I am a 42 year old male. About six months ago I met a great woman and we have dated since, things were going great. She worked as an ortho receptionist and kept try ing to convince me that I should have ortho work d one. As a teenager I absolutely refused to wear braces and headgear even though I really kind of needed them. She was going back to Chicago for ten days to see her family and I figured that it would be a great time to have the braces put on and surprise her. I set everything up with her boss and had the X rays, molds etc. done before she left. It got more complicated and I went from plastic brackets to full bands because of the damage to th e enamel, the combination of overbite/jet etc and for the earlier stages with headgear he felt better with the bands. Anyway I figured what the hell, she'll love me anyway. He puts in the seperators and the day she is to return the bands go on. And they sure did hurt. He also set me up with a combination headgear that I am supposed to wear 14 hours a day. Treatment should take at least three years. So I go home, avoiding talking to anyone because these things do not exactly look good anyway and I'm 42. So I get home to find a message on the answe ring machine that she has decided to move back to Chicago to be with her family, and has already found a new job. She said I should just ship her clothes east to her and she will always love me. There is a moral in this story somewhere, I just dont know what it is. It has been a month since they went on and they still look and feel weird. Joke was on me.