From: (ecto-digest) To: Subject: ecto-digest V13 #100 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk ecto-digest Saturday, April 21 2007 Volume 13 : Number 100 To unsubscribe: e-mail and put the word unsubscribe in the message body. Today's Subjects: ----------------- Today's your birthday, friend... [Mike Matthews ] Re: My first Happy experience ["Xenu's Sister" ] Re: My first Happy experience ["Jeffrey Burka" ] Re: Rachel Smith CD Release In Boston - last night ["robert bristow-johns] My first (second, third...) Happy experience(s) [Alberto ] My first (second, third...) Happy experience(s): re-posted [Alberto ] Re: Rachel Smith CD Release In Boston - last night [Tim Jones-Yelvington ] Re: Ecto & punctuation... ["Paul Blair" ] Re: My first Happy experience ["Paul Blair" ] Re: Happy Question (was: My first Happy experience) [Tim Jones-Yelvington] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 03:00:01 -0400 (EDT) From: Mike Matthews Subject: Today's your birthday, friend... i*i*i*i*i*i i*i*i*i*i*i *************** *****HAPPY********* **************BIRTHDAY********* *************************************************** *************************************************************************** ******************** Noe Venable ( ********************* *************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Noe Venable Tue April 20 1976 Aries Harry Foster Sat April 21 1956 NiceGuy Kjetil Torgrim Homme Thu April 23 1970 Taurus Jeff Burka Thu April 24 1969 GoFlyAKite Christine Waite Tue April 25 1972 Taurus Matt Adams Thu April 26 1962 Taurus Brad Hutchinson Tue April 28 1964 What sign? Geoff Parks Sun April 30 1961 Taurus Marty Lash Sat May 01 1948 Taurus Barney Parker Fri May 02 1986 happy cat Gray Abbott Tue May 03 1955 Suprised Tamar Boursalian Tue May 03 1966 Taurus Richard A. Holmes May 07 Taurus Steve Ito Fri May 08 1970 DA Bull... Brian Gregory Thu May 09 1963 Eclectic Catherine Sundnes Sat May 09 1970 Very Catzy Heidi Maier Wed May 10 1978 Taurus Kris the boy Fri May 11 1979 Taurus Patrick Varker Wed May 12 1954 Torius Philip David Morgan Sat May 12 1962 Chinese Tiger in Bull Clothing Steve Fagg Tue May 13 1958 Nightwol Karel Zuiderveld Fri May 13 1960 Stier Michael Colford Wed May 16 1962 Taurus Christopher Boek Tue May 19 1970 Taurus Julia Macklin Mon May 20 1968 ethereus - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 19:58:58 -0700 (PDT) From: "Xenu's Sister" Subject: Re: My first Happy experience THANK YOU GREG! for starting this topic. I love love LOVE hearing people's Happy stories, not to mention being thrilled about Happy talk in ecto, when I'd just about given up hope entirely. This thread actually got me to re-subscribe at xenussister, which, if you knew my recent mindset, is a pretty big deal for me. At 12:55 AM 4/15/2007, Jeffrey Burka wrote: > This might be broken-recordy for some folks, but clearly others I > first heard Happy in the summer of '90 (17 years! that's 45% of my > life ago!). The original Ecto Ma herself, Vickie, had put together a > tape tree on to distribute tapes of her final > Suspended in Gaffa radio show -- four cassettes and two video tapes, > if I remember correctly. I was the second person on the list of > people to receive the box o' tapes and I dubbed them within a day or > two and mailed off the package to the next recipient. It was never > seen again. I swear, I really mailed it! Honest! Of course I believe you!! I do hope whoever stole them at least listened to them before they got recorded over or thrown away. Lots more people would have been exposed to Happy if they hadn't been hijacked. > Two months later, in a project spawned on, I spent I'm > not sure how much time transcribing a draft of the lyrics on the first > four albums. These were then sent on to mjm, who refined them and > then sent them on to Vickie. She took another stab at corrections and > then sent them on to Happy, who, after laughing a lot at our mistakes, > made a final set of corrections. Those were the lyrics that got > printed in the liner notes of the 1st4 CDs when they were finally > released. I like to think that Mike, Vickie, and I provided at least > some of the inspiration for Happy to release those CDs. I don't know about that. I think Philly had much more to do with it, but it was nice that she thanked us in the liner notes. I actually read this yesterday and it got me to do something that I'd been wanting to do for ages, which was scan in the original pages that Happy corrected for us. I don't know if these will interest anyone but you, me and mjm, but I think they're pretty cool, because some of Happy's notes are interesting and fun. A bit of explanation is in order, because these can be very confusing to look at. Jeffy sent me the lyrics he typed up (and THANK YOU, because no one, not even me, had ever tried to figure out all of Happy's lyrics before you) then, as Jeff says, Mike Mendelson added his interpretations, then I weighed in, not only with lyrics suggestions, but with some notes about the songs themselves, directed to Happy herself. Happy added her corrections, notes, and replies to my notes, and sent them back. Here's what you'll see, from left to right. My handwritten pencil thoughts to Happy in the left margins Jeff's typed lyrics Mike's typed additions My handwritten additions, question marks, or agreement ("mjm") All of Happy's corrections and notes are either in red or purple. These aren't linked on any web page, so here are the direct URLs of the pdf files. For those who don't like pdfs, you can go to the directory and look at the pages individually: Btw, the album Ecto wasn't done because Happy had sent me the typewritten lyrics for that. Thanks, Vickie! You changed my life! You are SO welcome! Vickie - -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Music's the way, the only way I know... Happy Rhodes MySpace page: Happy Rhodes song samples: Happy Rhodes on YouTube: Happy Rhodes Subtitled videos: Suspended In Gaffa: Streaming audio: - -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 11:24:54 -0400 From: "Jeffrey Burka" Subject: Re: My first Happy experience vickie sez: > I actually read this yesterday and it got me to do something that > I'd been wanting to do for ages, which was scan in the original pages > that Happy corrected for us. I'm so glad you did this. I actually still have the xerox you gave me at the '92 Philly show (with Happy's corrections marked up with yellow highlighter) but it's really neat to see the original...and I imagine lots of folks out there will enjoy seeing them. > Btw, the album Ecto wasn't done because Happy had sent me > the typewritten lyrics for that. If I remember correctly, I had actually started the _Ecto_ lyrics before you told me that Happy had found a copy! For those wondering *why*...I very much wanted lyrics for the 1st4, which of course didn't come with anything other than the gorgeous photo glued onto the tape holder sleeve. I think I must have asked on r.m.g if they were available and in follow-ups with Vickie, was told that Happy had never written them down and didn't have the time/energy/inclination to try to do it. However, if someone else did the work, she was willing to try making corrections. jeff n.p. _The Crossing_, Casey Stratton ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 12:09:21 -0400 From: "robert bristow-johnson" Subject: Re: Rachel Smith CD Release In Boston - last night just a note, Rachel has a wonderful voice quality that is similar to Noe's non-ranting voice. she also fits the ectoish style in lyrics and composition. she has moments where she successfully couples emotion to music. she's not bad. but she's still a bit unpolished and, i dunno, -weak- (he posits sheepishly). some songs i liked and some parts of songs were very good. i had to grit my teeth through some others. i hope she's not reading this. she or her s.o. didn't seem to know about the ecto mailing list. i just think she needs a little help (mentoring from a real pro) to get it down tight. i've been disappointed alot lately with the "scene" (alt-prog-indie) here in Boston. there's a very good locak radio program on some college radio station called "No Commercial Potential" (i also think it's an excellent title for such a show), but the club thing is disappointing. - -- r b-j "Imagination is more important than knowledge." > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "robert bristow-johnson" > To: ecto > Subject: Re: Rachel Smith CD Release In Boston - TONIGHT > Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 12:51:19 -0400 > > > > On 4/11/07, meredith wrote: > > > Hi, > > > > > > One of the more ectophilic CD Baby finds of my life thus far, > > > Rachel Smith has just put out her lovely, > > > haunting second album, _Famous Secrets_. > > > > > > I just got the following MySpace message from her: > > > > > > "Please come and help celebrate the release of "Famous Secrets!" Thursday > > > April 19th, at The Lily > > > Pad, 1353 Cambridge Street, Inman Square, Cambridge, MA. The concert will > > > start at 7. Admission: $7.00." > > > > > > I'm unable to go, alas, but you Boston-area folk should. She's Canadian, > > > what more need be said? ;) > > does that mean she's looks like all the other Canadians in South Park? > (Terrance and Phillip.) > > > > > > > anyway, i had a listen and i think i *am* going to the show. if any other > Ectoians are also going, lemme know. i'll look for you. > > still hoping/planning to make it to Noe's next gig in May. the March one > happened during a nasty Nor'easter and i wasn't driving to NYC for that. > > -- > > r b-j > > "Imagination is more important than knowledge." ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 14:49:44 -0700 (PDT) From: Alberto Subject: My first (second, third...) Happy experience(s) It was 1993 and I dated a woman who dated a woman and they still lived together as roommates and they had a cassette of Warpaint. Apparently, shes well-known in the feminist/lesbian community and Ive been introduced to many women singers mentioned on Ecto through that pipeline. Anyway, they suggested Id like her and were they ever right. I pretty much listened to nothing else for the next week. Sure, she had an amazing voice, and though I thought her voice had a resemblance to Kate Bush, I remember not thinking much of that at the time. By Warpaint she was, to a great extent, a fully-formed artist and to me her vision was very distinct from the singers shes most often compared to. And to my ear, her songs never sounded as if it was two people singing a duet - even in the lower register she sounded like Happy to me. What struck me most upon first listening were the lyrics and the arrangements. The first to really clobber me was Lay Me Down. It has such a gothic majesty that aching violin and the ethereal imagery of the singer in her grave well I was devastated. I went out and bought everything I could get my hands on. Equipoise had just been released at that point and I loved it as well. Being an animal rights activist and vegetarian most of my life, Id never heard a musician use the term specieism in a song as in Save Our Souls or felt the emotional, painful jab quite like the comment on human apathy in the deceptively simple lyric, The woman just stared as the cat lay dying, in a song (Murder) before. In those days, it was harder to get a hold of more obscure music than today but within a month I had everything of hers that was available and from that point on bought all her music upon its release. I think the release that blows me away more than any other when it comes to her voice - the one I play for strangers when introducing them to Happy is The Keep - - the throwback to the sparse arrangements of her early work, but with the maturity, clarity and wisdom that comes with years of living, and to me, her voice never sounded better. And I love every one of her albums, but Ill always have special feelings for Warpaint. My friends who introduced me to her music thought I was completely nuts carrying on about her. They liked her but they didnt you know want to MARRY her. Ha! (A side note: I did HALF-jokingly propose to Happy via e-mail years later, when she cut her hand and was raising money with the Left Hand demos, suggesting my medical insurance would fully cover a spouse. Her alter ego(?) Capt. Bryant politely agreed to pass that on no response *sigh*) I didnt see Happy live until November of 1999 in her first Chicago appearance in a relatively small club, Martyrs, with Project Lo. I was SO excited but still wasnt quite prepared for the sheer power and emotion of her voice, live. I got to the show early and was waiting outside the club when the band inside took the stage for a sound check. Happys voice cut through me like a lightning bolt. I was unable to control bursting into tears. Right there, on the sidewalk on a busy Chicago street. Sobbing like a little kid. Weird. (Thats happened to me at subsequent performances of hers, too, and Im really not a weepy person. Its just something about her voice embarrassing HEY! shut up! OK forget I said any of that). When the doors opened there werent many people there yet, and Happy was walking around in jeans and a tank top. I approached her and told her how much I appreciated her work and asked her questions about some specific lyrics she signed some CDs (on Warpaint: Alberto, Chicago is great and so are you.) She was very friendly, immediately putting at ease the awkwardness of approaching someone that way and it isnt mentioned much on Ecto, but in addition to being very articulate and charming, shes VERY funny, too - a razor-sharp quick wit. Oh, and as youd probably expect, shes disarmingly pretty in person, too. By the time of the Project Lo tour, Id been reading Ecto for years. I met Vickie and Chris at that show, and we would later spend several wonderful evenings together eating pizza and watching Happy concerts on video dissecting the minutiae of her existence, being the frothing Happy geeks we are. I didnt see Happy live again until three of the concerts on her brief East/Midwest tour in November 2003, road-tripping with Chris and Vickie to Toledo, OH and Kenosha, WI (Carolyn joined us for that one). Those shows will go down as some of the most memorable Ive seen in my life. As usual, Happy was very approachable and generous with her time. I told her again how my affection for her songs had only grown with the years. After the Kenosha show, I gave her a small, Celtic cross necklace that had little children carved in it, as several of my favorite songs of hers are about or from the perspective of a child just a small token of my appreciation for so many songs that are now woven into the fabric of my life. She surprised me and wore it onstage the following night at the Chicago concert... And to this day, Im touched to look at photos of that show and post-show and see her wearing it. The following year, I was privileged to buy an original painting by Happy when she decided to auction them off. To me it looks very much the way some of her early songs sound, if that makes sense - so bare and open and vulnerable and with her young fascination with aliens and monsters. It was untitled but for reference she called it Heart Eater, and its one of my most treasured possessions. Happy told me it was probably just a coincidence, but she happened to be wearing the cross I gave her the day that auction ended. Yet another Happy moment I cherish. So I wouldnt be so presumptuous as to say were friends, but as I listen to all the songs and wait for the new ones, I do take them all to heart as I would letters from a friend. I listen to and love a LOT of music of different artists, styles and genres and certainly no ones music moves me more. Its so much more than just listening to music for me with so many of the songs, its taking myself to an emotional place that is so rarely tapped certainly not often by art, but its that connection to it that makes her work such a transcendent expression as important to me as any art Ive experienced. And as much as I wish her the greatest financial success and fame I feel she deserves, theres something to be said about our exclusive little club here. Its as though we know a secret of life that very few are lucky enough to know. And though I mention Happy and play her music for everyone I can, and am always astonished they dont swoon as I do, it means a lot to know there are other people out there who get it. Know what I mean? ~Alberto Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 15:19:53 -0700 (PDT) From: Alberto Subject: Ecto & punctuation... I just posted a long-ass message and oddly, much of the punctuation randomly doesn't show up on the copy I received - apostrophes, commas, parentheses, quotation marks, periods, etc... I'm really not a complete dork in that department. (and it does all show up in my out-going e-mail) I never noticed that happening before... I wonder if it's a Yahoo problem or what? Does anyone else have that problem? ~A "Without music, life would be a mistake." ~ Friedrich Nietzsche Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 16:37:50 -0700 (PDT) From: Alberto Subject: My first (second, third...) Happy experience(s): re-posted Re-posted... sorry, the punctuation thing was bugging me and I think I cleared it up. Something happens when composing in Word and then pasting into a mail document. This should be a little more coherent. - ------- It was 1993 and I dated a woman... who dated a woman... and they still lived together as roommates and they had a cassette of Warpaint. Apparently, she's well-known in the feminist/lesbian community and I've been introduced to many women singers mentioned on Ecto through that pipeline. Anyway, they suggested I'd like her and were they ever right. I pretty much listened to nothing else for the next week. Sure, she had an amazing voice, and though I thought her voice had a resemblance to Kate Bush, I remember not thinking much of that at the time. By Warpaint she was, to a great extent, a fully-formed artist and to me, her vision was very distinct from the singers she's most often compared to. And to my ear, her songs never sounded as if it was two people singing a duet - even in the lower register she sounded like Happy to me. What struck me most upon first listening were the lyrics and the arrangements. The first to really clobber me was "Lay Me Down". It has such a gothic majesty... that aching violin... and the ethereal imagery of the singer in her grave... well... I was devastated. I went out and bought everything I could get my hands on. "Equipoise" had just been released at that point and I loved it as well. Being an animal rights activist and vegetarian most of my life, I'd never heard a musician use the term specieism in a song as in "Save Our Souls"... or felt the emotional, painful jab quite like the comment on human apathy in the deceptively simple lyric, "The woman just stared as the cat lay dying", in a song ("Murder") before. In those days, it was harder to get a hold of more obscure music than today but within a month I had everything of hers that was available and from that point on bought all her music upon its release. I think the release that blows me away more than any other when it comes to her voice - the one I play for strangers when introducing them to Happy is "The Keep" - - the throwback to the sparse arrangements of her early work, but with the maturity, clarity and wisdom that comes with years of living, and to me, her voice never sounded better. And I love every one of her albums, but I'll always have special feelings for Warpaint. My friends who introduced me to her music thought I was completely nuts carrying on about her. They liked her... but they didnt... you know... want to MARRY her. Ha! (A side note: I did HALF-jokingly propose to Happy via e-mail years later, when she cut her hand and was raising money with the "Left Hand demos", suggesting my medical insurance would fully cover a spouse. Her alter ego(?) Capt. Bryant politely agreed to "pass that on"... no response... *sigh*) I didnt see Happy live until November of 1999 in her first Chicago appearance in a relatively small club, Martyrs, with Project Lo. I was SO excited but still wasnt quite prepared for the sheer power and emotion of her voice, live. I got to the show early and was waiting outside the club when the band inside took the stage for a sound check. Happys voice cut through me like a lightning bolt. I was unable to control bursting into tears. Right there, on the sidewalk on a busy Chicago street. Sobbing like a little kid. Weird. (Thats happened to me at subsequent performances of hers, too, and Im really not a weepy person. Its just something about her voice... embarrassing... HEY! ...shut up!... OK... forget I said any of that). When the doors opened there werent many people there yet, and Happy was walking around in jeans and a tank top. I approached her and told her how much I appreciated her work and asked her questions about some specific lyrics she signed some CDs (on Warpaint: "Alberto, Chicago is great and so are you.") She was very friendly, immediately putting at ease the awkwardness of approaching someone that way... and it isnt mentioned much on Ecto, but in addition to being very articulate and charming, shes VERY funny, too - a razor-sharp quick wit. Oh, and as youd probably expect, shes disarmingly pretty in person, too. By the time of the Project Lo tour, I'd been reading Ecto for years. I met Vickie and Chris at that show, and we would later spend several wonderful evenings together eating pizza and watching Happy concerts on video dissecting the minutiae of her existence, being the frothing Happy geeks we are. I didn't see Happy live again until three of the concerts on her brief East/Midwest tour in November 2003, road-tripping with Chris and Vickie to Toledo, OH and Kenosha, WI (Carolyn joined us for that one). Those shows will go down as some of the most memorable Ive seen in my life. As usual, Happy was very approachable and generous with her time. I told her again how my affection for her songs had only grown with the years. After the Kenosha show, I gave her a small, Celtic cross necklace that had little children carved in it, as several of my favorite songs of hers are about or from the perspective of a child... just a small token of my appreciation for so many songs that are now woven into the fabric of my life. She surprised me and wore it onstage the following night at the Chicago concert... And to this day, I'm touched to look at photos of that show and post-show and see her wearing it. The following year, I was privileged to buy an original painting by Happy when she decided to auction them off. To me it looks very much the way some of her early songs sound, if that makes sense - so bare and open and vulnerable... and with her young fascination with aliens and monsters. It was untitled but for reference she called it Heart Eater, and its one of my most treasured possessions. Happy told me it was probably just a coincidence, but she happened to be wearing the cross I gave her the day that auction ended. Yet another Happy moment I cherish. So I wouldn't be so presumptuous as to say we're friends, but as I listen to all the songs and wait for the new ones, I do take them all to heart as I would letters from a friend. I listen to and love a LOT of music of different artists, styles and genres and certainly no ones music moves me more. Its so much more than just listening to music for me... with so many of the songs, its taking myself to an emotional place that is so rarely tapped... certainly not often by art, but its that connection to it that makes her work such a transcendent expression... as important to me as any art Ive experienced. And as much as I wish her the greatest financial success and fame I feel she deserves, theres something to be said about our exclusive little club here. Its as though we know a secret of life that very few are lucky enough to know. And though I mention Happy and play her music for everyone I can, and am always astonished they dont swoon as I do, it means a lot to know there are other people out there who "get it". Know what I mean? ~Alberto "Without music, life would be a mistake." ~ Friedrich Nietzsche Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 20:18:53 -0400 (EDT) From: Bernie Mojzes Subject: Re: Ecto & punctuation... Check to see what your mail client settings are. You want to send stuff as "plain text," not rich text or html or anything like that. brni > I just posted a long-ass message and oddly, much of > the punctuation randomly doesn't show up on the copy I > received - apostrophes, commas, parentheses, quotation > marks, periods, etc... I'm really not a complete dork > in that department. (and it does all show up in my > out-going e-mail) I never noticed that happening > before... I wonder if it's a Yahoo problem or what? > Does anyone else have that problem? ~A > > > "Without music, life would be a mistake." ~ Friedrich Nietzsche > Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around > > - -- brni i don't want the world, i just want your half. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 21:37:21 -0700 (PDT) From: Tim Jones-Yelvington Subject: Re: Rachel Smith CD Release In Boston - last night Did anyone else read that Anne Heaton just moved to Mass, and has a month-long residence in Boston coming up? robert bristow-johnson wrote: just a note, Rachel has a wonderful voice quality that is similar to Noe's non-ranting voice. she also fits the ectoish style in lyrics and composition. she has moments where she successfully couples emotion to music. she's not bad. but she's still a bit unpolished and, i dunno, -weak- (he posits sheepishly). some songs i liked and some parts of songs were very good. i had to grit my teeth through some others. i hope she's not reading this. she or her s.o. didn't seem to know about the ecto mailing list. i just think she needs a little help (mentoring from a real pro) to get it down tight. i've been disappointed alot lately with the "scene" (alt-prog-indie) here in Boston. there's a very good locak radio program on some college radio station called "No Commercial Potential" (i also think it's an excellent title for such a show), but the club thing is disappointing. - -- r b-j "Imagination is more important than knowledge." > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "robert bristow-johnson" > To: ecto > Subject: Re: Rachel Smith CD Release In Boston - TONIGHT > Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 12:51:19 -0400 > > > > On 4/11/07, meredith wrote: > > > Hi, > > > > > > One of the more ectophilic CD Baby finds of my life thus far, > > > Rachel Smith has just put out her lovely, > > > haunting second album, _Famous Secrets_. > > > > > > I just got the following MySpace message from her: > > > > > > "Please come and help celebrate the release of "Famous Secrets!" Thursday > > > April 19th, at The Lily > > > Pad, 1353 Cambridge Street, Inman Square, Cambridge, MA. The concert will > > > start at 7. Admission: $7.00." > > > > > > I'm unable to go, alas, but you Boston-area folk should. She's Canadian, > > > what more need be said? ;) > > does that mean she's looks like all the other Canadians in South Park? > (Terrance and Phillip.) > > > > > > > anyway, i had a listen and i think i *am* going to the show. if any other > Ectoians are also going, lemme know. i'll look for you. > > still hoping/planning to make it to Noe's next gig in May. the March one > happened during a nasty Nor'easter and i wasn't driving to NYC for that. > > -- > > r b-j > > "Imagination is more important than knowledge." ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2007 00:46:23 -0400 From: "Paul Blair" Subject: Re: Ecto & punctuation... If you use Word, by default it uses "smart quotes" -- where the curly quotes are upside down at the beginning of the quotation and right-side up at the end of the quotation -- and similarly for apostrophes and some other characters. Those characters aren't the same as the regular quotes and apostrophes, so when they get pasted in to an email they wind up looking like funny characters (or looking invisible) when converted to the plain text that most email uses. The way to avoid this is to turn off "Use smart quotes" in the Word preferences. (Somewhere in the Word preferences; there's so many it's hard to find anything.) Not sure what's afffecting the parentheses, commas and periods, though. On 4/20/07, Bernie Mojzes wrote: > Check to see what your mail client settings are. You want to send stuff > as "plain text," not rich text or html or anything like that. > > brni > > > I just posted a long-ass message and oddly, much of > > the punctuation randomly doesn't show up on the copy I > > received - apostrophes, commas, parentheses, quotation > > marks, periods, etc... I'm really not a complete dork > > in that department. (and it does all show up in my > > out-going e-mail) I never noticed that happening > > before... I wonder if it's a Yahoo problem or what? > > Does anyone else have that problem? ~A > > > > > > "Without music, life would be a mistake." ~ Friedrich Nietzsche > > Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around > > > > > > -- > > brni > > i don't want the world, > i just want your half. > > ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2007 01:13:37 -0400 From: "Paul Blair" Subject: Re: My first Happy experience On 4/16/07, Xenu's Sister wrote: > At 12:55 AM 4/15/2007, Jeffrey Burka wrote: > > Two months later, in a project spawned on, I spent I'm > > not sure how much time transcribing a draft of the lyrics on the first > > four albums. These were then sent on to mjm, who refined them and > > then sent them on to Vickie. She took another stab at corrections and > > then sent them on to Happy, who, after laughing a lot at our mistakes, > > made a final set of corrections. So--what the hell *is* a clays maray? (Maybe it should have been klezmerei?) On the other hand, I can see where you might get "my oxy and my toe..." I'll let folks go and find the other hilarious ones. ("What is he smoking?") Vickie, I'm glad you put these up. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 22:37:02 -0700 (PDT) From: Tim Jones-Yelvington Subject: Re: Happy Question (was: My first Happy experience) Can anyone explain why used copies of Happy albums like "The Keep," "Ecto" and "Equipoise" have prices driven up into the 30s and 40s on Amazon zshops, yet are still available at standard price on Happy's website?? Paul Blair wrote: On 4/16/07, Xenu's Sister wrote: > At 12:55 AM 4/15/2007, Jeffrey Burka wrote: > > Two months later, in a project spawned on, I spent I'm > > not sure how much time transcribing a draft of the lyrics on the first > > four albums. These were then sent on to mjm, who refined them and > > then sent them on to Vickie. She took another stab at corrections and > > then sent them on to Happy, who, after laughing a lot at our mistakes, > > made a final set of corrections. So--what the hell *is* a clays maray? (Maybe it should have been klezmerei?) On the other hand, I can see where you might get "my oxy and my toe..." I'll let folks go and find the other hilarious ones. ("What is he smoking?") Vickie, I'm glad you put these up. ------------------------------ End of ecto-digest V13 #100 ***************************