07:09:25PM -0400, meredith wrote: > Hi, > > robert bristow-johnson wrote: > >i just got a note from Noe: > > > >______________________________________________________________________________ > > > >Just a last minute notice to let you know that I'm playing a show here in > >Cambridge on Thursday night. Sharing the bill with me will be Greta > >Gertler and Alice Bierhorst, both of whom are wonderful singer > >songwriters, old friends, and swell people. (And they're coming all the > >way from NYC!) > > GO GO GO GO GO > > Any and all within reach of Boston, trust me, you will NOT want to miss > this. > > I have seen Noe with Alice Bierhorst and Greta Gertler, and it's pure > magic. Seriously. If I didn't already have an out-of-town commitment this > Thursday night, I would make the schlep up to Boston for this. I went with a friend, and we had a blast (my friend Julie had never heard any of the 3 before). Noe and Greta rocked, but most of Alice's songwriting and sickly-sweet delivery left me annoyed (and Julie had similar thoughts about Alice)... Still, a great night, and the 3 of them together sounded great! - -j ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 05 Aug 2007 22:37:37 -0500 From: Timothy Jones-Yelvington Subject: Another Boston ? What transportation mechanisms exist, if any, from Manchester, NH airport and Boston? And what do they cost? Thinking about coming and wondering if a $40ish price difference btwn airports is actually worth pursuing. ------------------------------ End of ecto-digest V13 #204 ***************************