First of all, I'll set the picture for you -- I'm an attractive, blond, 15 yr old girl (Actually 15 and 2 weeks). I live on the Gold Coast in Australia. I'm enrolled in a modelling agency here. I had braces, facebow (with only a neck strap), and 2 rubber bands put on about 3 months before my 15th birthday. This is my story: I was sitting out by the pool having a smoke, without my facebow on, waiting for my 16 yr old, non-smoking boyfriend, Mark. He was coming over after being in America for 6 months. I had told him that I got braces, but he hadn't seen them yet. I heard the doorbell ring from outside, and my mother showed him through. I saw him come out the back door. My heart began to race. I didn't know what he'd think. He walked up to me. He was grinning, and the first thing he said was "Show me." I drew on my smoke, then gave him a huge cheesy smile as smoke drifted from my mouth. I expected the worse. I asked him "What do you think?" He stared at them for a while, then he looked into my eyes. What he said shocked me. He said "They're beautiful." Plain and simple. I smiled in relief. Next he asked if he could touch them. I didn't understand why, but I saw no harm in it, so I said okay. I did the cheesy smile again. He put his right hand up, and lightly ran his index finger along them, and the rubber bands. I found it quite bizarre, yet somehow romantic. Similar to caressing someone's hair. Just replace the hair with braces. Well the first part had gone better than I expected. So now the next part - the facebow. I said to him "I have something else to show you. It's inside." I lit up another smoke and we went into my room. We both sat on my bed. I pulled the facebow out of my top drawer. I put it on and faced him. To my surprise, he didn't laugh or even grin. He just ran his finger along it, similar to what he'd done with my braces. It was looking promising. "Can you smoke with it on?" he asked. "Sort of" I said, drawing on my smoke, showing him that I could, although awkwardly. "I love it" he said (He loves seeing me smoke). "Can you kiss with it on?" he asked next. I said that I don't know, so just to be different, we tried it. It too felt a little awkward, and weird, but we could. "I love it even more" he said. I smiled, and we kissed again. This all happened about 2 months ago. Until this incident, I was embarressed to let anyone at all see my braces. Even when I laughed, I used to cover my braces with my lips, as many people do. Now I am always giving full-tooth smiles, and have no fear of showing them off. That is exactly what I do - Show off my braces (I got my picture in a local newspaper for a fashion parade I was in. It has a close-up of my face, showing off my metallic smile). As for my facebow, I only ever wore it when I was at home, and no-one was over. Which was a lot less than I was supposed to (10 hrs a day). Now I am almost always wearing it. So much so, that I sometimes wear it for more hours than I'm supposed to (I can't wear it when modelling). I actually like wearing it now, although it makes it quite awkward to smoke, but I manage. Mark often offers to put on my rubber bands and facebow for me. It may sound a little stupid, but it's actually quite intimate. All-in-all, I think of my braces and facebow as just a form of jewellery, that I have the privellege of being able to wear. I'm considering having them left on after my treatment is actually finished. I think that the moral of the story is: Don't be embarressed of getting braces, because they really are beautiful! Take it from a 15 yr. old model who has them.