From: ( digest) To: Subject: digest V11 #893 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk digest Tuesday, September 11 2007 Volume 11 : Number 893 Today's Subjects: ----------------- DAILY ISTANBUL TOUR PROGRAM FOR CRUISE TRAVELLERS ["esendalltravel" Subject: DAILY ISTANBUL TOUR PROGRAM FOR CRUISE TRAVELLERS ESENDAL INTERNATIONAL TOURISM & TRAVEL ATAKOY 11. KISIM CIGDEM BLOK NO: 28 34750 ISTANBUL / TURKEY PHONE : +90 212 661 57 35-37 FAX : +90 212 661 57 99 or DAILY ISTANBUL TOUR PROGRAM FOR CRUISE TRAVELLERS Morning pick up from the port of Istanbul at 9.00 a.m. The guests will take city tour of Istanbul include visit to highlights of Istanbul. We first visit the Hippodrome where the chariot races and athletic events took place during the Roman period and nearby Blue Mosque famous for its magnificent interior with 20.000 blue Iznik tiles. Originally built as a complex in 1616 by Mehmet Aga, a student of the great architect Sinan. We proceed to Underground Cistern (Yerebatan Sarayi) is by the largest of the many underground cisterns of the city remaining from Roman times and then we visit Museum of St. Sophia (Hagia Sophia). The masterpiece of Byzantine architecture and is one of the most extraordinary buildings in the history of architecture. 1400 years old. It stands as a testament to the sophistication of the 6th century Byzantine capital and was of paramount influence on architecture in the following centuries. The vast edifice was built over two earlier churches and inaugurated by Emperor Justinian in 537. In the 15th century the Ottomans converted it into a mosque. After Hagia Sophia we visit The Topkapi Palace Museum, the great palace of the Ottoman Sultans and enjoy the dazzling displays of their treasures, the unique collection of Chinese, Japanese, Porcelains and the countries of arts. The Topkapi Palace located on the peninsula that overlooks the Golden Horn, the Bosphorus and the Sea of Marmara, Topkapi Palace is the oldest and largest of the remaining palaces in the world. It was the official residence and government head quarters of the Ottoman Empire from 1479 until 1856. Here you will see the many remnants of the Sultans privileged life as you walk through mother-of-pearl doorways, past Iznik tiled interiors and see jeweled costumes from the emerald encrusted Topkapi Dagger to the priceless Chinese and Japanese porcelains and the in famous, pear-shaped 86-carot kasikci (Spoon maker's) diamond. See the sultans spiritual treasures as well, including the Holy Relics of Islam brought from Egypt in the 16th century such as the personal garments of the prophet Mohammed and one of the oldest copies of the Koran. We visit the Grand Bazaar and handcraft center. The Grand Bazaar is the oldest and largest covered market place in the world, its labyrinth tunnels (streets) covered by painted vaults is lined with more than 3500 of booth like shops. The Grand Bazaar was built between 1455 - 1461 by Sultan Mehmet the conqueror in an attempt to enrich the economic life in the city. Today, shops selling the same kind of merchandise tend to be congregated in their own streets or in Hans this was originally the Ottoman System. The atmosphere of the Grand Bazaar is very interesting for tourists and transfer back to Port at 5.00 p.m. [demime 0.97c-p1 removed an attachment of type application/ms-tnef which had a name of winmail.dat] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 17:52:40 +0900 (JST) From: =?ISO-2022-JP?B?QmlnYm9zcyAbJEJETD8uGyhC?= Subject: =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCIiEbKEIgGyRCOiM+LCROTDVOQSVsJV0hPCVIJEckOSR oIUEhITJUJC4kckA4JF89UCQ5S2JLISROJDMkSCRQGyhCIDEwOBskQkEqGyhC?= ammf-digest@smoe.orgさん、こんばんは! 「Bigboss通信」です。                。:’* + ☆°・               。:’* + ☆°・ ‥.゜★。°: ゜・ 。 *゜・:゜☆                ┌───┐               /\ へ / ̄V   ロロ | /\   / ̄\         |田 L  旧    ロロ └ | 日 | _| 田 |   ∵¨∵¨∵¨∵¨∵¨∵¨∵¨∵¨∵¨∵¨∵¨∵¨∵¨∵¨∵¨∵¨∵¨∵¨∵¨∵¨∵¨∵¨∵ ==============【 今日の復習 】======================================= ■ 本気で稼ぎたい人は、すぐに取り掛かってください   ⇒ ★ 7分でパクリのコツがつかめます   ⇒ 【驚愕】1時間で作成!!3日で1000アクセス達成!!   ⇒ ★ ホント? NHKも取材したネットゲームで毎月240万円稼ぐ方法   ⇒ ■ 59分で誰でも情報起業家デビュー!!即売り上げGETできますよ!   ⇒ ”セカンドライフで年収3,000万円稼ぐ方法。”   ⇒ - ------- PR -------------------------------------------------------- ※ 我が「岡田塾」塾長、岡田さんの久々の新レポートです!   もちろん、超お薦め!   その名も【 縁 縁 】岡田さんらしいステキなレポートです。   是非、ご覧下さい。 今なら\5,000 です ^^   『 人の縁が円を呼ぶ! 人脈構築法 【 縁 縁 】』   【 縁 】は縁まかせではなく、自ら構築するものです。  ⇒ ===================================================================== ◆ 今宵の無料レポートですよ〜 ◇ アフィリエイター・松下幸之助★稼ぎを生み出す魔法のことば 108選  皆さんよくご存知、松下電器グループの創設者で 経営の神様 と呼ばれる 故「松下幸之助」氏。 氏は生前、数多くの「金言」「格言」を残してきました。 添田も好きで、よく読ませて頂いています。 今回は「松下幸之助が、もしアフィリエイターだったら?」 そんな視点から、現代アフィリエイターの≪気づき≫に役だつ ことばを108個選出し、現代風にアレンジしてみました。 これを読んだからといって、突然お金が降ってくる訳ではありません。 成約率が急激に増えることもないでしょう。 しかし、インターネットでビジネス(アフィリエイト)をしていくうえで 必ず何かの「ヒント」になるはずです。 ここに集めた「魔法のことば」から アナタの≪気づき≫をみつけてください。   ⇒ ◇検索エンジンは友達!SEOコンサルが贈る【鬼SEO】タイトル編  プログラマ兼SEOコンサルタントも務める筆者が、 SEOにおけるタイトルの重要性を完全暴露。 SEOの知識から、ブログへの発展までの小手ワザを公開します。   ⇒ ◇【投資のプロが本音を語る!】本当に株・FXで儲かるのは・・・  10年先を行く海外事情に詳しい、億を運営する投資のプロが 『日本の株・FXの情報販売・システムトレードについて』本音で語る!! 本当に儲かるのは・・・ 億を運営する投資のプロに日本の株・FXの情報販売・システムトレードや、海外事情について 本音で語ってもらった、インタビュー内容をすべて公開!!   ⇒ ◇もう仲介手数料を払う必要はありません(賃貸編)  仲介手数料は払わないといけないと思っていませんか? そんな事はありません。 仲介手数料は払わなくてもいい方法があるんです。 不動産会社で6年以上働いていた経験のある 僕がその方法を伝授いたします。 仲介手数料といっても結構な金額になるので、 お部屋を借りるときはこのレポートを活用してください。   ⇒ ◇ ★★これがホンマモノの株の長期投資★★  巷では「株式投資は長期投資が一番!」と力説する人が多いですよね? しかし、現実に株の長期投資をやっているで儲かっている人は 全体の何パーセントいるでしょうか?疑問に残ります。 年に何回か発生する暴落相場や世界同時株安などで果たして 「株は長期的に持ち続けていれば良い」・・と言ってられるでしょうか? 当無料レポートは、「ヒネリを加えた長期投資」の株マニュアルです。 またFXや商品先物取引でも応用可能です。 相場でメシを食っているプロはどんなやり方をしているかを 知りたい方は是非購読をお勧めします。   ⇒ ◇ 初心者でもMT4 をエックスサーバーにインストールするのは本当に簡単  MT4 の無償ライセンスの提供が始まりましたので、早速インストールしてみました。 MT4 のバージョンアップはあまりにも簡単で、拍子抜けするかもしれません。 バージョンアップをする方法と通常インストールする方法に分けて説明しました。   ⇒ ◇レムが犯した属性における典型的な失敗例と衝撃の新事実を大暴露!!  『インフォアナリスト@レムが犯した属性における典型的な失敗例と衝撃の事実を大暴露!! 〜これを知らないと遠回りします〜 [物販アフィリエイト分析結果報告書] インフォアナリスト@レムが、 物販アフィリエイトのサイトを作っている時に犯した「属性のミス」について 典型的な失敗例を詳細に解説♪ メルマガアフィリエイトにも応用できます。   ⇒ ◇ ブログにあの上から落ちてくるホバーウインドウを設置して見ませんか?  最近色々なブログやサイトでよく見る 上から、スーっと落ちてくる ポップアップウインドウとも違う” あの気になるやつです” 情報商材のセールスページでもよく見ますよね。 あのウインドウの設置の仕方をPDFにまとめました。 簡単に出来るので お試しどうぞ♪   ⇒ ◇ 競馬必勝テクニックPart1  徹底的に競馬で儲け続ける為のノウハウ集!! 競馬で儲ける方法をお探しのあなた!チャンスです!! 競馬で儲ける方法を大暴露しちゃいます!! 競馬で儲ける為の方法を徹底的にご紹介し、誰でも実践出来るよう、 失敗しない為の注意点や、対策もしっかりご説明。 あなたの競馬を勝利に導くお助けになるよう、競馬にあまり詳しく ない方にも解るよう解説しております。 競馬で儲ける方法をお探しの方、是非読んでくでさい!!   ⇒ ◇【蔵之介流】元ジョッキーが語る札幌競馬場を完全攻略する方法  このレポートは、蔵之介の友人でもある【元ジョッキー】の方に 教えてもらった札幌競馬場を完全攻略する方法です。 競馬というものは、競馬場によって【クセ】があるんです、じつは・・・ たとえば、東京競馬場にはゴール前に長い直線、急な坂があったり、 福島競馬場は小さかったり、その競馬場独特の【クセ】があるんです。 知っているのと、知らないのでは大違いです。 馬券対象の馬が変わってきますから・・・ だって、スピードが持ち味の馬とパワーやスタミナが持ち味の馬と では、能力を発揮できる場所が変わってきます。 ですので、このレポートでは、一つ一つの競馬場の特性を把握して もらい、あなたの競馬ライフに活用していただけたらと思います。 競馬場へのお供として、プリントアウトでもしてくださいね(笑)   ⇒ ◇ パチスロ5号機で勝つ為に  この無料レポートはパチスロ5号機で勝つための基本的な事を書いています。 分かってはいてもなかなか実行出来ない方も居ると思います。 毎月収支をプラスにしたい方や、負けたくない方は是非一読してください。 僕が身を持って知った事を書いています   ⇒ ◇ 総額15万円分 アドセンス用記事!各500文字×300記事プレゼント! 自由に使えるライター書き下ろしの記事を300個プレゼント。 ◇ ■月に100万円稼げる■報酬50倍!今が旬!アフィリエイト究極の完成版! ◇ 携帯アフィリエイトの指南動画 携帯アフィリエイトでは一体何をしたらよいのか。 ◇ 【再配布可】超初心者が無料で画像付きPDFファイルを確実に作成できる【図解入り】簡単マニュアル ◇ 【競馬】わずか4点買いで三連単を当てまくって大稼ぎしてしまう方法。 ◇ シンプルイズベスト!人の心理を利用した無料レポートサクッとDL術 無料レポートDL以外にも物販でも使えるテクニックです☆ ◇ 画期的キャプチャーソフト ブラウザのツールバーから簡単キャプチャー キャプチャーツールを設定して簡単キャプチャーしちゃいましょー☆ ◇ 自信をつけあなたの中のわくわくを目覚めさせる実践レポート 自信をつけて、あなたの中にあるわくわくを発見する無料レポートです。 ◇ 脱がして女の子とイッキに仲良くなる方法 ◇ 沈黙より怖い!これを知らなきゃ嫌われ者!読んですぐ実行すれば人気者になれる実践会話術 あなたは、女性に伝えたいことをうまく話できていますか? ◇ 「これであなたもスヤスヤ眠れる!安眠・快眠生活を送る12の法則」 睡眠について調べているときに、夜なかなか寝付けなくて悩んでいる人が多いことを知りました。 ◇ 「1日15時間寝ても睡眠不足・不眠を感じていた男が話す安眠・快眠生活を送る方法〜序章〜」 この無料レポートではまず睡眠スタイルを知ることをお伝えしています。 ◇ 【再配布】初心者向けメール配信スタンド登録方法 良いレポートが見つかりましたか? もっと必要な情報をお探しなら、 こちらもご覧下さい。⇒ 良いレポートが見つかりましたか? もっと必要な情報をお探しなら、 ・こちらもご覧下さい。⇒ ・女性のあなた!お薦めですよ ⇒ New! ●【らくぞう】はこちらから。 ●【スゴワザ】はこちらから入れます ●【激増】はこちらから ●【無料情報ドットコム】はこちらから。 ●【メルぞう】はこちらから。 ※お気に入りにブックマークして  図書館としてお使い下さい。便利ですよ〜♪ 今日も最後までお読みいただき、 ありがとうございます m(_ _)m 。                           感謝!  Bigboss 購読を解除したい場合は、お手数ではございますが、 こちらのページから解除願います。 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 11:55:46 +0300 From: "esendalltravel" Subject: =?iso-8859-9?Q?ISTANBUL_PACKAGE_2007_/_5_N=DDGHT__6_DAYS_?= ESENDAL INTERNATIONAL TOURISM & TRAVEL ATAKOY 11. KISIM CIGDEM BLOK NO: 28 34750 ISTANBUL / TURKEY PHONE : +90 212 661 57 35-37 FAX : +90 212 661 57 99 or ISTANBUL PACKAGE 2007 5 NIGHTS / 6 DAYS DAY 01: (Saturday) IN ISTANBUL Arrive in Istanbul, meet, assist and transfer to your hotel. After an orientation city tour (if time permits) check in your hotel for overnight. DAY 02: (Sunday) ISTANBUL After breakfast, full day sightseeing of Istanbul including visit to the *Museum of Turkish and Islamic Art housed in a grand vizier's restored palace. It was the grandest private residence ever built in the Ottoman Empire. Then continue to visit the ancient Hippodrome where the chariot races and competitive athletic events took place during the Roman period. See the Egyptian obelisk; visit Sultan Ahmet Mosque which is also called ''Blue Mosque'' because of its blue tiles. Then visit to Underground Cistern this water reservoir is by far the largest of the many underground cisterns in the city remaining from the Roman times rebuilt by Justinian after Nika Revolt in 532. We continue our visit with the Saint Sophia Church (Museum) the masterpiece of Byzantine architecture is one of the most extraordinary buildings in the history of architecture. 1400 years old. It stands as a testament to the sophistication of the 6th - century Byzantine capital and was of paramount influence on architecture in the following centuries. The vast edifice was built over two earlier churches and inaugurated by Emperor Justinian in 537. In the 15th century the ottomans converted it into a mosque. Continue to visit, the magnificent Topkapi Palace overlooking the Bosphorus and Sea of Marmara, the great palace of the Ottoman sultans from the 15th to the 19th centuries is the most extensive and fascinating monument of Ottoman civil architecture in existence. The treasury section has the richest collection of its kind in the world. Worldwide famous 'Jeweled Ceremonial Helmet', 'The Topkapi Dagger', 'The Kasikci Diamond are all in Topkapi Palace Museum. In addition to its architectural and historical interest, as a museum, Topkapi Palace houses priceless, superb and unrivaled collections of Chinese and Japanese porcelains, armors, fabrics, jewels, illuminated manuscripts, calligraphy, holy relics and many objects of art formerly belonging to the Sultans; robes worn by the sultans and their families, and countless works of arts. The treasury section has the richest collection of its kind in the world. Worldwide famous 'Jeweled Ceremonial Helmet', 'The Topkapi Dagger', 'The Kasikci Diamond are all in Topkapi Palace Museum. Return to hotel for overnight and Christmas Eve (B, L) * The visiting of the Turkish and Islamic Art Museum can be replaced with the Archeological Museum! DAY 03: (Monday) ISTANBUL Today we visit the hidden districts of old Istanbul. We first visit The Suleymaniye Mosque; the old Istanbul's most important mosque is both a tribute to its architect, the great Sinan, and a fitting memorial to its founder, Suleyman the Magnificent. The aesthetic supremacy of its interior and exterior, and its perfect proportions have captivated visitors for centuries. It was built above the Golden Horn in the grounds of the old palace, eski saray, between 1550-57. Like the city's other imperial mosques, the Suleymaniye Mosque was not only a palace of worship, but also a charitable foundation, or kulliye . The mosque surrounded by its former hospital, soup kitchen, schools, caravanserai and bath house. This complex provided a welfare system which fed over 1,000 of the city's poor- Muslims, Christians and Jews alike-every day. Next we visit the old city walls. Istanbul's city walls are one of the most impressive remains of the city's Byzantine past, with its 11. fortified gates and 192 towers, this great chain of double walls sealed Constantinople's landward side against invasion for more than a thousand years. Extending for a distance of 6.5 km (4 miles) from the Sea of Marmara to the Golden, we continue our visit with Kariye (Chora) Museum) the old church of St. Saviour in Chora treasuring the marvelous and superbly preserved mosaics and frescoes, among the evocative of all of the city's Byzantine treasures, which represents scenes drawn from the life cycle of the life of the Virgin and of Christ ,it is the most interesting Byzantine church in Istanbul after Hagia Sophia. Very close to the Kariye Museum there stands one of the most remarkable Byzantium palaces. It is known in Turkish as Tefkur Sarayi, or the Palace of the Sovereign though it is sometimes called the Palace of the Porpyrogenitus. It was the last residence of Byzantine Emperor before it was taken by the Ottoman Turks. After short walking through the old neighborhood, we come to the last mysterious Byzantine Dungeons, the most important constructions remaining from the Byzantine Empire where the important people imprisoned are highly worth to visit. Eyup district the second most important holy shrine after Mekka, the Jewish and Christian neighborhood on Golden Horn, Pierre Loti House which has best panoramic view of old city in the Golden Horn where famous French writer and officer Pierre Loti used to go and drink his Turkish coffee as Turkish people sipping nowadays. Minia Turk the model park of ancient monuments in Turkey and Koc Museum these are all on the Golden Horn bank, and last we enjoy walking and shopping tour in Istiklal Street, was formerly the Grande Rue De Pera. It was the street with smart shops, several large Embassies and churches, many impressive residential buildings and scattering tea shops, cafes and restaurants. Renovation has restored much of its appeal. It is now a pedestrian way with many cafes, restaurants, shops and art galleries which attract many local people. Return back to back your hotel for overnight. (B, L) DAY 04: (Tuesday) ISTANBUL After breakfast, depart from hotel for a visit to the Dolmabahce Palace built in the 19th century by Sultan Abdulmecit, it has an impressive six hundred meters frontage on the Bosphorus. The most important part is the vast reception salon, with 56 columns and a huge crystal chandelier weighing 4.5 tons with 750 lights. Then enjoy the Bosphorus Trip by boat or by bus (due to the weather condition) with an opportunity to take photographs of marble palaces, ancient wooden villas of Ottoman Architecture. Visit the Sadberk Hanim Museum in Sariyer. It is an old late 19th century Ottoman Yali bought by the richest businessman of Turkey Vehbi Koc. It's founded and opened as a museum by this wife Sadberk Koc in 1980. There are two sections: Old Villa Section, which has exhibits ranging in date from the early Islamic Era, Seljuk and Ottoman period the objects include metal work, imperial monograms in silver, jewelry, Turkish tiles and pottery from Iznik ( Nicea), Kutahya and Canakkale. On the upper floor there are traditional Turkish scenes including a bridal shower, a circumcision bed, maternity room, there are also beautiful examples of Ottoman costumes and Turkish embroideries. The archeological section of the museum has some 7000 antiques arranged in chronological order from different p art of Anatolia throughout different civilizations. After visiting Sak}p Sabanci Art Museum we visit Spice Bazaar (Egyptian Bazaar) an exotic food and spice market where the air is filled with the enticing aromas of several spices, herbs and dried fruits, nuts. The merchants selling honey, herbal teas, scarves, some jewelry beside the several herbs and spices. Outside, to the left there is a wonderful flower and bird market, and to the right , merchants busily sell vegetables, cheese, olive, fish with lots of local color, and Turkish coffee ,Last we visit the worldwide known Grand Bazaar Most foreigners find the Covered Bazaar one of the most fascinating and irresistible attractions of Istanbul. It is the oldest and largest covered market place in the world, its labyrinth tunnels (streets) covered by painted vaults is lined with more than 3500 of booth -like shops. The Grand Bazaar was built between 1455-1461 by Sultan Mehmet the conqueror in an attempt to enrich the economic life in the city. Today, shops selling the same kind of merchandise tend to be congregated in their own streets or in Hans this was originally the Ottoman system. We return to our hotel for overnight. (B, L) DAY 05: (Wednesday) ISTANBUL -EPHESUS -ISTANBUL Morning transfer to the airport for a short flight to Izmir Airport; drive to Selcuk to explore worldwide known Gerko-Roman city of Ephesus and its environs. Ephesus is one of the best preserved cities in the world. Ephesus is the highlight of every trip to Turkey. During the Roman era Ephesus was known worldwide a city of trade, art, entertainment, banking, finance and religious sanctuary. Ephesus was extremely a wealthy city. It was a dream city that everybody at the time wanted to see Ephesus. This was the capital of the Roman province of Asia and ornamented with magnificent public buildings. It was the most bustling metropolis in the world, with a population of 250,000. Ephesus had streetlights, and running water .It was a nerve center for the world's commerce, joining the western end of the Royal Road to Babylon with Mediterranean Sea trade. Ephesus appears to have attracted settlers from the earliest times. Ionian Greeks settled in Ephesus in about 1000 B.C and it soon rose to fame as a center for the worship of Cybele, the Anatolian mother goddess, who was eventually merged with the Greek Artemis. The great Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, was erected in her honor. The city we see today was founded in the 4th century B.C by Alexander the Great's successor, Lysimacus. But it was under the Romans that Ephesus became the chief port on the Aegean. Most of the surviving structures date from this period. As the harbor silted up the city declined, but played an important role in the spread of Christianity. Two great councils of the early church were held here in AD 431 and 449. It is said that the Virgin Mary spent her last years nearby and that St. John the Evangelist came here to look after her. Visit the ruins Gymnasiums, Agoras, Odeon, Monumental Fountains, City Hall, Basilica, Bath, Public Toilets, Brothel, the Celcius Library, Marble Streets, Great Theatre, Double Church and Stadium. After lunch visit the Basilica of St. John and his Tomb, Ephesus Museum, Temple of Artemis and the Shrine of Virgin Mary. It is recorded that St. John brought the Virgin Mary to Ephesus after the death of Christ and that a small house was built for her on Bulbuldagi (Mount Nightingale) where she spent her last days. This house is a popular pilgrimage place for Christians and Moslems and has received the official sanction of the Vatican .Both Pope Paul VI in 1967 and Pope John Paul 11 in 1979 have celebrated mass here. Afterwards drive back to Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport for a short flight to Istanbul and transfer from Istanbul Ataturk Airport to your hotel for overnight. (B, L) DAY 06: (Thursday) DEPARTURE FROM ISTANBUL After breakfast, transfer from hotel to Istanbul Ataturk Airport for your flight back. (B) INCLUDED FEATURES: 5 Nights Hotel Accommodation in Istanbul on BB (Bed & Breakfast) Base 3 Full days Sightseeing tour in Istanbul as indicated in the itinerary All entrance fees to the museums and sites Service of Professional Tour Guide throughout the tour Airport- hotel- airport transfers and ground transportation by A/C vehicle Boat Trip on the Bosphorus by public boat Daily breakfasts and 4 Lunches and tips at restaurants Service charge, local tax and internal return flight(Istanbul-Izmir-Istanbul) Internal return flight (Istanbul-Izmir-Istanbul) NOT INCLUDED: International Air Fare Travel Insurance Beverages and dinners Extra expenses at hotel PLEASE CONTACT US FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND GROUP RATES [demime 0.97c-p1 removed an attachment of type application/ms-tnef which had a name of winmail.dat] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 11:55:21 +0300 From: "esendalltravel" Subject: DAILY EPHESUS TOUR PROGRAM FOR CRUISE TRAVELLERS ESENDAL INTERNATIONAL TOURISM & TRAVEL ATAKOY 11. KISIM CIGDEM BLOK NO: 28 34750 ISTANBUL / TURKEY PHONE : +90 212 661 57 35-37 FAX : +90 212 661 57 99 or DAILY EPHESUS TOUR PROGRAM FOR CRUISE TRAVELLERS Morning pick up from the port. Drive to Selcuk (one hour drive) to explore the world-renowned Greco-Roman city of Ephesus and its environs. Ephesus is one of the best preserved cities in the world. Ephesus is the highlight of every trip to Turkey. During the Roman era Ephesus was known worldwide a city of trade, art, entertainment, banking, finance and religious sanctuary. Ephesus was extremely a wealthy city. It was a dream city that everybody at the time wanted to see Ephesus. This was the capital of the Roman province of Asia and ornamented with magnificent public buildings. It was the most bustling metropolis in the world, with a population of 250,000. Ephesus had streetlights, and running water .It was a nerve center for the world's commerce, joining the western end of the Royal Road to Babylon with Mediterranean sea trade. Ephesus appears to have attracted settlers from the earliest times. Ionian Greeks settled in Ephesus in about 1000 B.C and it soon rose to fame as a center for the worship of Cybele, the Anatolian mother goddess, who was eventually merged with the Greek Artemis. The great Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, was erected in her honor. The city we see today was founded in the 4th century B.C by Alexander the Great's successor, Lysimacus. But it was under the Romans that Ephesus became the chief port on the Aegean. Most of the surviving structures date from this period. As the harbor silted up the city declined, but played an important role in the spread of Christianity. Two great councils of the early church were held here in AD 431 and 449. It is said that the Virgin Mary spent her last years nearby and that St. John the Evangelist came here to look after her. Visit the ruins Gymnasiums, Agoras, Odeon, Monumental Fountains, City Hall, Basilica, Bath, Public Toilets, Brothel, the Celcius Library, Marble Streets, Great Theatre, Double Church and Stadium. After lunch visit the Basilica of St. John and his Tomb, Ephesus Museum, Temple of Artemis and the Shrine of Virgin Mary. Afterwards drive back to port. [demime 0.97c-p1 removed an attachment of type application/ms-tnef which had a name of winmail.dat] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 11:55:34 +0300 From: "esendalltravel" Subject: DAILY ISTANBUL TOUR PROGRAM FOR CRUISE TRAVELLERS ESENDAL INTERNATIONAL TOURISM & TRAVEL ATAKOY 11. KISIM CIGDEM BLOK NO: 28 34750 ISTANBUL / TURKEY PHONE : +90 212 661 57 35-37 FAX : +90 212 661 57 99 or DAILY ISTANBUL TOUR PROGRAM FOR CRUISE TRAVELLERS Morning pick up from the port of Istanbul at 9.00 a.m. The guests will take city tour of Istanbul include visit to highlights of Istanbul. We first visit the Hippodrome where the chariot races and athletic events took place during the Roman period and nearby Blue Mosque famous for its magnificent interior with 20.000 blue Iznik tiles. Originally built as a complex in 1616 by Mehmet Aga, a student of the great architect Sinan. We proceed to Underground Cistern (Yerebatan Sarayi) is by the largest of the many underground cisterns of the city remaining from Roman times and then we visit Museum of St. Sophia (Hagia Sophia). The masterpiece of Byzantine architecture and is one of the most extraordinary buildings in the history of architecture. 1400 years old. It stands as a testament to the sophistication of the 6th century Byzantine capital and was of paramount influence on architecture in the following centuries. The vast edifice was built over two earlier churches and inaugurated by Emperor Justinian in 537. In the 15th century the Ottomans converted it into a mosque. After Hagia Sophia we visit The Topkapi Palace Museum, the great palace of the Ottoman Sultans and enjoy the dazzling displays of their treasures, the unique collection of Chinese, Japanese, Porcelains and the countries of arts. The Topkapi Palace located on the peninsula that overlooks the Golden Horn, the Bosphorus and the Sea of Marmara, Topkapi Palace is the oldest and largest of the remaining palaces in the world. It was the official residence and government head quarters of the Ottoman Empire from 1479 until 1856. Here you will see the many remnants of the Sultans privileged life as you walk through mother-of-pearl doorways, past Iznik tiled interiors and see jeweled costumes from the emerald encrusted Topkapi Dagger to the priceless Chinese and Japanese porcelains and the in famous, pear-shaped 86-carot kasikci (Spoon maker's) diamond. See the sultans spiritual treasures as well, including the Holy Relics of Islam brought from Egypt in the 16th century such as the personal garments of the prophet Mohammed and one of the oldest copies of the Koran. We visit the Grand Bazaar and handcraft center. The Grand Bazaar is the oldest and largest covered market place in the world, its labyrinth tunnels (streets) covered by painted vaults is lined with more than 3500 of booth like shops. The Grand Bazaar was built between 1455 - 1461 by Sultan Mehmet the conqueror in an attempt to enrich the economic life in the city. Today, shops selling the same kind of merchandise tend to be congregated in their own streets or in Hans this was originally the Ottoman System. The atmosphere of the Grand Bazaar is very interesting for tourists and transfer back to Port at 5.00 p.m. [demime 0.97c-p1 removed an attachment of type application/ms-tnef which had a name of winmail.dat] ------------------------------ End of digest V11 #893 *********************************************