From: ( digest) To: Subject: digest V11 #970 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk digest Wednesday, October 17 2007 Volume 11 : Number 970 Today's Subjects: ----------------- =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCIVobKEJtZWxtYSEgGyRCJUslZSE8JTkbKEI=?= =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCR1s/LkZiTUYkSyREJCQkRiROJCpPTSRTIVsbKEI=?= [=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCIiEbK] 2008 ANATOLIAN CIVILIZATION TOUR ["Esendaltourism" Subject: =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCIVobKEJtZWxtYSEgGyRCJUslZSE8JTkbKEI=?= =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCR1s/LkZiTUYkSyREJCQkRiROJCpPTSRTIVsbKEI=?=                               2007-10-17 m e l m a ! ニュース ___________________________________________________  いつも購読ありがとうございます。melma! 編集部です。  本日、配信させていただきましたmelma! ニュースにおきまして、  著しくレイアウトが崩れ、大変見にくい内容で配信されてしまいました。  読者の皆様には、大変ご迷惑をおかけした事をお詫び申し上げますと共に  再度配送させていただきました。  今後このような事のないよう、気をつけて参りますので、  引き続きmelma! ニュースをお楽しみください。    ┏━┓━┓━┓ □□■┃も┃く┃じ┃■□□    ┗━┗━┗━┛ 01: 無料見積をして『図書カード500円分』がもれなくもらえる! 02: 注目のヒトカブ 03: melma! 厳選♪マガジン紹介   ─ 話題のキーワードで読むmelma! ≪ 小麦 ≫   ─ 新創刊メルマガ   ─ おもしろ記事トピックス   ─ カテゴリ・発行部数ランキング ≪ コンピュータ ≫ 04: 編集後記 「 まさにビリー 」 ━┳━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 01: 無料見積をして『図書カード500円分』がもれなくもらえる! ━┻━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━・・・━━━━━━━━━━━・・・━━━━━━━━━━━・・・━━ ☆ 自動車・バイク保険は、ネットで買う。自分で決める。さあアクセス! ☆     インターネット契約割引が拡大!業界初のeサービス割引も新登場!! お見積もりはカンタン!年間通じて、新規見積もり登録が対象!   ☆━━━━━━━★━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆━━━━━━┓    ┃ 無料見積をして『図書カード500円分』がもれなくもらえる! ┃   ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━★━┛          ↓ ↓ 今すぐ見積もり! ↓ ↓  ━━・・・━━━━━━━━━━━・・・━━━━━━━━━━━・・・━━    【このメールをご覧の方限定の プレゼントキャンペーン!】     ★毎回大好評の図書カードプレゼントキャンペーン!  お見積もり頂いた方の多くが、その安さに驚かれています。  今回さらにバージョンアップ! 新規のご契約はインターネット契約割引4,000円に拡大! さらに業界初のeサービス割引を選べば500円引きで合計4500円の割引に!  証券が不要としてeサービス特約を付帯された場合にeサービス割引として  500円!!  eサービス割引(eサービス特約)を適用されると、保険証券兼領収証は送付  されません  ご契約内容等はご契約者専用の「Myホームページ」で確認できるので安心。 その安さばかりが目立ってましたが、全契約に24時間365日対応の無料 ロードサービスが付くなど、万が一の時のサポート体制も皆さんに  ご満足いただいています。是非、この機会にお見積もりください!!  お見積もり頂くと、500円分の図書カードをプレゼントさせていただきます ━┳━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 02: 注目のヒトカブ ━┻━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━     ■ 株専門のメールマガジンを発行する発行者さんに  ■     □ オススメの銘柄を紹介してもらうこのコーナー。  □     ■ これを読めばあなたの株ライフが変わるかも!?   ■    今回注目銘柄を紹介してくれる発行者さんのメルマガはこちら!    『 ハロー!株式 』    ⇒     ▼▼▼▼ 発行者さんがオススメする今週の注目株♪ ▼▼▼▼ ======================================================================  ◆ (株)東芝 ◆    └⇒今日の株価をチェック:  ┌───────────────────────┐  │ 勢い度:☆☆☆☆★ / 安定度:☆☆☆☆★ │  └───────────────────────┘  環境関連のど真ん中銘柄として見逃せないのが東芝です。米電力大手の NRGエナジーから総額6000億円に上る原子力発電所の受注を内定しまし たが、地球温暖化効果ガスの削減策として最も現実味のあるのが原子力であり 例えば太陽光発電で原発1基の発電量を賄うには、ほぼ山手線内全体にパネル を張らなければなりません。それほど原発と太陽光発電には差があります。  米国では今後30基の原発新設が見込まれていますが、今回、東芝がテキサ ス州ヒューストン市近郊に新設する改良型の沸騰水型軽水炉(出力135万キ ロワット)2基の総額6000億円を基に単純計算しますと、「1基当たり3 000億円×30基=9兆円」となり、米国だけで9兆円のビッグ・マーケッ トとなります。  昨年末、中国は米国のウエスチング・ハウス(WH)社と4基の原発につい て技術導入する契約を結んでいますが、WHの親会社は日本の東芝です。 そして、その中国は2020年にかけて更に40基の原子力発電所を建設する 計画とされ、世界中では150基の原発建設が想定されています。 150基×3000億円でザッと45兆円の市場となります。  同社株は89年6月に1500円の高値まで買われた経緯があり、大きな テーマ性を背景として、その高値を目指して更なる上値指向の展開が継続する と考えます。  …………………………………………………………………………………………  今回「注目のヒトカブ」を紹介してくれた発行者さんが配信する   『 ハロー!株式 』をご覧になりたい方は、   こちら ⇒⇒⇒  …………………………………………………………………………………………   ※免責事項についてはこちら ⇒ ━┳━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 03: melma! 厳選♪マガジン紹介 ━┻━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  山崎製パンの「食パン」が、24年振りに値上げをするそうですね。  小麦などの原材料価格の高騰が原因といわれています。  今回は、そんな『小麦』に関するマガジンをチェックしてみましょう。 ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ☆ 話題のキーワードで読む melma!              『小麦』 ☆ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛       −時節に合わせた話題のキーワードでマガジン紹介−   【キーワード情報1】   しかし小麦価格を中心に穀物価格は再び旺盛な需要を背景として騰勢を   強める可能性が高いと考えられるのではないか…   ┃   ┗━▼情報元マガジン     資源株と先物取引のココだけの話   【キーワード情報2】   小麦の急反落より上値は限られました。週間輸出成約は66.6万トンの予想   範囲内でした…   ┃   ┗━▼情報元マガジン     グローバルプライスニュースレター   【キーワード情報3】   農水省は2007年4月から輸入小麦の価格変更を年1回から2〜3回に増やす。   日本は小麦の9割が輸入…   ┃   ┗━▼情報元マガジン     「飲・食・店」新聞フードリンクニュース   【キーワード情報4】   輸入小麦主要銘柄が10月からの10%値上されるようです。小麦といえば   ラーメンやうどんなど…   ┃   ┗━▼情報元マガジン     輸入ソフト通信   【キーワード情報5】   その中国の麺の起源は、その原料となる世界の小麦栽培の歴史と深い関係   があります。小麦は…   ┃   ┗━▼情報元マガジン     旬楽生活 クチコミグルメ〜関西版 - --[PR]---------------------------------------------------------------- ■お知らせ■憧れの別荘☆まずは体験してみませんか リロバケーションズ ──────────────────────────────────   人気スポットの100平米スイートルームもこの価格!詳細はHPで。              ↓   ↓   ↓ - ----------------------------------------------------------------------  ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓  ☆ 今日もぴっちぴち!新創刊メルマガ               ☆  ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛      −創刊して間もない、生まれたてのメルマガをご紹介!−  ◆転職に役立つ資格   ┃  ┗━▼編集部     転職に有利な資格をとって、合格を目指しませんか?  ◆日刊ブログ友の会=インターネットニュース通信=   ┃  ┗━▼編集部     インターネットのうれしい最新ニュースが満載です!  ◆知っておいて損はない!   ┃  ┗━▼編集部     これを読めば、スキルアップの秘訣が分かるかも。  ◆プロセス改善に必要なプラスα   ┃  ┗━▼編集部     エンジニア必見!問題解決に役立つ‘改善ツール’があるそうです。  ◆何はともあれPlan Do!〜あなたも企業内戦略コンサル   ┃  ┗━▼編集部     経営戦略やPC活用の必殺ワザなどが盛りだくさん!  ※新創刊メルマガ紹介の条件   新規創刊時にバックナンバーを表示するに設定されていて、   且つ1度以上記事を発行しているメルマガが対象となります。  【最新の新創刊メルマガ】⇒  【読者数ランキング 上位500】⇒ - --[PR]---------------------------------------------------------------- 「3年毎のボーナスがうれしい」女性の保険フェミニーヌ(25歳加入の例)    28歳 ボーナス 150,000円 自分へのごほうびに    31歳 ボーナス 150,000円 貯金に    34歳 ボーナス 150,000円 家族で旅行に - ----------------------------------------------------------------------  ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓  ☆ 注目記事トピックス                      ☆  ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛       −melma! 編集部が注目した記事トピックスを紹介−  ╋■ T O P I C S ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━・・・┓  ■   ○あなたの脳年齢は何歳?90秒で脳が若返る!   ○コーヒーを多く飲む男性ほど、膵臓がんになりにくい!   ○トラックに乗ってチベット旅行   ○「辞任する」を英語2語で言うと?                                   ■  ┿・・・━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━■╋  編集部)コーヒーの飲みすぎは、がんになりやすいって聞いた事が      あったけど逆なんですねー。でも、女性は・・・?  【新着記事トピックス一覧】⇒ - --[PR]----------------------------------------------------------------  ┏─…─…─…─┓  楽天マイワンなら10万円を30日間借りても利息は    楽天マイワン      ≫≫たったの567円(6.9%適用)≪≪  ┗─…─…─…─┛    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ \今すぐCheck!!/【新金利6.9%〜】【最大500万円】【CD・ATM80,000台】 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------  ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓  ☆ カテゴリ・発行部数ランキング       ≪ コンピュータ ≫ ☆  ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛    −読者に支持されているマガジンをカテゴリごとにランキング!− ☆第1位  STORM BTO PC ☆第2位  DTP駆け込み寺 ☆第3位  知って得する!パソコン知識   第4位   エクセル(EXCEL)+ワード(WORD)=MOUS School:マイクロソフト公認の資   格をとろう!   第5位   新しもの好きのダウンロード   第6位   これ知ってます?Wordの小ワザ&便利ワザ   第7位   @(あっと)驚く!エクセル好きルアップ   第8位   全部フリーソフト!!   第9位   パソコン徹底活用で自分の本を出版・あくり出版通信   第10位   PCフリーソフト ─ 無料でいこう! ※2007/10/12 時点でのランキングとなります。 ━┳━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 04: 編集後記 【 まさにビリー 】            編集人:ハイジ ━┻━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  遅ればせながら、先週ビリーズブートキャンプを買いました!  仲間うちで購入したのは、私が一番ビリー♪なんちゃって☆    もちろん目的はダイエット。でもまだ一度もDVDを見ていないハイジ…。  仕事が終わった後はなんだか疲れちゃって余力ないし、  早朝だと体力消耗して仕事に支障が出てしまいそうだし。  やっぱり週末になっちゃうのかなぁ。  7日間集中プログラムなのに…どうしよう(悩)。          *ハイジへのお便りはこちらまで ⇒ ◇…---…---…---…---…---…---…---…---…---…---…---…--…---…◇        今回の「melma! ニュース」はいかがでしたか?            5点満点で採点してください。    >>>  <<< ◇…---…---…---…---…---…---…---…---…---…---…---…--…---…◇       ┌─────────────────────┐ ────□■┤ 読者のみなさまへマイルについてお知らせ ├□■────       └─────────────────────┘  melma! では、ライフマイルとサービス提携し、現金交換できるお得な 〔マイル〕サービスを行っています。 【クリックdeマイル】の下にあるURLをクリックするとマイルがもらえます!      ★ よくわかる!「マイルの貯め方、使い方」ガイド ★  【注意事項】 ・ライフマイルに会員登録していない場合や、ライフマイルとmelma! で  登録しているアドレスが違う場合はマイルが付与されません。 ・このメールマガジンに記載されているサイトでのお申込み等は  お1人様1回までとさせていただきます。ご了承ください。 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ melma! ニュース (メルマニュース) 発行日  :毎週 月・水・金曜発行(号外あり) 発行   :(株)サイバーエージェント ご利用規約: プライバシーポリシー: お問い合わせ先メールアドレス: ●「melma! ニュース」は、メールマガジンを購読されている方にお届けする  melma! の会報誌です。新着マガジン、おすすめマガジンの他、melma! 最新  のトピックスをお届けします。 ●配信がご不要の方は、下記URLより解除手続きを行ってください。 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Copyright (C) 1998-2007 CyberAgent, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 10:18:13 +0300 From: "Esendaltourism" Subject: 2008 ANATOLIAN CIVILIZATION TOUR ESENDAL INTERNATIONAL TOURISM & TRAVEL ATAKOY 11. KISIM CIGDEM BLOK NO: 28 34750 ISTANBUL / TURKEY PHONE : +90 212 661 57 35-37 FAX : +90 212 661 57 99 or ANATOLIAN CIVILIZATION TOURS GUARANTEED DEPARTURE DATES 2007 TOUR CODE STARTING DATES TERMINATION DATES ESDL 01 28 April 2007 12 May 2007 ESDL 02 22 Sept. 2007 06 October 2007 ESDL 03 13 October 2007 27 October 2007 2008 TOUR CODE STARTING DATES TERMINATION DATES ESDL 01 03 May 2008 17 May 2008 ESDL 02 24 May 2008 07 June 2008 ESDL 03 20 Sept. 2008 04 October 2008 ESDL 04 11 October 2008 25 October 2008 INCLUDED FEATURES 14 Nights hotel accommodations, meals and all sightseeing tours as indicated in the itinerary, all entrance fees to the museums and sights, ground transportation and round-trip airport transfers by luxury air-conditioned buses/van, service of a professional guide, tips at restaurants and hotels, bridges and toll roads, baggage handling, service charge and local tax. EXCLUDED FEATURES Travel insurance, airfare, airport departure taxes, excess baggage fees, gratuities to your guide and driver, personal expenses such as meals, beverages or sightseeing not included in the itinerary; extras at hotels such as communication charges, laundry. *** Or Similar Ones HOTELS 4 STAR 5 STAR CRYSTAL HOTEL ISTANBUL DIVAN / HILTON HOTEL KERVANSARAY THERMAL HOTEL BURSA CELIK PALAS HOTEL DEDEMAN HOTEL ANKARA HILTON HOTEL CAPPADOCIA LODGE HOTEL CAPPODOCIA CAVE HOTEL DEDEMAN HOTEL ANTALYA TALYA HOTEL RICHMOND HOTEL PAMUKKALE COLOSSAE HOTEL KAYA PRESTIGE HOTEL IZMIR HILTON HOTEL AKOL HOTEL CANAKKALE KOLIN HOTEL ANATOLIAN CIVILIZATION TOUR (14 NIGHTS / 15 DAYS) DAY 1 : (Saturday ) ARRIVAL IN ISTANBUL On arrival in Istanbul, you are greeted at the airport and transferred to your hotel by an Esendal Travel Representative. The rest of the day is on your own. Meet other tour members for a welcome briefing hosted by your tour director at your hotel. DAY 2 : (Sunday ) ISTANBUL * SIGHTSEEING: Hippodrome, Sunken Palace, Saint Sophia, Topkapi Palace. Overnight in Istanbul. (B, L ) After breakfast, we explore this ancient city, visiting the Roman Hippodrome where chariot races and athletic events took place, the Blue Mosque , built in 1616, named for the beautiful Iznik tiles which give the mosque its color. Then visit the Sunken Palace (actually a huge 6th century Byzantine cistern) the largest water reservoir in the city from the Roman times was rebuilt by Justinian in 532 A.D., proceed to explore the World-renowned Saint Sophia (Hagia Sophia) Museum is one of the most extraordinary buildings in the history of architecture, adorned with Byzantine mosaics and Ottoman calligraphy, built in 537 by Justinian as a cathedral, it was converted into a mosque after the Turkish Conquest in 1453. After lunch, we continue to explore the more worldly treasures of the Topkapi Palace, overlooking the Bosphorus and Sea of Marmara, the great palace of the Ottoman sultans from the 15th to the 19th centuries housing priceless treasures, unique collections of Chinese and Japanese porcelains, holy relics, robes worn by the sultans and their families, and countless works of arts. The treasury section has the richest collection of its kind in the world. Worldwide famous 'Jeweled Ceremonial Helmet', 'The Topkapi Dagger', 'The Kasikci Diamond' are all in Topkapi Palace Museum. DAY 3 : (Monday ) ISTANBUL - BURSA * SIGHTSEEING: Bosphorus Cruise, Bursa Green Mosque, Green Mausoleum, Grand Mosque, Koza (Cacoon Han), Old Covered Bazaar. Overnight in Bursa. (B,L,D) Enjoy a relaxing morning cruise past the palaces, mosques and wooden villas (yalis) along the Asian and the European coasts of the Bosphorus. BURSA Drive to Bursa, the first capital city of the enormous Ottoman Empire and in a real scene, the birthplace of modern Turkish Culture. Visit the Green Mosque, was built during the reign of Mehmet (1413-21). It is one of the great master works of the Ottoman religious architecture and superbly beautiful building in a fine setting and it represents a turning-point in Turkish architectural style. Facing the Green Mosque, rather higher up, is the Green Mausoleum (Yesil Turbe) of Mehmet I.The decoration inside and outside combine to make the tomb as one of the most beautiful buildings in Turkey. Continue to visit the Grand Mosque constructed of golden-hued limestone from Mt. Olympus (Uludag), it measures 56 m by 68 m and was the first congregational mosque erected in 1399 by the Ottomans. It is a typical pillared mosque, very much in Seljuk tradition, a big rectangular building with immense portals on three sides and a forest of supporting columns inside. Visit the Koza (Cacoon) Han, an old Ottoman caravanserai which dates from 1451 was restored recently and converted into a Silk Market where silk fabrics and textiles are being sold and the Old Covered Bazaar (Bedesten) which has everything from jewellery and finest silks to household goods and on most days is filled with shoppers bargaining exactly over their purchases. This is not a tourist trap; most of the shoppers are local people. Tonight treat yourself to a 'Turkish Thermal Bath' at your hotel. DAY 4 : ( Tuesday ) BURSA - GORDION - ANKARA * SIGHTSEEING: Cumali Kizik Village, Gordion, Tomb of King Midas. Overnight in Ankara. (B,L,D) Morning visit the Cumali Kizik Village (the oldest surviving Ottoman village), it is the picturesque village set amongst chestnut, and fig trees. The village is famous for its Ottoman Wooden Houses and was originally established under the endowment of the second Ottoman Sultan Orhan Gazi (1324-1360), and was settled by Turks of the Kizik branch of Ottoman Kayi clan. Cumalikizik retains its original architecture, texture and still remains largely untouched. Then travel through the heart of Anatolia towards Ankara. En route, visit Gordion where the Phyrigians settled in the mid 9C B.C. and made it their capital a century later, and according to a legend Alexander the Great cut the Gordion Knot and opened the way to Asia, visit the Tomb of King Midas, the last King of Phyrigians. DAY 5 : ( Wednesday ) ANKARA - CAPPADOCIA * SIGHTSEEING: Museum of Anatolian Civilizations , Mausoleum of Ataturk. Overnight in Cappadocia. (B,L,D) Ankara was once a Hitite town, then a Roman city, and now is the capital of the modern Turkey. Tour to the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, one of the most important museums in the world, housed in a restored caravanserai, explore its collections of artifacts for an in-depth introduction to Hattian, Hitite and Phyrigian, Assyrian Civilizations; see the excellent collection of relics dating from the Paleolethic, Neolithic, Calcholitic, Bronze Age excavated in the oldest towns of Anatolia. Onward visit the Mausoleum of Ataturk, founder of Modern Turkey. After lunch drive by specious lake, across rolling wheat lands past ancient caravanserais (Inns) to Cappadocia. DAY 6 : (Thursday) CAPPADOCIA( A Natural Wonder) * SIGHTSEEING: Goreme Open Air Museum , Pasabagi, Zelve, Red Valley of Dervent and Uchisar and Avanos. Overnight in Cappadocia. (B,L,D) FORMATIONS OF CAPPADOCIA Full day tour of Cappadocia, known for bizarre landscape, underground cities, churches and dwellings carved from the soft volcanic rock. The fantasy landscape of Cappadocia is probably the best-known tourist attraction in inland Turkey. It is a remarkable region and geological wonderland created by the complex interaction of natural and human forces over vast spans of time. The origin of this beautiful land began with the eruption of high two volcanic mountains Erciyes of 3,916m (12,848 ft) in the east and Hasandagi a volcano of 3,253m (10,673 ft) high in the south. Millions of years ago they were active volcanoes, their explosive eruptions spread a thick layer of hot volcanic ash over the region which hardened to a soft and porous stone called tufa or tuff. Over aeons of geological time, wind, rain, snow and sand erosion wore away the tuff, carving it into elaborate and unearthly shapes. The strange but extraordinary formation of Cappadocia has had this appearance for millions of years. THE HISTORY OF CAPPADOCIA The history of Cappadocia (the land of beautiful horses) began in prehistoric times. Hatti settled in the region and created high level of civilizations during the Bronze Age, and in about the 2nd millennium B.C., the Hittites (Indo-European immigrations) came and settled in the region. Soon the Assyrians had established their trading posts. Phrygians probably ruled Cappadocia from 1250 B.C., but the Lydians were expelled by the middle of the 6th C.B.C. In AD.17 the region became a Roman province, trade and military routes were built and urban centers and settlements were encouraged. As Asia Minor came under the Christian influence, the first Christian communities appeared in Cappadocia and those persecuted for their religious beliefs elsewhere sought refuge in the region. Cappadocia thus became a melting pot of a variety of ethnic groups, all of which have influenced the culture and religious beliefs. GOREME OPEN AIR MUSEUM Entire day to enjoy the natural beauty and the cultural depth of this unique region. We visit the ancient monastic site of Goreme Open Air Museum, is the best known and most visited site of all the monastic settlements in the Cappadocia region. This steep-sided little valley once housed a thriving monastic community, living and worshipping in houses and churches cut into the surrounding cliffs. It's also the largest of the religious complexes, and its churches, of which there are over thirty, contain some of the most fascinating of all the frescoes in Cappadocia. The frescoes in these churches, which date from the 5th to the 12th centuries are true masterpieces of Byzantine art. ZELVE We visit Zelve, another monastic community, and the sides triple valleys are honey combed with stairways, tunnels, storerooms, living quarters, pigeon houses and churches. The churches and dwellings date back to the pre-iconoclastic age (before the ninth century). The valley was inhabited by Turks as recently as the 1950s. the inhabitants simply hacked out their dwellings and churches from rocks. Zelve is one of the most fascinating remnants of Cappadocia's troglodyte past. Zelve is a favorite spot for photographers. UCHISAR Then we drive to Uchisar, whose citadel commands a breathtaking view of the Goreme Valley. Uchisar is an excellent place to get a first impression of Cappadocia's extraordinary geology. It provides panoramic views of Cappadocian valleys and countryside. DAY 7 : (Friday) CAPPADOCIA * SIGHTSEEING: Mustafa Pasa, Avanos, Soganli Valley, Kaymakli/Derinkuyu, and Soganli Overnight in Cappadocia. (B,L,D) * Optional Turkish Folk Dancing Show AVANOS Morning visit the local handcraft center of Cappadocia (shopping possibility). Watch a demonstration of how the colorful local kilims, rugs and carpets that incorporate to the earth tones of the region are created, then visit the pottery town of Avanos. MUSTAFAPASA After lunch drive to Mustafa Pasa (Sinassos) where you will admire the old stone houses, still occupied by local people. From Urgup town on the way to Soganli we pass the Pancarlik Valley, where we can explore a number of frescoed churches, and Mustafapasa, formerly the Ottoman Greek village of Sinassos. Before the exchange of population in 1920-23 this town was occupied mainly by Greeks and was known as Sinassos. Because of its commerce with Istanbul, Sinassos prospered and its citizens built themselves fine stone houses with wrought iron balconies and elaborately ornamented facades. The fine old stone houses, frescoed churches, monastery and Ottoman Medrese (School) and Caravanserai are highly worth to see. The people of Cappadocia are dignified, friendly and helpful; they do not badgar visitors to buy souvenirs. SOGANLI We will visit Soganli where the villagers make world famous Cappadocia dolls. We will have wonderful strolls and go off the tourist track visiting small villages and discovering the unknown Cappadocia. The remote Soganli Valley is one of the most attractive places in Cappadocia, which was almost unknown a few years ago. It is estimated that there were 150 churches in the valley. On the way to Soganli the fairy chimneys way to a table mountain formation which is as fantastic and surreal as the other wonderland of Cappadocia. The village of Soganli is quiet and unspoiled. Enclosed by steep hills, this dusty village's unique beauty is the contrast to its rocky climate, which is interwoven with vegetation and streams. UNDERGROUND CITIES IN CAPPADOCIA Stroll through the underground galleries of Kaymakli/ Derinkuyu where the first Christians hid themselves from their enemies for months at the time of danger. Several brief photo stops at the region. Among the most extraordinary phenomena of Cappadocia region are the remains of underground settlements (cave constructions), some of them are large enough to have accommodated up to 30.000 people. A total of 100 such settlements in the region have been discovered, but only a few have so far been opened to the public. The best known are Derinkuyu and Kaymakli that lie beneath the plateau. Perhaps as long as the Hitite era (1900-1200 c B.C.), men began to burrow into the bedrock, seeking shelter and safety from invaders. Later inhabitants enlarged and extended the maze of tunnels, stairways and ventilation shafts, adding living quarters, animal pens, storerooms, all hewn out of the solid rock. The largest of these cities had eight or nine levels extending 55m (180 ft) underground. In times of danger, the whole city could be sealed off heavy 'millstone' doors rolled across the entrance tunnels. The presence of missionary schools, churches and wine cellars indicate that they were used by Christian Communities in the 2nd and 8th centuries, seeking refuge from Roman and later Arab raiders. There were certainly pre-Christian underground cities in the area as early as 400 B.C. DAY 8 : (Saturday) CAPPADOCIA - KONYA - ANTALYA * SIGHTSEEING: Sultan Han, Mevlana's Mausoleum, Karatay Koran School. Overnight in Antalya. (B,L,D) Morning drive along the old trade (silk) route to Konya. En route visit the 13th century Seljuk caravanserai, Sultan Han. Besides being a fine example of the Seljuk royal caravan lodging (inn) for travelers who were allowed to stay for three days without charge. It has been beautifully restored so it is easy to appreciate the architectural fine points, then continue to Konya, the oldest city of Turkey, the capital of Seljuk Empire and home to the world-renowned sect of the Whirling Dervishes. In Konya, tour Mevlana's Mausoleum, founder of the Whirling Dervishes, and the Karatay Koran School, displaying colorful Turkish tiles. Continue south to Antalya, a lovely resort town on the Mediterranean Sea; an area known as the Turquoise Coast/ Turkish Riviera. Antalya, one of Turkey's loveliest cities, this popular resort town is located on the cliffs that descend to long sandy beaches along the Mediterranean in close proximity to ancient ruins. DAY 9 : (Sunday) ANTALYA -PERGE -ASPENDOS- ANTALYA * SIGHTSEEING: Perge, Aspendos, Antalya Museum. Overnight in Antalya. (B,L,D) PERGE & ASPENDOS Explore the remains of the Greco-Roman cities of Perge and Aspendos. Perge was founded around 1000 B.C and ranked as one of the great Pamphylian trading cities. Perge had one of the oldest Christian communities in Asia Minor. Paul and Barnabas came here after their flight from Antioch in Pisidia. Greek colonists came here after the Trojan War and probably displaced even earlier inhabitants. The city prospered under Alexander the Great and the Romans. The substantial remains of a great theatre, stadium, Agora, Bath Complex, huge Hellenistic and Roman Gates and an impressive colonnaded street are highly worth to see. Like Perge, Aspendos was founded on a hilltop near a river and later spread down to the plain, and it is visited today principally for its theater. The outstanding feature of Aspendos is the theater in the lower town, built in the late second century A.D. during the reign of Marcus Aurelius (161-180). It is one of the best preserved in the world. It seats 15.000 people and has remained perfectly intact for 1.800 years. The theatre's acoustics are so perfect that a coin dropped from the orchestra pit can clearly be heard in the upper galleries. Although the history of the settlement goes back to the Hitite Empire, the more generally accepted theory is that Aspendus, like Perge and Sillyum, was colonized during the migrations, which followed the Trojan War 1184 B.C. As the name Aspendus is not Greek, but Anatolian; it is likely that the newcomers did not found the city, but merely took over an existing settlement. As with other neighboring towns such as Perge and Side, it enjoyed its most prosperous period under the Romans and as with those cities, its decline was due to the silting up of its harbor and centralizing policy of the Byzantine Empire. ANTALYA MUSEUM Visit the Antalya Museum, home to many of the treasures excavated in the region. It is definitely worth of visiting. The large archeological section of the museum offers an excellent survey of the great periods in Pamphylia's history, from the Neolithic on through the Bronze Age to Hellenistic and Roman times. Particularly notable are the 'Gallery of the Gods' containing statues of divinities discovered in Perge dating from the second century A.D., 'the Gallery of Roman Emperors', the magnificent series of Sarcophagi from Perge, the Icons from churches in Antalya, the Mosaics from Seleucia and Xanthus, the museum's collection of fine coins is a representative selection from region (Lycia, Psidia and Pamphylia) from the Classical, Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottoman periods. The museum's ethnographical section houses some very good examples of Seljuk and Ottoman relics including porcelains, antique weapons, tent of Yoruk (Nomad), musical instruments, antique carpets (rugs), regional dresses and embroidery. DAY 10 : (Monday) ANTALYA - APHRODISIAS - PAMUKKALE SIGHTSEEING: Aphrodisias and Hierapolis. Overnight in Pamukkale. (B,L,D) APHRODISIAS Morning drive to Aphrodisias, a cultural center of the ancient world renowned for its school of sculpture. Aphrodisias was one of the earliest occupied sites in Anatolia. Neolithic and Bronze Age mounds have been found here. Despite a strategic position near the meeting point of ancient Caria, Lydia and Phrygia, and proximity to major trade routes, Aphrodisias for many centuries remained only a shrine. Its prosperous period was under the Roman rule. The Aphrodisians were amply rewarded for their support of the Romans during the Mithridatic war; many special privileges were granted and rapidly burgeoning city was heavily patronized by various Roman emperors, becoming a major cultural (the Art, Sculpture, Medicine and Philosophy) center. It was renowned for its school of sculpture, and Aphrodisian works adorned every corner of the empire, including Rome itself. Explore the best preserved Stadium in Anatolia built in second century A.D., seats 30.000 people, the Temple of Aphrodite, the Agora, the Odeum, the Bath and Theatre. See an outstanding selection of statues in the local museum. HIERAPOLIS After lunch, drive north to Pamukkale, the ancient healing city of Hierapolis, which was founded by King Eumenes II of Pergamum in the second century B.C. (190 B.C.), now known as Pamukkale, which means 'Cotton Castle' in Turkish, describing the white lime cascades (the calcareous deposits) formed by mineral springs (hot water). We visit the ruins of the Roman health spas of Hierapolis including the theatre, the bath, the colonnaded avenue, and the largest necropolis (cemetery) of Asia Minor. Enjoy a mineral spring bath at your hotel. DAY 11 : (Tuesday) PAMUKKALE - SARDIS - IZMIR * SIGHTSEEING: Sardis, Temple of Artemis, Izmir (Smyra). Overnight in Izmir. (B,L,D) SARDIS Today we drive to Sardis. Sardis was founded in the middle of the fertile valley of the Gediz (Hermus) in 1200 B.C. Sardis was an ancient political and cultural center of Anatolia on Royal Road built by the Persians in the 6 c B.C. It was 2.575 km/1.600 miles long. Sardis was the capital of strong and rich Lydian Kingdom, once celebrated for its proverbial (as rich as Croesus) wealth and for its sanctuary of Artemis. Croesus was the last king of Lydia (560-546 B.C.). He was very rich. Much of the wealth of Sardis is from a gold-bearing stream that ran through the city. The most popular and valuable invention of humankind coinage (coined money) was invented in Sardis. The Lydian Kingdom had dominated much of the Aegean area before the Persians came (546 c B.C. ). The city continued to flourish through the periods of the Romans and the Byzantines. The town was the site of one of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor. The principal ruins of Sardis are spread over a large area. The Roman- Byzantium Gymnasium and Bath Complex, the Synagogue, once was part of the Gymnasium Complex and converted into a synagogue in the 3 c A.D. There is some evidence that the Safarid Jews had settled in Sardis as early as 547 B.C. We also visit the Temple of Artemis, which was once among the four largest in Asia Minor. It was built by King Croesus of Lydia in the 6c B.C. IZMIR We continue to Izmir (Smyra). It is the provincial capital of western Turkey and the third-largest city in the country. It ranks as the country's most important port and commercial center after Istanbul. The city stands at a central position on the western coast of Asia Minor in the splendid Gulf of Izmir, which forms one of the finest bays in the Aegean region. The city owes its economic significance to an accessible port, which serves as the main outlet for the products of western Anatolia and its proximity to the major tourist attractions such as Ephesus, Sardis, Miletus, Didyma, Pergamum, Aphrodisias and Troy. Over the recent decades, the city has became a major industrial base for textile, tobacco, food, paper, chemicals, tanning, and of course carpet-making (Smyra carpets). Izmir exports mainly textile products, tobacco, cotton, raisin, figs, olives and olive oil. The city is home to a NATO command headquarter. Izmir (Smyra) was founded around 3000 B.C. by a Trojan Yortan (Aboriginal Anatolians) on the Tepekule, 2 miles north of the modern city. It was the birthplace of Homer who wrote 'The Illiad'. Izmir, changed hands among different nations; Aeolians (11th c B.C.), Lydians (7 c B.C.), Hellenistic (4c B.C.), Romans (1c B.C.), Byzantines (4c A.D.), Seljuk Turks (11c A.D.), Ottomans (1415 A.D.). In the 18th and 19th centuries Izmir maintained its position as one of the most prosperous cities of the Ottoman Empire. Izmir (Smyra) is one of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor mentioned in Revelation. DAY 12 (Wednesday) IZMIR-EPHESUS-IZMIR * SIGHTSEEING: Ancient Site of Ephesus, Ephesus Museum, Basilica of St. John, House of Virgin Mary. Overnight in Izmir. (B,L,D) EPHESUS Today we drive to Selcuk to explore the world-renowned Greco-Roman city of Ephesus and its environs. Ephesus is one of the best-preserved ancient cities in the world. Ephesus is the highlight of every trip to Turkey. During the Roman era Ephesus was known worldwide as a city of trade, art, entertainment, banking and finance. Ephesus was extremely a wealthy city. It was a dream city that everybody at the time wanted to see Ephesus at least once in his/her life. It was founded at the end of the old Silk Road, where the merchants from east and west used to meet and has always been coveted by different conquerors because of its location. First built in the 12th century B.C., Ephesus was occupied by Lydians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans. Under Emperor Augustus, Ephesus reached its peak as the capital of the Roman Province of Asia Minor. It was one of the three largest cities with a population of 250.000.000 in the Roman Empire. Many different religious were practiced in Ephesus. In 53 A.D. St. Paul preached and attempted to spread Christianity in Ephesus. You will truly feel you have traveled back in time, as you stroll along the 2.000 year old marble streets such famous sites as the Agora, the Bath, the private (terrace) houses, the gymnasium, the library of Celcius, and the theater. In the afternoon we visit the Ephesus Museum, which homes to many relics from Ephesus, the Temple of Artemis (one of the seven wonders of the world), the Basilica of St. John and the last earthy home of the Virgin Mary. DAY 13 : (Thursday) PERGAMUM- TROY - CANAKKALE * SIGHTSEEING: Pergamum and Troy. Overnight in Canakkale. (B,L,D) PERGAMUM Drive north along the Aegean coast to ancient Pergamum which once was the rival city of Ephesus and it was the capital of the rich Pergamum Kingdom before the Roman Empire. It was an advanced city specializing in commerce, culture, art and medicine. Galen, the great physician and the medical authority of ancient time grew and worked as a doctor in Pergamum's healing center of Asclepion. Pergamum was the city that invented parchement and created the great library of Pergamum that once housed over 200.000 scrolls by King Attalus (that was later given to Cleopatra by Anthony as a wedding gift). We explore the Acropolis, home to the Altar of Zeus, the Temple of Trojan, the steepest theatre, the Temple of Athena and stroll through the remains of the Asclepion, one of the foremost medical center of ancient times TROY Continue to the legendary Troy immortalized in Homer's Illiad. Troy was discovered by Henrich Schliemann in 1871 who used Homer's Illiad to locate the site and uncovered four ancient superimposed towns (nine have been found since). He also found the treasures of Troy II. According to Homer's Illiad, this is the town of Illium where the battle of Troy took place during the 1200s B.C. with Agamemnon, Achilles, Odysseus, Patroclus and Nestor on the Greek side and Priam, Hector and Paris on Trojan side. This was the first war between the Europeans and the Asians. This 10 year war finally ended when Greeks invaded Troy using the famous wooden horse. Excavations have unearthed 46 levels of occupation and nine cities or settlements, dating from 3000- 2500 B.C. to 400 A.D. have been identified. Troy I (3000-2500 B.C.) was a small fortification, Troy II (2500-2200 B.C.) is one of the first cities in Western Asia Minor to show evidence of town-planning, Troy III to Troy V (2300-1800 B.C.) were settlements of minor importance. The population probably supported itself by farming and fishing. Troy VI (1800-1275 B.C.) is the city presumed to be Homer's Troy (Truva), which was ingaged in the Trojan War. Troy IX (350 B.C.-400 A.D.) was the Hellenistic and Roman city. We see the remains have survived including a defense wall, palaces, gates and two sanctuaries (18th century B.C.), megaron type of houses and pillar house which is assumed to be Palace of King Priam mentioned in the Illiad and the replica of the famous Wooden Horse used during the Trojan War. DAY 14 (Friday) DARDANELLES - GALLIPOLI - ISTANBUL * SIGHTSEEING: Gallipoli and Grand Bazaar. Overnight in Istanbul. (B,L,D) GALLIPOLI In the morning, we cross the Dardanelles strait to Gallipoli, site of the infamous World War I Battle. The Gallipoli Peninsula was the scene of one of the most notorious military campaigns of World War I. The Allied assault in 1915, involving Australians, British, New Zealand, and French forces, aimed to control the narrow strait of Dardanelles and capture Istanbul, put an end to the Ottoman Empire and securing an ice-free passage to supply arms and food to Russia and open another front against Germans. Lord Winston Churchil organized a naval (A strong Franco-British fleet) assault on the strait (Dardanelles) in March 1915 but failed. Then, on 25 April 1915 the Allies' troops were landed on Gallipoli but met with fierce resistance from the Turks, who were under the leadership Lieutenant- Colonel Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk). After nine months of ferocious combat but little progress, the Allied forces were withdrawn. The cost in human lives and suffering was terrible, with around 250.000 dead wounded on each side. The Anzacs (Australia and New Zealand Army Corps) saw some of the worst fighting and suffered the heaviest casualties- the beach where they landed has been named Anzac Cove in their honor. The whole peninsula is a vast memorial, with plaques describing the progress of the campaign, and monuments to the soldiers of the Allied and Turkish armies. There are now more than 31 war cemeteries on the peninsula as well as several important monuments. We visit the War Museum, which houses many belongings of soldiers died in the battle. Next visit the Lone Pine Cemetery where the largest Australian Memorial stands is notable in the history of Anzac. It was the scene of the two terrific battles. Note the names of soldiers along the walls of memorial who died in battle here. We drive uphill towards Chunuk Bair (Conk Bayiri), the main objective of the Anzacs and key to the Dardanelles (the strategic dominating hill). Here we see the Anzac Monument, Turkish trenches and a statue of Mustafa Kemal Pasa (Ataturk), was the general who saved Gallipoli for the Turks with his shrewd tactics and inspirational leadership. He commanded many of the battles from this hilltop. Assign marks the place where Kemal (Ataturk) was struck by a piece of shrapnel, but saved by his pocket watch. Afterward, we drive to the historic town of Gelibolu. The first town on the Peninsula is Gelibolu, a small fishing port on the Dardanelles. The town has a tiny, picturesque harbor overlooked by a medieval Byzantine castle, and lined with fish stalls and restaurants. It was the first town in Europe taken by Turks, then extended their borders as far as Viena. After lunch, we drive along the Sea of Marmara to Istanbul, the only city that truly bridges Europe and Asia. GRAND BAZAAR We visit the covered Grand Bazaar (this labyrinth of streets covered by painted vaults is lined with more than 3500 of booth-like shops.). The Grand Bazaar was built between 1455-1461 by Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror in an attempt to enrich the economic life in the city. Today, shops selling the same kind of merchandise tend to be congregated in their own streets or in hans this was originally the Ottoman system. The atmosphere of the Grand Bazaar is very interesting for tourists and hans consequently become a very popular place for foreign visitors. Enjoy your farewell dinner. DAY 15 (Saturday) DEPARTURE FROM ISTANBUL An Esendal Tourism representative escorts you to the airport for the flight home. (B) [demime 0.97c-p1 removed an attachment of type application/ms-tnef which had a name of winmail.dat] ------------------------------ End of digest V11 #970 *********************************************