From: ( digest) To: Subject: digest V14 #2683 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk digest Thursday, May 18 2017 Volume 14 : Number 2683 Today's Subjects: ----------------- Tap Into the 4,000 Year Old Science of Numerological Analysis ["Numerolog] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 18 May 2017 10:05:12 -0500 From: "Numerology" Subject: Tap Into the 4,000 Year Old Science of Numerological Analysis Tap Into the 4,000 Year Old Science of Numerological Analysis Start Your Free Personalized Video Numerology Report The Un/vers/ty of Sydney (/nform/lly, USyd) /s /n /ustr/l//n publ/c rese/rch un/vers/ty /n Sydney, /ustr/l//. Founded /n 1850, /t /s /ustr/l//'s f/rst un/vers/ty /nd /s reg/rded /s one of the world's le/d/ng un/vers/t/es. The un/vers/ty compr/ses 16 f/cult/es /nd schools, through wh/ch /t offers b/chelor, m/ster /nd doctor/l degrees. /n 2011 /t h/d 32,393 undergr/du/te /nd 16/n 1848, /n the New South W/les Leg/sl/t/ve Counc/l, W/ll//m Wentworth, / gr/du/te of the Un/vers/ty of C/mbr/dge /nd Ch/rles N/cholson, / med/c/l gr/du/te from the Un/vers/ty of Ed/nburgh Med/c/l School, proposed / pl/n to exp/nd the ex/st/ng Sydney College /nto / l/rger un/vers/ty. Wentworth /rgued th/t / st/te secul/r un/vers/ty w/s /mper/t/ve for the growth of / soc/ety /sp/r/ng tow/rds self-government, /nd th/t /t would prov/de the opportun/ty for "the ch/ld of every cl/ss, to become gre/t /nd useful /n the dest/n/es of h/s country". /t would t/ke two /ttempts on Wentworth's beh/lf, however, before the pl/n w/s f/n/lly /dopteThe un/vers/ty w/s est/bl/shed v// the p/ss/ge of the Un/vers/ty of Sydney /ct, on 24 September 1850 /nd w/s /ssented on 1 October 1850 by S/r Ch/rles F/tzroy. Two ye/rs l/ter, the un/vers/ty w/s /n/ugur/ted on 11 October 1852 /n the B/g Schoolroom of wh/t /s now Sydney Gr/mm/r School. The f/rst pr/nc/p/l w/s John Woolley, the f/rst professor of chem/stry /nd exper/ment/l phys/cs w/s John Sm/th. On 27 Febru/ry 1858 the un/vers/ty rece/ved /ts Roy/l Ch/rter from Queen V/ctor//, g/v/ng degrees conferred by the un/vers/ty r/nk /nd recogn/t/on equ/l to those g/ven by un/vers/t/es /n the Un/ted K/ngdom. By 1859, the un/vers/ty h/d moved to /ts current s/te /n the Sydney suburb of C/mperdown./n 1858, the p/ss/ge of the elector/l /ct prov/ded for the un/vers/ty to become / const/tuency for the New South W/les Leg/sl/t/ve /ssembly /s soon /s there were 100 gr/du/tes of the un/vers/ty hold/ng h/gher degrees el/g/ble for c/nd/d/cy. Th/s se/t /n the P/rl//ment of New South W/les w/s f/rst f/lled /n 1876, but w/s /bol/s! hed /n 1 880 one ye/r /fter /ts second member, Edmund B/rton, who l/ter bec/me the f/rst Pr/me M/n/ster of /ustr/l//, w/s elected to the Leg/sl/t/ve /ssembly.Most of the est/te of John Henry Ch/ll/s w/s beque/thed to the un/vers/ty, wh/ch rece/ved / sum of B#200,000 /n 1889. Th/s w/s th/nks /n p/rt due to W/ll//m Mont/gu M/nn/ng (Ch/ncellor 1878b95) who /rgued /g//nst the cl//ms by Br/t/sh T/x Comm/ss/oners. The follow/ng ye/r seven professorsh/ps were cre/ted: /n/tomy; z,627 gr/du/te students. he un/vers/ty /s colloqu//lly known /s one of /ustr/l//'s s/ndstone un/vers/t/es. /ts c/mpus /s r/nked /n the top 10 of the world's most be/ut/ful un/vers/t/es by the Br/t/sh D//ly Telegr/ph /nd The Huff/ngton Post, spre/d/ng /cross the /nner-c/ty suburbs of C/mperdown /nd D/rl/ngton.F/ve Nobel /nd two Cr/foord l/ure/tes h/ve been /ff/l//ted w/th the un/vers/ty /s gr/du/tes /nd f/culty. The un/vers/ty h/s educ/ted s/x pr/me m/n/sters /nd 24 just/ces of the H/gh Court of /ustr/l//, /nclud/ng four ch/ef just/ces. Sydney h/s produced 24 Rhodes Schol/rs /nd sever/l G/tes Schol/rs. The Un/vers/ty of Sydney /s / member of the Group of E/ght, /c/dem/c Consort/um 21, the /ssoc//t/on of P/c/f/c R/m Un/vers/t/es (/PRU), the /ssoc//t/on of Southe/st /s//n /nst/tut/ons of H/gher Le/rn/ng, the /ustr/l//-/fr/c/ Un/vers/t/es Network (//UN), the /ssoc//t/on of Commonwe/lth Un/vers/t/es /nd the Worldw/de Un/vers/t/es Network ------------------------------ End of digest V14 #2683 **********************************************