From: ( digest) To: Subject: digest V3 #471 Reply-To: Sender: Errors-To: Precedence: bulk digest Monday, June 7 1999 Volume 03 : Number 471 Today's Subjects: ----------------- Re: Updated quotes page ["KatieWow" ] Re: Updated quotes page [limezinger@aol.commmmmmmm (LimeZinger)] Re: Updated quotes page [limezinger@aol.commmmmmmm (LimeZinger)] Re: location of fans [Lawrence P Solomon ] Re: Updated quotes page [] Re: Concert review 6/4 and 6/5 [Gruneberg Veronica J <6vjg@qlink.queensu.] Re: Onward and upward [Gruneberg Veronica J <>] Re: Updated quotes page [Joe Navratil ] MF in NE? [ (CC)] Re: Onward and upward [ (Cameron Ross)] Re: Fleadh (Chicago ramblings) [ (Jordan I. K. McClu] OT: Candy-Ass White Boys [CheesemonkeyGem ] Re: Updated quotes page [Mindy J Munson ] one more postcard caption.... [dopeytoo ] Re: Finally~! A Quick&Easy Way To Pay For University *AND* Get Arrested! [ (Srm9988n] Gertler misses tickets [Nat Gertler ] Legal MP3 songs [Casiopea ] Re: Concert review 6/4 and 6/5 [Leah ] Re: Gertler misses tickets [ (Katrin)] Re: Concert review 6/4 and 6/5 [Leah ] fruvous on wcl [] OT: the heat's getting to us all ... (was: Re: Concert review 6/4 and 6/5 [ (Srm998] Re: Updated quotes page ["^kat^" ] Get paid to talk about Science Fiction and Fantasy! A Focus Group in NYC [ (GordonLe] Re: MF in NE? [Chad Maloney ] Re: MF in NE? [sooz ] fruv-a-licious moments [shalini trivedi ] SF Fleadh [ (Steve Hawley)] Re: Fleadh (Chicago ramblings) [ (PISCOPINTO)] Re: Concert review 6/4 and 6/5 [ (Nicole ] OT: Need some music recommendations [ (Nei] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 00:27:20 -0400 From: "KatieWow" Subject: Re: Updated quotes page the story as hKath told it to me: kath was given a gift certificate to chapters (candian superbookstore) and was running back and forth between two aisles trying to decide what to purchase. at one point she just looked up and saw a book with a scary samurai dude on the cover and the title "jian" in big yellow letters. so she bought it for $6,99 and presented it to him in syracuse. the next night in utica he showed it to the crowd and said that it was his latest book, available in the back along with the other merchandise :). judging by the looks of it, i wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole. ~~kate, still wending her way through *love in the time of cholera* - -- Kate Leahy ***************************************************************** "'Jian' is like brush strokes on a canvas . . ." - --A review of 'Jian' as related by Jian, 4.30.99 **************************************************************** ------------------------------ Date: 7 Jun 1999 05:15:11 GMT From: limezinger@aol.commmmmmmm (LimeZinger) Subject: Re: Updated quotes page i wrote: > >02-9599282-2254854 and apparently each computer needs it's own browser id or something. if that link didn't work, this one of the cover ought to. just do a search for the title "jian" as well: sarah * icq #26873712 * mstie #77216 "i said 'already' twice to accentuate the alreadiness of it." - john linnell ------------------------------ Date: 7 Jun 1999 05:11:24 GMT From: limezinger@aol.commmmmmmm (LimeZinger) Subject: Re: Updated quotes page >at one point she just looked up and saw a book with a scary >samurai dude on the cover and the title "jian" in big yellow letters. so >she bought it for $6,99 and presented it to him in syracuse. the next night >in utica he showed it to the crowd and said that it was his latest book, >available in the back along with the other merchandise :). >judging by the looks of it, i wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole. ROTFLMAO! ... could it be... this? 02-9599282-2254854 i know the letters are red but... i can't stop giggling.. sarah * icq #26873712 * mstie #77216 "i said 'already' twice to accentuate the alreadiness of it." - john linnell ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 00:07:45 -0400 From: Lawrence P Solomon Subject: Re: location of fans Excerpts from 6-Jun-99 Re: location of fans by Fru > Wahoo - are we gaining yet? you would be if we U.S. people didn't keep showing up! :) I'm in Pittsburgh, PA, in case anyone is still keeping track... but I'd really rather be Canadian... (and as much as I like Pittsburgh, it only seems to get half the shows that our arch-rivals across the state do :) which would explain why I haven't been to a show in 4 months) Lawrence Solomon "Just because you're floating doesn't mean * This space inadvertently you haven't drowned." -They Might Be Giants * left with stuff in it. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 05:55:03 GMT From: Subject: Re: Updated quotes page In a message dated 6/7/99 12:33:16 AM Central Daylight Time, limezinger@aol.commmmmmmm writes: > oh, and he looks so dreamy too! I can't wait to show this to my friend who swears the cutest one of the lads is Jian. I mean, come on, we all know the cutest is Mur (oooh, don't you just love stirring things up?). maria ------------------------------ Date: 7 Jun 1999 03:19:24 GMT From: Gruneberg Veronica J <> Subject: Re: Concert review 6/4 and 6/5 Cold in California?? Geez, it's bloody HOT here!! Supposedly it's going up to 43 degrees on Tuesday - thank goodness for super-air-conditioned offices. Something about this is very wrong. You're sitting in California complaining about the cold, whereas I am sweltering in Ontario (who knew!) in June in 30 degree weather with the air conditioning already turned on! Something is very wrong here... :) Veronica (celcius, people... celcius) - -- *************************************************************************** "Never look at the trombones, | Veronica Gruneberg it only encourages them." | Dept. of Biology - Richard Strauss | Queen's University | Kingston, Ontario | ICQ#: 38114574 ------------------------------ Date: 7 Jun 1999 03:23:42 GMT From: Gruneberg Veronica J <> Subject: Re: Onward and upward You mean you can be in Ontario politics with an education?? What the...?? (reference to Snoebelin, our former education minister who dropped out of high school. Only in the Harris government) You know... I was thinking the exact same thing as you Irene. Shame we'd have to run for leadership of the same party. :) Veronica (who's high school history told her she'd make a good politician and she wasn't sure whether or not to be insulted by that ) - -- *************************************************************************** "Never look at the trombones, | Veronica Gruneberg it only encourages them." | Dept. of Biology - Richard Strauss | Queen's University | Kingston, Ontario | ICQ#: 38114574 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 08:35:09 -0400 From: Joe Navratil Subject: Re: Updated quotes page LimeZinger wrote: > just do a search for the > title "jian" as well: > > Stolen from the Miami Herald review on Amazon: Jake Maroc is the top agent for the Quarry, the secretive government agency. Nichiren, Jake's sworn enemy, is a cold killer with a deadly secret. Shi Zilin is a wily Communist minister, a survivor of eras in turmoil. Which one of them will emerge the true Jian--the consummate warrior, the man who excels, the supreme master of the arts of love and combat, strength and wisdom? "Consummate warrior"? "Supreme master of the arts of love and combat"? So *that's* what his expression on the postcard is all about... -Joe ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 09:03:13 -0400 From: (CC) Subject: MF in NE? Does anyone know if there are future tour dates planned for New England? - -- remove "nospam" before sending mail ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 14:22:26 GMT From: (Cameron Ross) Subject: Re: Onward and upward Well, you've got my vote, that's for sure :) - - Life101 - "Life is a placebo masquerading as a simile" -They Might Be Giants - -=( || 39307347 )=- ------------------------------ Date: 7 Jun 1999 16:04:16 GMT From: (Jordan I. K. McClure) Subject: Re: Fleadh (Chicago ramblings) Schedule looks good - the only tough conflicts are The Saw Doctors and Black 47 and Van Morrison and Martin Sexton (though true fruheads will get to see Martin on Sunday night, so that's not really a problem). For those interested, the tenative schedule can be found at,2669,SAV-9906060148,FF.html jordan PISCOPINTO ( wrote: : Yay!: : Fruvous at 9:50- no forced decisions b/c it's them or Bootie and the Ho-fish! : (drummer Soni from Naperville IL woohoo) : Yay, Chicago boys the Drovers on the mainstage... lead singer is kinda ditzy : but his long floofy gray hair is cool! : BOOO BOOO BOOOOO, Elvis Costello and Luka Bloom practically playing at the same : time what the hell is that all about?????????????? : dohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!@@#$#$%^^%*)(*&^%$#!@#$%&*(*&^%$#@! : Angel : - -- Fnord is all that and a new pair of shoes. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 17:01:32 GMT From: CheesemonkeyGem Subject: OT: Candy-Ass White Boys >I still stand by my assertion that NSYNC'S JUSTIN >TIMBERLAKE IS A HOTTIE ...ah yes, hes the one with the hair that looks like little curly blonde worms. Noodle-head if you will man, i missed the boat on the whole Nsych craze... I'm waving from the shore... - -jen the "GONNA BE 19 IN 5 DAYS!!!!!!!!" cheesemonkey === The World's Shortest Pessimistic Poem: Hope? Nope. - -Robert Zeal _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 18:12:42 GMT From: Mindy J Munson Subject: Re: Updated quotes page tehe... after seeing the picture Im not *quite* so eager to shop where Kath shops, but it would be a fun recite to have. All my well educated fruvirgins would have a good giggle out of it. fruchild, *canoodle!* ___________________________________________________________________ Get the Internet just the way you want it. Free software, free e-mail, and free Internet access for a month! Try Juno Web: ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 14:10:42 -0400 From: dopeytoo Subject: one more postcard caption.... ...doesn't dave look like he's holding a trivial pursuit card...? Dave: "Ready guys? Okay... Which state has the lowest highest point?" Murray: "Why am I always on Mike's team?" Mike: "Wait, I know it, I've heard this one before...." Jian: "Heh heh... they'll never get it.... I changed the answer on the back of the card..." ------------------------------ Date: 7 Jun 1999 18:05:58 GMT From: (Srm9988n) Subject: Re: Finally~! A Quick&Easy Way To Pay For University *AND* Get Arrested! Debs, the Princess with the plan (and, apparently, access to the printer at the Royal FrüTreasury) bounces in to say: >*Ooohhhhhh THE POSSIBILITIES!* that would be what I was afraid of ... > ....lori! I'm fast on my way to full-on adulthood degeneracy! Aren't you >*proud* frumommy?Y'all should get rowdy for my upcoming > "state-of-the-art" 1-900-sexy-fruline... Debster, honeybunches, you're grounded until 5 pm June 20, when I can supervise you. >Hell, @ the rate I'm going, I'm not gonna get to >Randalls Island for NYC Fleadh, I'll be down the river a bit having a stay @ Rikers! That's why you're grounded. It's for your own good. Really. >*DON'T WE HAVE SCREENING FOR THIS KIND OF CRAP?* ><< Start your own 1-900 business or Adult Web Site Business! Now there is a really good question. Why the full-out spam assault over the last coupla months? We never used to get this much. I guess we're all grown-up and lucrative-looking now or something. I don't *want* amm-f to look like every other freakin' newsgroup! - -- Lori *********** We're born to shimmer, we're born to shine ~~Shawn Mullins (notice he doesn't say anything about *glowing*, which nonetheless is what we do when it's 94F outside. :P ) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 11:52:04 -0700 From: Nat Gertler Subject: Gertler misses tickets Dadgummit, I let my hectic life get me carried away and didn't try to get tickets for tomorrow's Fru show (opening for G Love, whatever the heck that is) until today. Sold out. Dadgummit, it's not like they're in L.A. all the time... - --Nat "Songs For" Gertler ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 02:33:39 +0800 From: Casiopea Subject: Legal MP3 songs Hi, three songs to download for free ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 14:46:27 EDT From: Leah Subject: Re: Concert review 6/4 and 6/5 > > :) Veronica (celcius, people... celcius) > OK, now I feel like a tool. Only after my reply was sent did I read the tag line... =( Leah ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 13:19:56 -0600 From: (Katrin) Subject: Re: Gertler misses tickets In article <>, says... > Dadgummit, I let my hectic life get me carried away and didn't try > to get tickets for tomorrow's Fru show (opening for G Love, whatever the > heck that is) until today. Sold out. Dadgummit, it's not like they're in > L.A. all the time... Heck, come to Boulder on Thursday! I'm sure there are plenty of tickets left. Some of us comic whippersnappers are just dyin' to meetcha! Hey, if you actually show up, I'll even let you sign the Gigantbox. :) k@ ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 14:45:24 EDT From: Leah Subject: Re: Concert review 6/4 and 6/5 Your message confused me to no end. Are you being sarcastic, or are you talking Centigrade? Leah On 7 Jun 1999, Gruneberg Veronica J wrote: > Cold in California?? Geez, it's bloody HOT here!! Supposedly it's going up > to 43 degrees on Tuesday - thank goodness for super-air-conditioned > offices. > > Something about this is very wrong. You're sitting in California > complaining about the cold, whereas I am sweltering in Ontario (who knew!) > in June in 30 degree weather with the air conditioning already turned on! > > Something is very wrong here... > > :) Veronica (celcius, people... celcius) > > -- > *************************************************************************** > "Never look at the trombones, | Veronica Gruneberg > it only encourages them." | Dept. of Biology > - Richard Strauss | Queen's University > | Kingston, Ontario > | ICQ#: 38114574 > > ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 19:42:52 GMT From: Subject: fruvous on wcl I was just wondering if anybody had seen or listened to fruvous on West Coast Live. A station carries it here, but it is on week delay. maria ------------------------------ Date: 7 Jun 1999 20:01:03 GMT From: (Srm9988n) Subject: OT: the heat's getting to us all ... (was: Re: Concert review 6/4 and 6/5 Leah, mid-meltdown, wrote: >> >> :) Veronica (celcius, people... celcius) >> > > >OK, now I feel like a tool. Only after my reply was sent did I read the >tag line... =( As for me, I can't IMAGINE Toronto (or Kingston, or wherever Veronica is this week) at anywhere approaching 109F. Trombone Girl, did you *really* mean 43C? Have you moved to Death Valley? What gives? Iccck. I'm glad I'm in PA, where it's merely a sticky smoggy soup outside. - -- Lori, too wilted to come up with a witty .sig ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 16:22:20 -0400 From: "^kat^" Subject: Re: Updated quotes page >at one point she just looked up and saw a book with a scary >samurai dude on the cover and the title "jian" in big yellow letters. so >she bought it for $6,99 and presented it to him in syracuse. $6.99? whatever! i just bought jian *half off* this afternoon... *grin* i *heart* half price books. newly graduated and seeing fruvous in eight days-- ^kat^ "only shooting stars break the mold" ------------------------------ Date: 7 Jun 1999 20:48:06 GMT From: (GordonLew) Subject: Get paid to talk about Science Fiction and Fantasy! A Focus Group in NYC Hi Fellow Fruheads, I'm recruiting people for a focus group on the evening of June 16, in NYC. I'm looking for fans of science fiction and fantasy. I know I never see the lads perform without talking to fruheads on the line about the HitchHikers Guide, Tolkien, Etc. The group pays $50 and I'd just as soon see the money go to fans of Moxy. We need people ages 18-32. If you are interested call me at work 212-243-0920 or email me with a number where I can reach you. Fruviously Yours, Gordon Nash Research Connections Inc. Feanole ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 15:04:11 -0500 From: Chad Maloney Subject: Re: MF in NE? CC wrote: > > Does anyone know if there are future tour dates planned for New England? Current Tour Date listings can be found at: That page is updated very frequently as new dates pop up. Also, with the new album coming eventually (August 10th is the latest word I hear) there should be an indepth tour to support it. Falconridge is practically New England and it is gonna not only have Fruvous, but Peter Mulvey and EFO and a bazillion other great bands. See for more info on that show too. There's a link to the Falconridge web page on FDC. - Chad ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 21:15:15 GMT From: sooz Subject: Re: MF in NE? > > > > Does anyone know if there are future tour dates planned for New England? > > Current Tour Date listings can be found at: > > I'm also embarking on a campaign to get them at the GeekPride Festival in Boston. The festival is Oct 1-3. You can check out the web site at if you are curious. Details are being worked out, but it should be a blast. If you have questions about the fest, let me know. sooz ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 17:29:30 -0500 From: shalini trivedi Subject: fruv-a-licious moments i was driving to a meeting with the IL dept. of transportation (don't ask me whyt hey sent a 20 y old chem e major to meet with a state civil engineer, i haven't figured it out yet either) last friday when i saw this sign that made me CRACK UP. it was in front of a home & garden store and it said "SOD TODAY" teeheehee...this was on ogden avenue in Downers Grove, in case any of you chicago burb fruheads are curious.....i just had to share! ************************************************ * "...not in the * Shalini Trivedi * * American sense; * Chemical Engineering * * that would be * College of LAS * * insane!" *University of Illinois* * - Jian Ghomeshi * Urbana-Champaign * ************************************************ ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 15:17:19 -0800 From: (Steve Hawley) Subject: SF Fleadh The show was short and sweet and minus a few technical problems (you've never heard bongos until you've heard them sound like they're running through a fuzz-box) and a broken string, a pretty tight gig. The time alotted seemed out of proportion with typical set-up time for a band, but them's the breaks. My SO and I arrived at the tent a few minutes early and spotted Fruheads of various stripes. Sure, it's fun and all, but really, could you be just a _little_ more conspicuous? :') We joined the rush up to the stage as the show began and stayed there standing/swaying/bouncing, but not jumping (you know who you are). Afterwards, I had a copy of B in hand to be autographed while listening to the main stage. Side note: there is clearly a generation gap in Frudom. I was asked if I knew who was performing on the main stage by a much younger fan than I. "Elvis," I stammered. I'm not really an Elvis (that's Costello, not Presley) fan by any stretch, but his voice is certainly distinctive enough to be recognized instantly. Mental note: work on growing old more gracefully and beating respect for elders into the young upstarts...wait, am I thinking this or typing it? D'oh. Kudos to MF for being genial and engaging. I asked Mike if he would sign the CD, "Dear Steve, someone's havin' a bash at Stu! Love, Catherine the Great." and noted that he could leave off the Catherine the Great bit if it made him uneasy. He started laughing and complied --less the CtG bit and was surprised that anyone else remembered that bit of stage banter from Slim's, the last time the Fruboys were in SF. Jian was extremely nice and reacted with appropriate mirth when I told him to "come back here more often, you lipstick-wearing felch monkeys." After some brief small talk, he patted me on the shoulder and said "thanks, Steve." Trivial as it may be, this is just damn good PR. Nice job. - -- Steve Hawley Bit Banger - -- "Worship the potato? The idea seemed silly to me. But then I thought, what else is more deserving of worship? It's simple, it comes from the earth, and it can kill you if you disobey it."--Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey ------------------------------ Date: 7 Jun 1999 23:20:44 GMT From: (PISCOPINTO) Subject: Re: Fleadh (Chicago ramblings) > the only tough conflicts are The Saw Doctors and >Black 47 and Van Morrison and Martin Sexton >(Jordan I. K. McClure) Jordy!!!!! 1st conflict: I find that one legitimate too... as for the 2nd, I remember the last time /I saw Van sing on one of the talk shows, and I wonder how much Guinness he will drink before his set, which should make it all the mroe fun to watch./ Angel the gal you will see running back and forth... Elvis! Luka! Elvis! Luka! ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 23:18:15 GMT From: (Nicole the Wonder Nerd) Subject: Re: Concert review 6/4 and 6/5 On 7 Jun 1999 03:19:24 GMT, someone who looked like Gruneberg Veronica J <> whispered: >Cold in California?? Geez, it's bloody HOT here!! Supposedly it's going up >to 43 degrees on Tuesday - thank goodness for super-air-conditioned >offices. >Something about this is very wrong. You're sitting in California >complaining about the cold, whereas I am sweltering in Ontario (who knew!) >in June in 30 degree weather with the air conditioning already turned on! (Jian commented on this disparity, ending with a resounding "Thanks for nothing, California!") No kidding. Normally at this time of the year the asphalt is boiling here in Sacramento, and all the lesser mortals have fled for normal climates. But noooo, instead we get rain and a steady sucession of icy winds. And there were SNOWDRIFTS on the ground when I went to the mountains on Memorial Day. CHAIN WARNINGS on highway 50 LAST WEEK. Something is severely amiss here. YOU'VE got our weather, and I demand you send it back immediately. If I have to wear a sweatshirt for one more day, I swear I'll go nuts. - --nicole the solar-powered wonder nerd *** "Don't know much about the weight of the world, but the weight on my brain's sure intact... and maybe I'm good at that."--Eddie From Ohio Visit Nicolopolis! Reply-to address is INCORRECT! Think of it as an intelligence test. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 00:13:00 GMT From: (Neil Bardhan) Subject: OT: Need some music recommendations Uh, what do you folks recommend as starter Eddie From Ohio material? I've heard a little from them(namely A Very Fine Funeral, which I looove) and hear the acronym EFO around here a lot, so I figure "If a buncha Früfans can like 'em, I prolly will too!" And also, klezmer music. One is the Flying Bulgar Klezmer Band or somesuch, which I copied down from a friend's CD. I've heard a little Klezmatics. Anything else? :) Neil Neil Bardhan: stage manager,tape trader,CTY Nevermore,Libertarian,and nice guy Smile at every person you see ------------------------------ End of digest V3 #471 ********************************************