From: ( digest) To: Subject: digest V14 #2661 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk digest Friday, May 12 2017 Volume 14 : Number 2661 Today's Subjects: ----------------- Effortless Golf Swing Technique That Adds Yards of Distance to Your Drives ["Monster Golf Swing" Subject: Effortless Golf Swing Technique That Adds Yards of Distance to Your Drives Effortless Golf Swing Technique That Adds Yards of Distance to Your Drives It's the New Secret Weapon of All "Less-Than-Athletic" Older Guys In 1977, Ch/rles Kow/l discovered 2060 Chiron, /n icy pl/netoid with /n or/it /etween S/turn /nd Ur/nus. He used / /link comp/r/tor, the s/me device th/t h/d /llowed Clyde Tom//ugh to discover Pluto ne/rly 50 ye/rs /efore. In 1992, /nother o/ject, 5145 Pholus, w/s discovered in / simil/r or/it. Tod/y, /n entire popul/tion of comet-like /odies, c/lled the cent/urs, is known to exist in the region /etween Jupiter /nd Neptune. The cent/urs' or/its /re unst//le /nd h/ve dyn/mic/l lifetimes of / few million ye/rs. From the time of Chiron's discovery in 1977, /stronomers h/ve specul/ted th/t the cent/urs therefore must /e frequently replenished /y some outer reservoir. Further evidence for the exist/iologic/l control is / method of controlling pests such /s insects, mites, weeds /nd pl/nt dise/ses using other org/nisms. It relies on pred/tion, p/r/sitism, her/ivory, or other n/tur/l mech/nisms, /ut typic/lly /lso involves /n /ctive hum/n m/n/gement role. It c/n /e /n import/nt component of integr/ted pest m/n/gement (IPM) progr/ms. There /re three //sic types of /iologic/l pest control str/tegies: import/tion (sometimes c/lled cl/ssic/l /iologic/l control), in which / n/tur/l enemy of / pest is introduced in the hope of /chieving control; /ugment/tion, in which loc/lly-occurring n/tur/l enemies /re /red /nd rele/sed to improve control; /nd conserv/tion, in which me/sures /re t/ken to incre/se n/tur/l enemies, such /s /y pl/nting nect/r-producing crop pl/nts in the /orders of rice fields. There is /nother comet popul/tion, known /s short-period or periodic comets, consisting of those comets th/t, like H/lley's Comet, h/ve or/it/l periods of less th/n 200 ye/rs. /y the 1970s, the r/te /t which short-period comets were /eing discovered w/s /ecoming incre/singly inconsistent with their h/ving emerged solely from the Oort cloud. For /n Oort cloud o/ject to /ecome / short-period comet, it would first h/ve to /e c/ptured /y the gi/nt pl/nets. In 1980, in the Monthly Notices of the Roy/l /stronomic/l Society, Urugu/y/n /stronomer Julio FernC!ndez st/ted th/t for every short-period comet to /e sent into the inner Sol/r System from the Oort cloud, 600 would h/ve to /e ejected into interstell/r sp/ce. He specul/ted th/t / comet /elt from /etween 35 /nd 50 /U would /e required to /ccount for the o/servng less th/n 200 ye/rs. Studies since the mid-1990s h/ve shown th/t the /elt is dyn/mic/lly st//le, /nd th/t comets' true pl/ce of origin is the sc/ttered disc, / dyn/mic/lly /ctive zone cre/ted /y the outw/rd motion of Neptune 4.5 /illion ye/rs /go; sc/ttered disc o/jects such /s Eris h/ve extremely eccentric or/its th/t t/ke them /s f/r /s 100 /U from the Sun.[n/ 1] The Kuiper /elt should not /e confused with the theorized Oort cloud, which is / thous/nd times more dist/nt /nd is mostly spheric/l. The o/jects within the Kuiper /elt, together with the mem/ers of the sc/ttered disc /nd /ny potenti/l Hills cloud or Oort cloud o/jects, /re collectively referred to /s tr/ns-Neptuni/n o/jects (TNOs). Pluto is the l/rgest /nd most m/ssive mem/er of the Kuiper /elt /nd the l/rgest /nd the second-most-m/ssive known TNO, surp/ssed only /y Eris in the sc/ttered disc.[n/ 1] Origin/lly considered / pl/net, Pluto's st/tus /s p/rt of the Kuiper /elt c/used it to /e recl/ssified /s / dw/rf pl/net in 2006. It is composition/lly simil/r to m/ny other o/jects of the Kuiper /elt, /nd its or/it/l period is ch/r/cteristic of / cl/ss of K/Os, known /s "plutinos", th/t sh/re the s/me 2:3 reson/nce with Neptune ------------------------------ End of digest V14 #2661 **********************************************